Can we make CloudBees SDK in Windows sase sensitive? - cloudbees

We recently began using the CloudBees SDK to develop and test locally. We then use the CloudBees command "bees deploy" to send our app to the cloud.
We run the SDK in Windows and the app deploys (we believe) in Linux. Linux is case sensitive and Windows is not.
Is there a way to enforce case sensitivity within the CloudBees SDK? We really need to be developing within the same "environment" as it were, and so far this is not the case.

SDK can't make windows case sensitive. System is not, there is no other option that running on a case-sensitive OS, maybe using virtualbox.


Remote development (from PhpStorm with JetBrains Gateway) without internet possible?

Here is my working context;
no internet (I use my company's intranet)
Linux CentOS 7.9 remote server with my source files
PhpStorm 2021.3.2 on my development PC
My wish is to develop on my PC on remote sources. Your new JetBrains Gateway solution seems to meet my expectations on paper.
However, in practice, I have the impression that it is not possible to use this solution without internet ? Indeed, the connection process stops on this failure:
Looks like your solution is trying to download an IDE client to install on my machine. Which from my point of view is a weird behavior because I already have a client to install on my machine: PhpStorm. Why not use my PhpStorm client already installed on my machine ?
Thank you for your reply
The "Jetbrains Client" mentioned in the error message is not for your local machine, but for the Linux server:
Once the IDE version and project directory are selected, Gateway will download the IDE to the remote server, unpack it, and launch it with your project loaded.
It acts on the remote server as a "backend IDE" to which the client on your local machine connects:
The JetBrains Client runs locally and provides the user interface for the IDE backend.
You would not even require the full PHPStorm IDE, the Jetbrains Gateway is a standalone app that comes with a "thin client" that can connect to the backend IDE:
This whole process is managed by JetBrains Gateway, a new, compact, standalone app that provides everything you need to get started with remote development. Since it’s standalone, it’s the only thing you need to install locally to start working and is ideal for less powerful laptops and in cases where a full IDE install isn’t desired.
See for a more detailed look at how it works.
To answer your question: it is not possible to use Jetbrains Gateway without an internet connection.

Standard mDNS service on Windows

Does Windows (some modern flavour) have an mDNS server installed and/or running by default? If so then how does one tell it, preferably dynamically, to start/stop advertising a new service?
If there is no standard then how does one deal with the problem of conflicts trying to run multiple mDNS servers in that environment?
Basically, I want to implement a service that will run on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X and which needs to advertise its zeroconf webserver location using mDNS. On Linux I just use avahi-publish (or install a config file). I'm guessing that the answer will be straightforward for OS X. I'm struggling to find information for Windows.
Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft made strides towards a native Windows implementation of mDNS and DNS-SD.
While earlier iterations have been limited to UWP apps, a general Win32 API has been exposed from at least SDK version 10.0.18362.0 (1903/19H1, May 2019).
Note: This implementation is currently confirmed working only for 64bit build targets, there is an open issue preventing compilation for 32bit targets.
Outdated note from a previous version of this answer:
Early iterations resulted in mDNS network flooding:
Windows 10, in its default configuration, will spam its local networks
by responding to all mDNS requests with null response packets.
This issue was fixed in Windows 10 1511 (10586) and above
Last time I needed one, Apple's Bonjour Print Services for Windows was the most convenient mDNS client for Windows I could find. Only 5MB.
No, Microsoft doesn't directly support Multicast-DNS.
However, there appear to be several 3rd-party alternatives:
... and ...
Have also successfully used C++/WinRT for dnssd discovery directly from C++ now. It appears from our perspective to be quicker and more reliable to query services and will let you easily install a watcher to get notifications when devices arrive etc. Of course, this is limited to versions of Windows 10 with support for C++/WinRT, which starts with 10.0.17134.0 (Windows 10, version 1803).
One caveat: We've noticed that it does not provide, nor recognise, a FQDN (trailing dot). So for a device that Bonjour OR Avahi would give an address of mydevice.local., Windows instead gives mydevice.local. Attempting to ping mydevice.local. under Windows 10 (1809) fails.
Windows 10 supports natively mDNS/Zeroconf, but only for modern APIs, not for Win32 applications.
If you have such an application, a third party service is required.
The short answer is to support both Avahi and Bonjour. You'll need Bonjour support to run on OSX anyway, and if a Windows user has installed iTunes they'll already be running it.
As a fallback for Windows users not running iTunes, you can compile Avahi as a library for Windows (with a bit of effort) and bundle it. This is a non-trivial bit of packaging, but the alternative is requiring your Windows users to install iTunes in order to use your application.

Do I need to use a WP8-specific Azure SDK?

At this link: I see that there are separate Azure SDKs for Windows Store and
Windows Phone 8.
In my app suite (a Windows Store app and a complementary WP8 app), I'm currently using only the
Windows Store SDK - I haven't downloaded/installed the WP8-specific Azure SDK. Do I need to?
It's the same download for WP8 and Windows 8; of course, iOS is completely different, hence the calling out of different SDKs.

Windows 8 metro apps offline download

Is their any sites available to download windows 8 metro apps for offline installation. Alternative to windows store.Because i don't have internet connection in home.
Please tell me any sites ?
You have to be connected to install Windows 8 Store apps. You cannot sideload an app that has been downloaded from the Windows Store.
Alternatively, you can get your app directly from the developer without involving the Store, in which case, installation can be offline. Apps that aren't signed by Windows Store can only be installed on sideloading-enabled devices.
Actually you can install Windows apps offline, I did it by capturing the URL windows store referring to, it was a file with .appx or .appxbundle extension. However, the URL contained some security information referring to the Windows Store session and user id. It means you cannot multi-part-download it or resume it if disconnected, very disappointing in case of games with 2 Gb or more data. After that, I installed these packages with PowerShell command
Add-AppxPackage [Disk:\File Location\File name.appx]
without brackets. It installed and worked correctly.
Waiting for a dedicated side-software (Like Cydia or smith.) that does it in one-click.
It is only a few days for Windows app store to be live and unfortunately in your case, NO option to it for now.

simulator or test environment for web application

I am working on a web app that will run only on firefox and on win / linux machine.
I have done that thing and now want to test with various environment like mac, android, opera browser etc.
My query is whether there is any test environment (simulator) available that will allow me to test the app on different platform without testing on real machine?
Thanks to all
You could give a try with a virtual machine like VirtualBox / VirtualPC / VMWare.
Some Windows versions are available freely as virtual machines images in the Microsoft site.
Not sure for the rest , as you write first
a web app that will run only on firefox and on win / linux machine.
...but then talk about mac and android.
For android, you could give a try with their emulator.
For Mac OS I am afraid that you won't find legal solutions.