Can concurrent value modification impact single select in PostgreSQL 9.1? - sql

Consider the following query executed in PostgreSQL 9.1 (or 9.2):
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = true
Suppose it's a fairly long running query (e.g. taking a minute).
If at the start of the query there are 5 million records for which bar = true holds, and during this query in another transaction there are rows added and removed in the foo table, and for some existing rows updates are made to the bar field.
Will any of this affect the outcome of the above shown select query?
I know about transaction-isolation and visibility between separate statements in a single transaction, but what about a single statement that's running?

Due to the MVCC model only tuples that are visible at query start will be used in a single SELECT. Details in the manual here:
Read Committed is the default isolation level in PostgreSQL. When a
transaction uses this isolation level, a SELECT query (without a FOR
UPDATE/SHARE clause) sees only data committed before the query began;
it never sees either uncommitted data or changes committed during
query execution by concurrent transactions. In effect, a SELECT query
sees a snapshot of the database as of the instant the query begins to
run. However, SELECT does see the effects of previous updates executed
within its own transaction, even though they are not yet committed.
Also note that two successive SELECT commands can see different data,
even though they are within a single transaction, if other
transactions commit changes during execution of the first SELECT.
Emphasis mine.

The query will be a read-consistent view of the data as of the start of the query. In Postgresql, the documentation on Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) explains how it is done (multiple versions of a record exist in the table). In Oracle, the Sequence Change Number (SCN) is used along with "before-images" of modified data. Here is an old doc, Transaction Processing in Postgresql, with the section "non-overwriting storage management". But take a look at MVCC.
Or read the chapter on MVCC in the Postgresql doc


How to consistently track all new rows in a SQL database table

What I am trying to do
I am developing a web service, which runs in multiple server instances, all accessing the same RDBMS (PostgreSQL). While the database is needed for persistence, it contains very little data, which is why every server instance has a cache of all the data. Further the application is really simple in that it only ever inserts new rows in rather simple tables and selects that data in a scheduled fashion from all server instances (no updates or changes... only inserts and reads).
The way it is currently implemented
basically I have a table which roughly looks like this:
-- further data columns...
The server is doing something like this every couple of seconds (pseudocode):
get all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp
lastMaxTimestamp = max timestamp for all data just retrieved
insert new rows into application cache
The issue I am running into
The application skips certain rows when updating the caches. I analyzed the issue and figured out, that the problem is caused in the following way:
one server instance is creating a new row in the context of a transaction. An id for the new row is retrieved from the associated sequence (id=n) and the creation_timestamp (with value ts_1) is set.
another server does the same in the context of a different transaction. The new row in this transaction gets id=n+1 and a creation_timestamp ts_2 (where ts_1 < ts_2).
transaction 2 finishes before transaction 1
one of the servers executes a "select all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp". It gets row n+1, but not n1. It sets lastMaxTimestamp to ts_2.
transaction 1 completes
some time later the server from step 4 executes "select all rows with creation_timestamp > lastMaxTimestamp" again. But since lastMaxTimestamp=ts_2 and ts_2>ts_1 the row n will never be read on that server.
Note: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP has the same value during a transaction, which is the transaction start time.
So the application gets inconsistent data into its cache and can't get new rows based on the insertion timestamp OR based on the sequence id. Transaction isolation levels don't really change anything about the situation, since the problem is created in essence by transaction 2 finishing before transaction 1.
My question
Am I missing something? I am thinking there must be a straightforward way to get all new rows of a RDBMS, but I can't come up with a simple solution... at least with a simple solution that is consistent. Extensive locking (e.g. of tables) wouldn't be acceptable because of performance reasons. Simply trying to ensure to get all ids from that sequence seems like a) a complicated solution and b) can't be done easily, since rollbacks during transactions can happen (which would lead to sequence ids not being used).
Anyone has the solution?
After a lot of searching, I found the right keywords to google for... "transaction commit timestamp" to leads to all sorts of transaction timestamp tracking and system columns like xmin:
This post has some more detailed information:
Questions about Postgres track_commit_timestamp (pg_xact_commit_timestamp)
In short:
you can turn on a postgresql option to track timestamps of commits and compare those instead of the current_timestamps/clock_timestamps inside the transaction
it seems though, that it is only tracked when a transaction is completed - not when it is commited, which makes the solution not bullet proof. There are also further issue to consider like transaction id (xmin) rollover for example
logical decoding / replication is something to look into for a proper solution
Thanks to everyone trying to help me find an answer. I hope this summary is useful to someone in the future.

