Using NServiceBus, how to check if the bus is ready? - nservicebus

If I try to send a message (using bus.Send<SomeCommand>(...) for example), and the endpoint is not available for some reason (perhaps it has not been set up yet), I get an exception similar to the following
The destination queue 'myqueue#mycomputer' could not be found. You may
have misconfigured the destination for this kind of message
(MyCommands.SomeCommand) in the MessageEndpointMappings of the
UnicastBusConfig section in your configuration file. It may also be
the case that the given queue just hasn't been created yet, or has
been deleted.
I would like to avoid this by checking ahead of time (on app startup) that the bus is ready and the endpoint is reachable.
Short of catching exceptions on every bus.Send, is there some other way to determine the health of the bus? I'm looking for something like bus.IsReady() but I can't find it.


ActiveMQ: How do I limit the number of messages being dispatched?

Let's say I have one ActiveMQ Broker and an undefined numbers of consumers.
To process a message, consumers need an external service which is either "DATA1" or "DATA2" (specified in the message)
Each server, "DATA1" and "DATA2", can only handle 20 connections
So at most 20 "DATA1" and 20 "DATA2" messages must be dispatched at any time
Because of priorization, the messages must be enqueued in the same queue
Even if message A has a higher prio than message B, if A can't be processed because the external service has no free slots, message B needs to be processed instead
How can this be solved? As long as I was using message pulling (prefetch of 0), I was able to do this by using a BrokerPlugin that, on messagePull, achieved this by using semaphores and selectors. If the limits were reached, the pull returned null.
However, due to performance issues I had to set prefetch to 1 and use push instead. Therefore, my messagePull hack no longer works (it's never called).
So far I'm considering implementing a custom Cursor but I was wondering if someone knows a better solution.
Update the custom cursor worked but broke features like message removal. I tried with a custom Queue and QueueDispatchSelector (which is a pain to configure since there isn't a proper API to do so) and it mostly works but I still have synchronisation issues.
Also, a very suitable API seems to be DispatchPolicy, however, while it is referenced by Queue, it's never used.
Queues give you buffering for system processing time for free. Messages are delivered on demand. With prefetch=0 or prefetch=1, should effectively get you there. Messages will only be delivered to a consumer when the consumer is ready (ie.. during the consumer.receive() method).
consumer.receive() is a blocking call, so you should not need any custom plugin or other to delay delivery until the consumer process (and its required downstream services) are ready to handle it.
The behavior should work out-of-the-box, or there are some details to your use case that are not provided to shed more light on the scenario.

MassTransit with RabbitMQ: When is a message moved to the error queue

I am using RabbitMQ version 3.0.2 & I see close to 1000 message in Error queue. I want to know
At what point messages are moved to the error queues?
Is there a way to know why a certain message is being moved to an error queue?
Is there any way to move message from error queue to normal queue?
Thank you
a) they fail to deserialize or b) the consumer throws an exception processing that message five times
Not really... If you peek at the message in the queue, the payload headers might contain a note but I don't think we did that. If you turn logging on (NLog, log4net, etc) you should be able to see the exceptions in your log. You'll have to correlate message ids at that point to figure out exactly why.
There is no built in way via MassTransit. Mostly because there doesn't seem to be a great, generic way to handle this. Everyone wants some process around this. Dru did create a BusDriver app (in the main MT source repo) that could be used to move messages back to the exchange in question. This default behaviour is there so you at least know things have been failing if you don't put in the infrastructure to handle it.
To add to Travis' answer, During my development I found some other reasons for messages going onto the error queue:
The published message type has no consumer
A SAGA and a consumer are expecting the same concrete message type. Even if you try and differentiate using "Accepts" and ".Selected", both a SAGA and a Consumer should not be programmed to receive the same message type.

