I need help to make a SQL request using CakePHP.
So I have a table publications:
And I have 3 table linking:
Publication to users: publications_users
Publication to clans: publications_clans
Publication to alliances: publications_alliances
In input of this request I provide an array containing ID of clans, another containing ID of alliance, a User_id and a Network_id.
I need to make a CakePHP request that will give me all publications who belong to my array of clans && my array of alliances && my User_id && my Network_id.
The problem is that I don’t know how to create such a complex using CakePHP $this->Publication->find(« all »,array()) syntax.
Is it at least possible to do that this way?
Does anybody can help me succeed to do that please because I’m going to need to create a lot of such a complex request and I have no idea of how to do.
Thank you a lot in advance for your precious help.
Just use Containable behavior, read this http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/behaviors/containable.html
You could use proper Join Query and then parse using CakePHP function instead of using 2 or 3 different queries and then storing it in arrays.
we have two models
user have many articles
i need When an user views all articles, see their own articles first.
my idea
make two query
first query return articles related to query
Article.where(user_id: user_id)
second query
Article.where.not(user_id: user_id)
and merge result
second Idea
get all articles and select method in ruby
but i need best way make this
i use Ruby On Rails 6.1 and Ruby 3
You could run one query but sort the articles with SQL depending on if they have a matching user_id:
Article.order(Arel.sql("CASE user_id WHEN #{user_id} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END"))
Note: order does not support multiple arguments and input sanitization out of the box. Use this only, when you are sure that the user_id contains only a valid user id, for example, be using current_user.id instead of user_id
In Rails 7 there will be a new method called in_order_of which would allow writing the same functionality like this:
Article.in_order_of(:user_id, user_id)
More programmatic approach
articles = Article.arel_table
case_statement = Arel::Nodes::Case.new(articles[:user_id])
I have REST API URL structure similar to:
/api/contacts GET Returns an array of contacts
/api/contacts/:id GET Returns the contact with id of :id
/api/contacts POST Adds a new contact and return it with an id added
/api/contacts/:id PUT Updates the contact with id of :id
/api/contacts/:id PATCH Partially updates the contact with id of :id
/api/contacts/:id DELETE Deletes the contact with id of :id
My question is about:
/api/contacts/:id GET
Suppose that in addition to fetching the contact by ID, I also want to fetch it by an unique alias.
What should be URI structure be if I want to be able to fetch contact by either ID or Alias?
If you're alias's are not numeric i would suggest using the same URI structure and figuring out if it's an ID or an alias on your end. Just like Facebook does with username and user_id. facebook.com/user_id or facebook.com/username.
Another approach would be to have the client use GET /contacts with some extra GET parameters as filters to first search for a contact and then looking up the ID from that response.
Last option i think would be to use a structure like GET /contacts/alias/:alias. But this would kinda imply that alias is a subresource of contacts.
The path and query part of IRIs are up to you. The path is for hierarchical data, like api/version/module/collection/item/property, the query is for non-hierarchical data, like ?display-fields="id,name,etc..." or ?search="brown teddy bear"&offset=125&count=25, etc...
What you have to keep in mind, that you are working with resources and not operations. So the IRIs are resource identifiers, like DELETE /something, and not operation identifiers, like POST /something/delete. You don't have to follow any structure by IRIs, so for example you could use simply POST /dashuif328rgfiwa. The server would understand, but it would be much harder to write a router for this kind of IRIs, that's why we use nice IRIs.
What is important that a single IRI always belongs only to a single resource. So you cannot read cat properties with GET /cats/123 and write dog properties with PUT /cats/123. What ppl usually don't understand, that a single resource can have multiple IRIs, so for example /cats/123, /cats/name:kitty, /users/123/cats/kitty, cats/123?fields="id,name", etc... can belong to the same resource. Or if you want to give an IRI to a thing (the living cat, not the document which describes it), then you can use /cats/123#thing or /users/123#kitty, etc... You usually do that in RDF documents.
What should be URI structure be if I want to be able to fetch contact
by either ID or Alias?
It can be /api/contacts/name:{name} for example /api/contacts/name:John, since it is clearly hierarchical. Or you can check if the param contains numeric or string in the /api/contacts/{param}.
You can use the query too, but I don't recommend that. For example the following IRI can have 2 separate meanings: /api/contacts?name="John". You want to list every contact with name John, or you want one exact contact. So you have to make some conventions about this kind of requests in the router of your server side application.
I would consider adding a "search" resource when you are trying to resolve a resource with the alias:
GET /api/contacts/:id
GET /api/contacts?alias=:alias
GET /api/contacts/search?q=:alias
First of all, the 'ID' in the URL doesn't have to be a numerical ID generated by your database. You could use any piece of data (including the alias) in the URL, as long as its unique. Of course, if you are using numerical ID's everywhere, it is more consistent to do the same in your contacts API. But you could choose to use the aliases instead of numeric IDs (as long as they are always unique).
Another approach would be, as Stromgren suggested, to allow both numeric IDs and aliases in the URL:
But this can obviously cause problems if aliases can be numeric, because then you wouldn't have any way to differentiate between an ID and a (numeric) alias.
Last but not least, you can implement a way of filtering the complete collection, as shlomi33 already suggested. I wouldn't introduce a search resource, as that isn't really RESTful, so I'd go for the other solution instead:
Which should return all contacts with foobar as alias. Since the alias should be unique, this will return 1 or 0 results.
Suppose I have Posts and posts' Comments. I want to filter all the Posts that have more than 10 comments. I began writing something like Posts.includes(:comments).group("post.id").count("comments.id"), to obtain a hash of posts and their counts, and I can extract the information from there, but I want some one-line straightforward way to do that
Sure I can use some pure sql syntax statements, but I want it in a pure rails way. Any idea ?
Assuming the models are named in the more typical singular form of Post and Comment and have the usual association relationship, then the following should work:
Post.joins(:comments).group('posts.id').having('count(comments.id) > 10')
I'm having spleepless night thanks to Asterisk Realtime.
I have some trouble understanding the documentation ( like http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+RealTime+Sip ). Too many tables, many parameters, fragmented informations, no exhaustive tutorial.
I have simply to auto-register some users from an external MySQL's table ( id, user, chatkey ).
Which are the columns i HAVE to set to get it work? If there where simply a user and password column, I would have matched them with my.user and my.chatkey, but now I'm very confused.
Is there any side effects using VIEWS instead table + triggers?
You have set ALL columns. Minimum set is something like type,username, host,name,nat,allow,disallow.
You can do it using mysql view from your current tables.But if you do so, you have use cache of realtime friends or organize contact update(update&store of all fields below&including ipaddr). Otherwise your setup will not able determine where your sip devices.
I don't understand your issues. Wiki is very clear. For sip auth you need only one table sip_buddies
and need put in /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
sipusers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
sippeers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
note, general - name of already setuped(in /etc/asterisk/res_mysql.conf) database connection.
From your question i see you not understanding asterisk internals, so i recommending you read Orely's book "Asterisk the future of telephony" or hire expert. Otherwise resulting application will be not scalable and probably will work strange.
My query:
#county = County.joins(:state)
.where("counties.slug = ? AND states.slug = ?", params[:county_slug])
.select('states.*, counties.*')
From the log, the SQL looks like this:
SELECT states.*, counties.* FROM "counties" INNER JOIN "states" ON "states"."id" = "counties"."state_id" LIMIT 1
My problem is that is doesn't eager load the data from the associated table (states), because when I do, for example, #county.state.name, it runs another query, although, as you can see from the log, it had already queried the database for the data in that table as well. But it doesn't pre populate #county.state
Any idea how i can get all the data from the database in just ONE query?
I think you need to use include instead of joins to get the eager loading. There's a good railscasts episode about the differences: http://railscasts.com/episodes/181-include-vs-joins , in particular:
The question we need to ask is “are we using any of the related model’s attributes?” In our case the answer is “yes” as we’re showing the user’s name against each comment. This means that we want to get the users at the same time as we retrieve the comments and so we should be using include here.