I'm using intellij (10.5) + findbugs under windows.
My problem is that findbugs report me the errors in french.
Only way I could find to have findbugs in english is to do change in regional settings in windows control panel (Control panel\Region and language\formats : changed from french to english).
Is there any other way to tell findbugs to use english ?
Language can be overridden with -Duser.language=en line in IDEA_HOME\bin\idea.exe.vmoptions.
How to change the IDE language from Chinese to English in DevEcoStudio IDE?
Please go to the Settings/Preferences -> Plugins
Look for this plugin in that list:
Uncheck the plugin and restart .Your language will change to English(default).
As i recently switched to Intellij from eclipse, i was looking for a way a way i can make Intellij shortcuts to behave same as Eclipse.
I found that there are individual shortcuts available to be edited, But that is too much time taking.
Any help on locating the easy way out?
If you go to File -> Settings -> Keymap you can choose Eclipse from the dropdown list.
More information regarding keyboard shortcut configuration you could find here.
Personally I would advise to learn the default shortcuts from Intellij IDEA.
There is Eclipse predefined keymap in "Keymap" list at Settings | Keymap.
Also check this article: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/eclipse.html
I'm used to VS code shortcuts, is there anything way I can import vscode shortcuts for IntelliJ Idea.
Intellij officially launched the plugin VSCode Keymap for IntelliJ IDEs
You can download it or add by going to Settings > Plugins and searching for VS Code
In my case,
VScode plugin was already installed.
So I just changed default keymap(windows) to vscode by going through:
settings -> keymap -> updated keymap selection to vscode.
hope it helps someone.
After updated IntelliJ IDEA to 2017.1, I can not any more comment out/in code. I am using a german keyboard and until yet i could use a workaround to comment code in/out with the shortcut "CMD" + "-" but now it isn't working any more. The shortcuts "CMD" + "/" isn't working.
Any ideas to solve this problem on a german keyboard?
You can either reassign this action to the working shortcut in the Keymap preferences or use this workaround:
Install JB SDK Bintray Downloader plugin. You can find it in the plugin repository right in the IDE settings.
Find the action "Get JB SDK from BinTray" (On Mac you can use Cmd + A shortcut to find the action by name)
Choose appropriate Runtime version (build 795 or later)
Download it
Install it
Restart IntelliJ IDEA (it should happen automatically)
Check the IDE About dialog to be sure that the IDE is bootstrapped with the desired version of the runtime
To enable OpenJDK behavior go to Help | Edit Custom Properties, add the following property into the file:
Is there a way to edit rtpdesign-files (used by the BIRT-library) in IntelliJ? Currently, I have to switch between IntelliJ and Eclipse to do the editing.
The graphical editor for rptdesign files is only available for Eclipse. Actuate distribute BIRT through the Eclipse Foundation so I think it's extremely unlikely that they will support other IDEs.
Birt works as a Eclipse Plugin but you can allways use the standalone Birt designer.
Birt Stand Alone Designer