MSBuild - Create a property with wildcards? - msbuild

I'm currently moving my project to Visual Studio 2012 and start using nuget.
So I'll use the "NUnit Runners" nuget package instead of a nunit library.
The problem being that nuget creates folders with the package version. For example, NUnit Runners is inside the folder:
Until now, Nunit was inside my lib\NUnit folder.
So, inside my MSBuild file, I was executing the tests by specifying the path:
<NUnit Assemblies="..." ToolPath="$(NUnitFolder)" />
But I don't want to have to specify a version number inside my msbuild task, that I would have to update everytime NUnit.Runners is updated.
I tried to play around with CreateProperty, but it doesn't seem to accept wildcards.
I also tried ItemGroup, but it works for a list of files, not a folder.

In the end, instead of trying to create a property with a wildcard, in my case I retrieved the version of NUnit.Runners from the packages.config file.
I now have a Target like this:
<Target Name="GetNUnitFolder">
<!-- Retrieves the version of NUnit.Runners from the solution's packages.config file -->
<XmlRead Namespace=""
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="NUnitVersion" />
<CreateProperty Value="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\src\packages\NUnit.Runners.$(NUnitVersion)\tools">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="NUnitFolder" />
Note: to be able to use XmlRead, you need the MSBuildCommunityTasks.
And once I have the version, I rebuild my NUnitFolder property.


Environment variables in WIX in BeforeBuild action

On my .wixproj file, I have a before build action to get the assembly version and append it to the output file name. However, how my code builds in my local machine is different than the one on the the TFS Server. So I am trying the following:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetDir)\myassembly.dll" Condition="$(env.COMPUTERNAME)=='THETFSSERVER'">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyVersions" />
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(SolutionDir)\Source\Project\bin\myassemblydll" Condition="$(env.COMPUTERNAME)!='THETFSSERVER'">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyVersions" />
<CreateProperty Value="$(OutputName)_%(AssemblyVersions.Version)">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="TargetName"/>
I've tried &(env.COMPUTERNAME), [&COMPUTERNAME], and several other options that I saw online, and some other that made sense, but I can't manage to find what exactly to use to look at the computer name.... any ideas how to achieve that?
There is. It is $(COMPUTERNAME). There is a very easy way to find out what all the properties are when you first load a build script in MSBuild. All you have to do is generate a log using the diagnostic verbosity. Then look at the top of the log file and it will list out all initial properties and items.
For example:
msbuild.exe /l:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine;verbosity=diagnostic;logfile=diag.log MyProject.proj
Link from where the answer was taken
Alsol, the tfs is building under msbuild, and you probably building form visual studio. So, the condition can use $(BuildingInsideVisualStudio) property and not the computer name.

Specify build directory name

I need project to be built into folder:
Where is a current building assembly version specified in assembly: AssemblyVersion attribute.
I tried using different variables like $(AssemblyVersion), GetAssemblyIdentity task but had no luck.. I'm not so good at using MSBuild.
A quick and dirty solution to this is to, after the build, use GetAssemblyIdentity to extract the version info and then move the $(TargetFile) to the appropriate directory.
This assumes you don't have any dependencies going on. Otherwise, you'll need to modify the $(TargetPath), $(TargetName), and $(TargetExt) or go with the "proper" way of doing it - modifying $(OutputPath) dynamically.
<Target Name="AfterBuild" AfterTargets="Build">
<GetAssemblyIdentity AssemblyFiles="$(TargetPath)">
<Output TaskParameter="Assemblies" ItemName="AssemblyIdentity"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetPath)" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)$(Version)" />
The proper way would be to modify $(OutDir) aka $(OutputPath), but that would involve things like modifying the AssemblyVersion.cs file (or more complexly, a copy of it injected automatically into the build chain).
You could also instead parse the version from the AssemblyVersion.cs file.

How to change Assembly Version Number using AssemblyInfoTask?

I am trying to automate the process for setting the Version for all DLL's, after spending some time I came to know the AssemblyInfo Task with which it can most likely be achieved.
So I went ahead and installed it, specifically version 1.0.51130.0.
After Installing, I manually added the Import Tag (by unloading the each project) of AssemblyInfoTask in .cspoj files (the solution has more than 35 proj files).
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\AssemblyInfoTask\Microsoft.VersionNumber.Targets"/>
Next I modified the Microsoft.VersionNUmber.Target file which will be installed in path: C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\AssemblyInfoTask, and I modified the following section:
<!-- Properties for controlling the Assembly Version -->
<!-- Properties for controlling the Assembly File Version -->
Next I set the assemblyInfo.cs file's version to in every project. Finally I saved and close it, reopened solution, and built. It works like a champ!
Now what want is to customize the Version to 4.0.1053.1 where 10 is the part of year indicator which is 2010 and 53 denotes the week number, at last 1 denotes revision number.
How to achieve this using the AssemblyInfo Task? I came across several posts that a new version of AssemblyInfo Task is available in Build Extension Pack.
I have installed the MSBuild Extension Pack December 2010 and its version is MSBuild Extension Pack Installer
First.. use a globalassemblyinfo.cs that is linked from each project.
Add its as linked file to each project.
This means you update one file, not 30+ assemblyinfo files...then:
use MSBuild.Community.Tasks....
Then call
<AssemblyInfo CodeLanguage="CS"
AssemblyCopyright="Copyright © Company 2011"
AssemblyFileVersion="$(BUILD_NUMBER)" />
Assuming you have something like:
<Import Project=".\tasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
I do this in Jenkins by having a package build that is parameterised using the List Subversion Tags parameter type. The Subversion tag must follow the version number format (, e.g. tags/ The tag name is then assigned to a Jenkins parameter, e.g. $VERSION becomes
I use the WriteLinesToFile msbuild task to write out the assembly attribute to a second file alongside the PropertyInfo.cs called VersionInfo.cs. As checked in to source control, this just contains a default version number:
// Do not change this. The version is set on package builds only by setting the AsmVersion MSBuild property
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
The package build on the build server passes in the version via the AsmVersion parameter:
The .csproj file is modified to have a BeforeBuild target (Visual Studio creates a commented out one for you):
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
Condition=" '$(AsmVersion)' != '' " File="Properties\VersionInfo.cs"
Lines="[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("$(AsmVersion)")] // Generated by build" />
When building in Visual Studio, or without passing in the AsmVersion, your assembly will have a default version of When building in the package build, you will get your desired build number.
As #bruceboughton proposed, you can easily generate a version assembly file during compilation without using MSBuild.Community.Tasks library:
<Target Name="GenerateVersionFile" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild">
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("$(Version)")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("$(Version)")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersion("$(InformationalVersion)")]" />
<Compile Include="$(VersionFileName)" />
Remove definitions of the parameters you specify in the generated file from Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file.
After that you can specify version by adding a parameter to the msbuild:
msbuild /property:Version=1.2.3 /property:InformationalVersion=1.2.3-dev~commithash .\SolutionFile.sln
Update for .NET Core style .csproj files: If you've come upon this question after having transitioned to the new .csproj format used by .NET Core, you can just set the Version property (no need to to bother with MSBuild tasks).
How I finally got this to work MSBuild version 12 (VS 2013).
Used Nuget to get MSBuildTasks Community package
Edited my .csproj file and added a path to the import the package:
<Import Project="..\packages\MSBuildTasks.\build\MSBuildTasks.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\MSBuildTasks.\build\')"/>
Figured out the Regex to change just the Revision number in the AssemblyInfo.cs file:
which is not XML compatible, so has to be changed to:
Uncommented the <Target Name="BeforeBuild"> section and added the following:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<FileUpdate Files="properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
ReplacementText="$(Revision)" />
When running MSBuild added the "Revision" property to the command line e.g.
msbuild.exe myProject.csproj /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Revision=12345

Custom common target to build a solution

I created a custom common target "RealClean" which remove every files in the output and "intermediate output" directory. I put it in the Microsoft.Common.targets file.
When I run MsBuild on my csproj everything is fine.
But when I run MsBuild on my sln (which just references a list of csproj) I have the following error
error MSB4057: The target "RealClean" does not exist in the project.
Here is the command line I enter to run MsBuild
C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\Framework\v3.5\MsBuild.exe /p:Configuration="Release";OutputPath="..\..\MSBuild.Referentiel.net35";nowarn="1591,1573" /t:RealClean mySolution.sln
Any hint?
I had the same issue but didn't want to modify things outside of the source tree in order to get this to work. Adding files to C:\Program Files... means that you have to do this manually on every dev machine to get the same behavior.
I did three things:
1) Created a Custom targets file which I import into every C# and/or VB/F# project in my solution by adding the following to each proj file:
<!-- Rest of project file -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(SolutionDir)' == '' or '$(SolutionDir)' == '*undefined*'">
<!-- Relative path to containing solution folder -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)CommonSettings.targets" />
2) Added a clean target which gets called after the real Clean (using the AfterTargets attribute from MSBuild 4.0):
<Target Name="CleanCs" AfterTargets="Clean">
<Message Text="Deep cleaning C# project..." />
<CreateItem Include="$(OutDir)**\*.*; $(ProjectDir)\obj\**\*.*; $(IntermediateOutputPath)**\*.*"
Exclude="**\bin\**\*.vshost.exe; $(IntermediateOutputPath)**\*.log">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_FilesToDelete"/>
<Delete Files="#(AfterClean_FilesToDelete)" />
<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)\obj\" >
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete" />
<CreateItem Include ="$(ProjectDir)\bin\" Condition="'$(TargetExt)' != '.exe'" >
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete"/>
<RemoveDir ContinueOnError="true" Directories="#(AfterClean_DirectoriesToDelete)" />
3) In my continuous integration MSBuild project I check and make sure that all proj files have #1:
<!-- Exclude viewer acceptance tests as they must compile as x86 -->
<CheckProjects_CsProjects Include="**\*.csproj" />
<Target Name="CheckProjects">
Look for C# projects that don't import CommonSettingsCs.targets
<XmlRead XPath="//n:Project[count(n:Import[#Project[contains(string(), 'CommonSettingsCs.targets')]]) = 0]/n:PropertyGroup/n:AssemblyName/text() "
Prefix="n" >
<Output TaskParameter="Value" ItemName="CheckProjects_CsMissingImports"/>
<Error Text="Project missing CommonSettingsCs.targets: %(CheckProjects_CsMissingImports.Identity)"
Condition="'%(CheckProjects_CsMissingImports.Identity)' != ''" />
This prevents developers from forgetting to add #1. You could create your own project template to ensure that al new projects have this by default.
The advantage to this approach is setting up a new source tree enlistment doesn't involve anything more than getting the current source tree. The downside is that you have to edit the project files once when you create them.
To work on solution file, MSBuild creates a temporary MSBuild project file containing only some targets like Build and Clean. So you can't call your custom target on a solution file.
Madgnome is probably right. But I wanted to add that you should not be editing the Microsoft.common.targets files. If you do so you risk having a different build process on that machine versus what everybody else has. In your case you could have created a new MSBuild file with just the RealClean target and placed it at
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\v4.0\Custom.After.Microsoft.Common.targets
or for 32 bit
C:\Program Files\MSBuild\v4.0\Custom.After.Microsoft.Common.targets
and essentially that would be the same as putting that file inside of Microsoft.Common.targets, except you don't have to modify that file.

MSBuild ITaskItem array is out of date

I'm creating a custom ITask for MSBuild which uploads the output files of my build. I'm using a web deployment project to publish my app and hooking in to the AfterBuild target to do my custom work.
If I add a file to my web application, the first time I do a build, my custom task is not recognizing the recently added file. In order for that file to show up in my array of ITaskItems, I have to first do a build with my 'AfterBuild' target removed and then start the build again with my 'AfterBuild' target in place.
Here is what my build file looks like:
<PublishContent Include="$(OutputPath)\**" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<UploadTask FilesToPublish="#(PublishContent)" />
The list in #(PublishContent) seems to be initialized at the beginning of the build instead of reflecting any changes that might have taken place by the build process itself.
Any ideas?
Your ItemGroup is going to get evaluated when the project file first loads (when you first open Visual Studio or you 'unload' and 'reload' the project in Solution Explorer).
What you probably need is to create an ItemGroup as a task in your 'AfterBuild' target. Example:
<CreateItem Include="$(OutputPath)\**">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="OutputFiles"/>
followed by:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<UploadTask FilesToPublish="#(OutputFiles)" />