Cast after conformsToProtocol check - objective-c

I'm just trying to get a deeper understanding of Objective C.
Why do I have to cast before the call to avoid a warning? Isn't this a piece of cake for the compiler? Are there any dynamic aspects that I'm missing?
if ([a.class conformsToProtocol:#protocol(P1)])
[(id<P1>)a p1Message];
I mean, I understand it in a C/C++ point of view, but after all I'm using an Objective C compiler and I don't like casts. :)

If a is a specific type that declares itself at compile time as implementing P1 then you shouldn't need to cast.
If a is of type id then you'll need to cast only if the return type is ambiguous and you're actually using it, or if it had parameters. That'll generally mean that there are multiple method signatures for the method name p1Message so the compiler doesn't know which to expect.
If a is of some type that doesn't declare itself as implementing P1 then — unless it separately (and repetitiously) declares p1Message — you'll get a warning because you're calling a method that the object may not implement.
If I had to guess, probably a is declared as being of type id rather than id <P1> (which is more normal for, say, delegates) and you have multiple p1Messages flying around. You might also put the cast in proactively because one day you might have multiple different messages with the same name and someone else that might implement p1Message shouldn't have to know every other place in the project that somebody uses that method name.
The compiler can't induce from the conformsToProtocol: check that it is safe to call p1Message exactly because it's a dynamic runtime. You may have substituted a different implementation of conformsToProtocol: either at compile time or at runtime, meaning that it isn't safe to assume that the compiler knows what it does. That call will be dynamically dispatched just like any other.


Find NSMutableArray<ObjectType> ObjectType at runtime

I have an NSMutableArray in which i want to add those objects which conforms the ObjectType. Is there any way i can get the ObjectType declared using light weight generics so when adding an object i can check whether the object is about to insert is ObjectType; if yes insert it else just forget it.
In Objective-C all type analysis is done at runtime and only at runtime. (The compiler gives warnings at compile time, but the produced code is bit-identical to code with any other object type.) The lightweight generics are for Swift. We didn't need that in the past 30 years. (Wow, this is really long in computer sciences.)
So, any code related to the mutable array with or without type specifier is identical. For Objective-C a static type information is the wrong thing. Even there would be a way to do that, it would be anticonceptual.
So: No.
Why do you want to do that? Don't do it.

Can Foundation tell me whether an Objective-C method requires a special structure return?

Background as I understand it: Objective-C method invocations are basically a C function call with two hidden parameters (the receiver and the selector). The Objective-C runtime contains a function named objc_msgSend() that allows to invoke methods that way. Unfortunately, when a function returns a struct some special treatment may be needed. There are arcane (some might say insane) rules that govern whether the structure is returned like other values or whether it's actually returned by reference in a hidden first argument. For Objective-C there's another function called objc_msgSend_stret() that must be used in these cases.
The question: Given a method, can NSMethodSignature or something else tell me whether I have to use objc_msgSend() or objc_msgSend_stret()? So far we have found out that NSMethodSignature knows this, it prints it in its debug output, but there doesn't seem to be a public API.
In case you want to respond with "why on earth would you want to do that?!", please read the following before you do:
Objective-C uses the same underlying ABI for C on a given architecture, because methods are just C functions with implicit self and _cmd arguments.
In other words, if you have a method:
- (SomeStructType)myMeth:(SomeArgType)arg;
then really this is a plain C function:
SomeStructType myMeth(id self, SEL _cmd, SomeArgType arg);
I'm pretty sure you already know that, but I'm merely mentioning it for other readers.
In other words, you want to ask libffi or any kind of similar library how SomeStructType would be returned for that architecture.
NSMethodSignature has a -methodReturnType that you can inspect to see if the return type is a struct. Is this what you're trying to do?
The rules for which struct types return in registers are always
arcane, sometimes insane. ppc32 is trivial: structs never return in
registers. i386 is straightforward: structs with sizeof exactly equal
to 1, 2, 4, or 8 return in registers. x86_64 is more complicated,
including rules for returning floating-point struct fields in FPU
registers, and ppc64's rules and exceptions will make your head spin.
The gory details are documented in the Mac OS X ABI Guide, though as
usual if the documentation and the compiler disagree then the
documentation is wrong.
If you're calling objc_msgSend directly and need to know whether to
use objc_msgSend_stret for a particular struct type, I recommend the
empirical approach: write a line of code that calls your method,
compile it on each architecture you care about, and look at the
assembly code to see which dispatch function the compiler uses.

Understanding uniqueness of selectors in Objective-C

I am having problem understanding part of the function of "selectors", as described in Apple's guide. I've bolded the parts where I am getting confused:
In Objective-C, selector has two meanings. It can be used to refer
simply to the name of a method when it’s used in a source-code message
to an object. It also, though, refers to the unique identifier that
replaces the name when the source code is compiled. Compiled
selectors are of type SEL. All methods with the same name have the
same selector. You can use a selector to invoke a method on an
object—this provides the basis for the implementation of the
target-action design pattern in Cocoa.
Methods and Selectors For efficiency, full ASCII names are not used as
method selectors in compiled code. Instead, the compiler writes each
method name into a table, then pairs the name with a unique identifier
that represents the method at runtime. The runtime system makes sure
each identifier is unique: No two selectors are the same, and all
methods with the same name have the same selector.
Can anyone explain these bits? Additionally, if different classes have methods with the same name, will they also have the same selector?
All selectors are uniqued -- both at compile time and, dynamically, at runtime through sel_getUid() or the preferred sel_registerName() (the latter being largely preferred, the former still around for historical reasons) -- for speed.
Back story: to call a method, the runtime needs a selector that identifies what is to be called and an object that it will be called on. This is why every single method call in Objective-C has two parameters: the obvious and well known self and the invisible, implied, parameter _cmd. _cmd is the SEL of the method currently executing. That is, you can paste this code into any method to see the name -- the selector -- of the currently executing method:
NSLog(#"%#", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
Note that _cmd is not a global; it really is an argument to your method. See below.
By uniquing the selectors, all selector based operations are implemented using pointer equality tests instead of string processing or any pointer de-referencing at all.
In particular, every single time you make a method call:
[someObject doSomething: toThis withOptions: flags]; // calls SEL doSomething:withOptions:
The compiler generates this code (or a very closely related variant):
objc_msgSend(someObject, #selector(doSomething:withOptions:), toThis, flags);
The very first thing objc_msgSend() does is check to see if someObject is nil and short-circuit if it is (nil-eats-message). The next (ignoring tagged pointers) is to look up the selector in someObjects class (the isa pointer, in fact), find the implementation, and call it (using a tail call optimization).
That find the implementation thing has to be fast and to make it really fast, you want the key to finding the implementation of the method to be as fast and stable as possible. To do that, you want the key to be directly usable and globally unique to the process.
Thus, the selectors are uniqued.
That it also happens to save memory is an fantastic benefit, but the messenger would use more memory than it does today if messenging could be made 2x faster (but not 10x for 2x -- or even 2x memory for 2x speed -- while speed is critical, memory use is also critical, certainly).
If you really want to dive deep on how objc_msgSend() works, I wrote a bit of a guide. Note that it is slightly out of date as it was written before tagged pointers, blocks-as-implementation, and ARC were disclosed. I should update the articles.
Yes. Classes do share selectors.
I can give an example from the source code, but when you use sel_registerUid() (used behind the scenes in #selector()),
It copies the input string into an internal buffer (if the string hasn't been registered before), for which all future SELs point to.
This is done for less memory usage, and easier message forwarding.
It also, though, refers to the unique identifier that replaces the name when the source code is compiled... All methods with the same name have the same selector.
For this, I refer to an excellent blog post on selectors:
A selector is the same for all methods that have the same name and parameters — regardless of which objects define them, whether those objects are related in the class hierarchy, or actually have nothing to do with each other. At runtime, Objective-C goes to the class and outright asks it, "Do you respond to this selector?", and calls the resulting function pointer if it does.
The runtime system makes sure each identifier is unique: No two selectors are the same, and all methods with the same name have the same selector.
In a screwed up way, this makes sense. If Method A and Method B have the exact same name and arguments, wouldn't it be more efficient to store their selector as one lookup and query the receiver instead of deciding between two basically equally named selectors at runtime?
Look at the SEL type, you don't have to define which class this selector is from, you just give it a method name, for example:
SEL animationSelector = #selector(addAnimation:forKey:);
You can imagine it as a streetname, for example. Many cities can have the same streetnames, but a streetname without a city is worthless. Same for selectors, you can define a selector without adding the object where it's in. But it's complete worthless without fitting class..

How are data members stored in an object?

I know that in Objective C, every object has first 4 bytes [depending upon type of processor ] as an isa pointer stored in it that tells which class it belongs to and what dispatch table to use to resolve a selector to address of a function.
What I wanted to know was , how are data members stored and accessed in these methods.
self is passed as an implicit object in each function being called.
We use setters n getters to handle data members in other member function as a good practice,
but when we directly refer to a data member in an initializer or an accesor, how are they accessed. Are they replaced by some address at compile time or something else ?
Actually afaik the memory layout is implementation specific, but should give you a pretty good idea of the inner works of object data and object messaging.
When you use a direct member access, what basically happens is that you're fetching straight from the "struct" that is your actual object. That is, the compiler is basically just adding an offset to the address of your object/struct and reading the contents of that memory address.
Maybe I should add that this is reverse engineered from XCode and not written in any specification I can find, so depending on this behavior is most likely a bad idea. Since external access to the iVars is not allowed, the decision is basically up to the compiler and could be changed at any time.
Edit: as #FrederickCheung points out, Objective C 2.0 may have changed this behavior.
It's not as simple as a compile time offset calculation, at least not in objective C 2.0 on the 64bit OS X and iOS runtimes. These support stuff like superclasses changing their instance variable layout without breaking subclasses that were compiled against the old layout by adding a layer of indirection.
The runtime api docs describe the API one can use to set instance variables and so on but doesn't elaborate on their implementation.

What is preferable in objective-c: id or explicit type?

What is better and why ?
What is better in such situations as the class init method and usual variables in a code ?
What is better and why ?
Explicit typing information is always better unless you just can't use it for some reason (see below).
It allows the compiler to much more stringently validate the code and will catch many errors at compile time that would otherwise cause your app to crash at runtime.
A long, long, time ago, everything in the APIs used id. This proved to be a complete pain in the butt; fragile and led to many crashes that would have been caught with specific types.
So, it was changed. (This was ~1994).
What is better in such situations as
the class init method and usual
variables in a code ?
For init, you have no choice but to use the generic (id) return type. Objective-C does not support either co-variant or contra-variant declarations, nor is there a mechanism for generalizing the declaration of init while also providing support for specific type checking.
Same goes for retain, objectAtIndex:, addObject: and many other methods that take or return one of many kinds of objects (or take 'em as arguments).
And, no, there is absolutely no performance difference whatsoever between id and, say, NSView*.
can you give an example when explicit
typing will cause a problem please?
If you wrote:
- (MyClass *) init;
And in a subclass:
- (MySubclass *) init;
You'd get compiler warnings out the wazoo most likely or you'd have to typecast out the wazoo.
On recent versions of clang (in Lion) you should actually not return id, and instead return instancetype. This is a keyword that is used in return types to specify that the type it returns is an instance of the class receiving the message. It is now the preferred return type for init methods on OS X Lion.
Explicit typing provides build-time protection, informing you of likely problems if you do things such as casting or performing operations on something that probably won't work.
Explicit typing also helps prevent non-obvious transfer of mistyped objects, something traveling through a path in your code you hadn't considered that turns out to be of an unexpected type. This kind of bug often doesn't become clear until the program has been tested a lot, more commonly after its release.
It's also helpful for future programmers (including your future self) trying to work with your code, making to more likely that they'll be able to tell at glance what an object is supposed to be. It makes code more "self-documenting" as a result.
Some things cannot have a meaningful type because no type actually applies. Other times you need to use id because you need to be able to accept any type of object. Cocoa Touch uses it, for example, when referring to the sender of a message because anything could have sent it; specifying an explicit type simply wouldn't work.
The vast majority of the time, though, an explicit type is to your advantage.
Use a type as specific as you can but not more so. Consider how you are using any particular variable, argument, or return type and set its type appropriately.
For example a UITableView's dataSource property is declared as id<UITableViewDataSource> because the table view only cares that its data source is some object which conforms to the UITableViewDataSource protocol. This allows the data source to be flexible enough for use with any specific class which implements the protocol but still allows the compiler to warn you if you attempt to assign an object which does not implement that protocol as the data source.
If you are too specific then your code becomes inflexible, accepting only specific implementations which are not strictly necessary (ie demanding a NSMutableString when you could really work with any NSString).
If you are too vague (typing everything as id for example) then you lose the ability to identify when you are sending unrecognized selectors to a particular instance and the compiler cannot identify any number of invalid statements.
For init methods follow the advice in The Objective-C Programming Language
The return type of an initializer method should be id.
The reason for this is that id gives an indication that the class is purposefully not considered—that the class is unspecified and subject to change, depending on context of invocation. For example, NSString provides a method initWithFormat:. When sent to an instance of NSMutableString (a subclass of NSString), however, the message returns an instance of NSMutableString, not NSString. (See also, though, the singleton example given in “Combining Allocation and Initialization.”)
I don't think there is a performance difference between both.
You can let id return type for init because you can cast the result of your init.
For exemple :
Toto *foo = [[Toto alloc] init];
id foo2 = [[Toto alloc] init];
Both work but you'll have to cast foo2 variable like that (Toto *)foo in order to access property or methods of your instance without creating a compiler warning. Even if it works fine...
I think some developers let id because they just pass there variable trough instance and don't use it. That kind of use allow to not import the .h