Correlate MSMQ End-to-End trace with WCF Trace and application level logging

I'm troubleshooting a problem where messages sent by WCF over transactional MSMQ (with netMsmqBinding) seem to disappear. The code that uses WCF is in a third-party assembly which I cannot change. I have few clues to what the problem is, but plan to enable various tracing capabilities in order to pin-point where the problem relies.
I have enabled MSMQ End-to-End Tracing. It logs two events for every message that gets sent.
One event when a message is written to the outgoing queue. This message contain the MSMQ message id (which is composed by a guid and an integer, ie 7B476ADF-DEFD-49F2-AF5A-0CF27C5152C0\6481271).
Another event when that message is sent across the network.
I have enabled verbose WCF Tracing.
I also have application level logging that logs a message IDs defined by the application code (let's call this the "application message id").
I have enabled positive and negative source journaling on the MSMQ messages that get sent.
I have enabled journaling on the receiving queue.
When messages go missing, I know the missing message's application id (it's logged by the sending side). I would now like to look at the End-to-End trace to see
whether the message was written to the outgoing queue or not.
How can I correlate the events in the End-to-End trace with the application level logs and WCF traces?
When sending a MSMQ message using the managed MSMQ API in System.Messaging, the message's MSMQ id is available after the message is sent. However, I have not found a way to log this when WCF is performing the send operation. The WCF trace logs a MSMQMessageId guid, but this value is, surprisingly, not the actual MSMQ id as I guessed it would be. Is it possible to access the actual MSMQ message id and log it?
Log the native thread id in the application log along with the application level id and a time stamp. The native thread id is logged to the End-to-End trace by MSMQ, so this might actually be sufficient to correlate. This is plan B for me if I don't find a more elegant solution.
You sounds like you're on the right track. However you could bump up a bit with this:
Using SvcConfigEditor.exe
Configure WCF Verbose Tracing for Propagate ACtiveity and Activity tracing
Configure WCF MessageLogging for "Malformed Messages, Service Messages, Transport Messages"
Use LogEntireMessage
In End to End, trace it All
Make sure you enable these *.config on BOTH sides, yours and the 3rd party executable.
Collect your logs files, and add them ALL to SvcTraceViewer.exe
You can configure windows MSMQ to sense subjects of messages and if subjects contains a key word fire an application. This application can logs incoming messages. In sender side you can write actual message id into subject of message and add your key word to subject. In receiver side fired application can access to actual message id near added key word in subject.
It looks like your message is being discarded by WCF because it is malformed in some way (i.e. contract mismatch, one of the WCF message size limits exceeded).
To trap this error you could write an ErrorHanlder that audits these errors.
Here a link to a sample of doing that.
Another option ,if you are using Win 2008 R2 and up, is to use the built in poison message handling. here`s a link to the the docs.
To the question, to trace end to end with an application trace identifier:
I would pass the application trace id in the message header (look here for an example).
To audit the message header on the service side i would use WCF's IOperationInvoker to intercept each call, and audit the id in the messaged header.
This can be configured in the config file for the process without altering the third party`s an example of how to implement an invoker and how to set it in config.

Difference between Bus.Publish and Bus.Send in NServiceBus?

What are the essential differences between publishing a message using Bus.Publish and sending a message using Bus.Send? I am looking to understand how they differ and also when I should choose to use one over the other.
Publishing is used to notify multiple Subscribers of a particular event. A Publishing endpoint will have subscription storage to identify where to send messages to. Sending is typically used to issue a command to an endpoint. A command is telling the endpoint to do something and should not expect a reply(although you sometimes do want a reply and NSB supports this).
The reason you do not see a destination for Send() is that you specify the destination via configuration. In your app.config you will map message types(a whole assembly or a class) to a destination. When you do so, you do not have to provide the destination.
Bus.Publish: used when you don't know where the message is going (0 to many subscribers).
Bus.Send: when you are sending a message to a specific handler (client to server).
ususally Context.Publish() is for publishing Event Type and Context.Send() is for Command Type

NServiceBus pub/sub - where have my messages gone?

Well I've been doing this NServiceBus project for a while and once I got it working for PubSub I then spent the rest of the time on the actual workflow logic. However, I can see a serious issue which I want to get around (or rather learn how to handle correctly).
A publisher publishes a message to the storage queues of any subscribers as far as I understand. Great. But what happens when the subscriber isn't running (I've read other posts about this and they don't seem to be asking the same question).
Scenario - I get the publisher to Publish a message when no subscribers are running (attached/requested messages to be relayed to them).. I then find that.. the message is "gone" just simply isn't there! where did it go? Did the publisher say "hey, no one's subscribing to this, so I wont bother publishing it?", shouldn't it NOT do that and require at least one subscriber?
Can anyone shed any light on this? (nservicenewbie)
You should publish an event that has happened - a statement of fact, that other handler may or may not be interested in. It's perfectly valid to have zero subscribers! If this is not the case then maybe you should be Send()ing a command instead of Publish()ing an event.
If you are using a persistent subscription storage, start the subscriber up once and it will always be subscribed. If the subscriber is offline, messages for it will pile up in its Input Queue, ready to be processed when the subscriber comes back online.
If you're just testing with NServiceBus, the NServiceBus.Host.exe is running in the Lite profile, which uses in-memory (non-persistant) subscription storage, which would result in what you are seeing.
Ah ha! Well though it's not always an error to have no subscriber for a message type, there is a way to handle it.
In your publisher simply modify the:
IBus Bus
To use (you will need NServiceBus.Core.dll and the NS NServiceBus.Unicast):
IUnicastBus Bus
Then you can attach an handler to:
Bus.NoSubscribersForMessage += .......
This can then put the message in an error queue.. or perhaps retry forever.. or publish something else etc.. etc.. what ever you want. Thus ensuring there is nothing lost where your particular system (from a business perspective) requires an outcome