Some confusion on the description of read consistency in Oracle

Below is a short brief of read consistency from oracle concepts guide.
What is a sql statement, just one sql? Or Pl/SQL or Store Procedure? Anyone can help provide me one opposite example which can indicates the un-consistency read?
read consistency
A consistent view of data seen by a user. For example, in statement-level read
consistency the set of data seen by a SQL statement remains constant throughout
statement execution.
A "statement" in this context is one DML statement: a single SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE.
It is not a PL/SQL block. Similarly, multiple executions of the same DML statement (say, within a PL/SQL loop) are separate "statements". If you need consistency over multiple statements or within a PL/SQL block, you can achieve that using SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE or SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY. Both introduce limitations.
An opposite example of an inconsistent read would be as follows.
Starting conditions: table BIG_TABLE has 10 million rows.
User A at 10:00:
User B at 10:01:
DELETE FROM BIG_TABLE WHERE ID >= 9000000; -- delete the last million rows
User B at 10:02:
User A at 10:03: query completes:
That is wrong. User A should have either gotten 10 million rows or 9 million rows. At no point were there 9309129 committed rows in the table. What has happened is that user A had read 309,129 rows that user B was deleting before Oracle actually processed the deletion (or before the COMMIT). Then, after the user B delete/commit, user A's query stopped seeing the deleted rows and stopped counting them.
This sort of problem is impossible in Oracle, thanks to its implementation of Multiversion Read Consistency.
In Oracle, in the above situation, as it encountered blocks that had rows deleted (and committed) by User B, User A's query would have used the UNDO data reconstruct what those blocks looked like at 10:00 -- the time when user A's query started.
That's basically it -- Oracle statements operate on the a version of the database as it existed as of a single point in time. This point in time is almost always the time when the statement started. There are some exception cases involving updates when that point in time will be moved to a point in time "mid statement". But it is always consistent as of one point in time or another.

Several same time requested queries execution sequence

For example one user executes query like this:
UPDATE table SET column = 100;
And second user:
UPDATE table SET column = 200;
And lets say, these two queries are requested exactly same time, same seconds, same nanoseconds (or minimal time measurement unit, which is for this DB), then which query will be executed first and which one second?
Will database in this case choose queries sequence just randomly?
p.s. I don't tag some concrete database, I think this mechanism for all major RDBMS are similar. Or may be not?
RDBMS's implement a set of properties abbreviated (and called) ACID. Wikipedia explains the concept.
Basically, ACID-compliant databases lock the data at some level (table, page, and row locks are typical). In principle, only one write lock can be acquired for the same object at the same time. So, the database will arbitrarily lock the row for one of the transactions.
What happens to the other transaction? That depends, but one of two things should happen:
The transaction waits until the lock is available. So "in the end", it will assign the value (lose the lock, win the war ;).
The transaction will "timeout" because the appropriate row(s) are not available.
Your case is rather more complicated, because all rows in a table are affected. In the end, though, all rows should have the same value in an ACID-compliant database.
I should note that major databases are (usually) ACID-compliant. However, even though they have locks and transactions and similar mechanisms, the details can and do vary among databases.
Usually, the DML operations are done by acquiring DML locks, with the help of which the operations are made atomic and consistent. So, in your case, either of the query will be given the DML lock and executed and then the second one will go ahead in the similar fashion. which one goes first and second is not known as such.


What's the differences between these two transaction's levels: READ WRITE and ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE ?
As I understand, READ WRITE allows dirty reads, while ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE prevents data from changing by other users(think that I'm mistaken here) or just read that data that is available at the beginning of the transaction(don't see the data, that has been changed by other users during my transaction).
You can find detailed information about this topic on the oracle site.
Basically READ COMMITTED allows "nonrepeatable reads" and "phantom reads", while both are prohibited in SERIALIZABLE.
If non-repeatable reads are permitted, the same SELECT query inside of the same transaction, might return different results based on when the query is issued. Other parallel transactions may change the data and this changes might become visible inside your transaction.
If phantom reads are permitted, it can happen that when you issue the same SELECT query twice inside of one transaction, and another transactions inserts rows into the table in parallel, these rows might become visible inside of your transaction, but only in the resultset of the second select. So the same select statement will return for example 5 rows the first time and 10 rows the second time it was executed.
Both properties are similar, but the first only says something about data which may change, while the scond property says something about additional rows which might be returned.

Lock issues on large recordset

I have a database table that I use as a queue system, where separate process that talk to each other create and read entries in the table. For example, when a user initiates a search an entry is created, then another process that runs every second or two will pick up that new entry, update the status and then do a search, updating the entry again when the search is complete. This all seems to work well with thousands of searches per hour.
However, I have a master admin screen that lets me view the status of all of these 'jobs' but it runs very slowly. I basically return all entries in the table for the last hour so I can keep an eye on what's going on. I think that I am running into lock issues of some sort. I only need to read each entry, and don't really care if it the data is a little bit out of date. I just use a standard 'Select * from Table' statement so maybe it is waiting for other locks to expire before returning data as the jobs are constantly updating the data.
Would this be handled better by a certain kind of cursor to return each row one at a time, etc? Any other ideas?
If you really don't care if the data is a bit out of date... or if you only need the data to be 99.99% accurate, consider using WITH (NOLOCK):
This will instruct your query to use the READ UNCOMMITTED ISOLATION LEVEL, which has the following behavior:
Specifies that dirty reads are allowed. No shared locks are issued to
prevent other transactions from modifying data read by the current
transaction, and exclusive locks set by other transactions do not
block the current transaction from reading the locked data.
Be aware that NOLOCK may cause some inaccuracies in your data, so it probably isn't a good idea to use it throughout the rest of your system.
You need FROM yourtable WITH (NOLOCK) table hint.
You may also want to look at transaction isolation in your update process, if you aren't already
An alternative to NOLOCK (which can lead to very bad things, such as missed rows or duplicated rows) is to allow read committed snapshot isolation at the database level and then issue your query with: