SQL Query: How to list joined values on the same row - sql

I've got a table of job listings and a related table which contains the job listing ids and each of the field values in a 'field title' -> 'field value' format.
So to get my listing of jobs, I've JOINED the tables in my SQL Query, but am getting the results on multiple lines because of that. Let me illustrate.
Query is something like:
SELECT list.id, list.activation_date, list_field.value
FROM listings AS list
INNER JOIN listings_fields AS list_field ON list.id = list_field.id
WHERE list.activation_date > SOME VALUE
AND list_field.field_id IN ('Title', 'Category')
ORDER BY list.activation_date DESC, list_field.field_id DESC
The result looks like this:
51325 2012-07-31 Job Title 1
51325 2012-07-31 Category 1, Category 2
51324 2012-07-31 Job Title 2
51324 2012-07-31 Category 3
51323 2012-07-31 Job Title 3
51323 2012-07-31 Category 1, Category 3
I've got all the data I need, it's ordered consistently with title first and category second, but I can't think of how to get the result all in one row. This must be a common problem with a well-known trick, and I'm sorry I don't know it yet.
Still learning. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. :-)

Something like
SELECT list.id, list.activation_date, list_fieldJ.value,list_fieldC.value
FROM listings AS list
INNER JOIN listings_fields AS list_fieldJ ON list.id = list_fieldJ.id
and List_fieldj = 'Title'
INNER JOIN listings_fields AS list_fieldC ON list.id = list_fieldC.id
and List_fieldC = 'Category'
WHERE list.activation_date > SOME VALUE
ORDER BY list.activation_date DESC
Basically join once for title and then again for Category. Needless to say it's a pain if you have more than few value types to get out. And the above assumes that a job will always have title and category. Optional ones you'd need an outer join on.


Sql Left or Right Join One To Many Pagination

I have one main table and join other tables via left outer or right outer outer join.One row of main table have over 30 row in join query as result. And I try pagination. But the problem is I can not know how many rows will it return for one main table row result.
Example :
Main table first row result is in my query 40 rows.
Main table second row result is 120 row.
Problem(Question) UPDATE:
For pagination I need give the pagesize the count of select result. But I can not know the right count for my select result. Example I give page no 1 and pagesize 50, because of this I cant get the right result.I need give the right pagesize for my main table top 10 result. Maybe for top 10 row will the result row count 200 but my page size is 50 this is the problem.
I am using Sql 2014. I need it for my ASP.NET project but is not important.
Sample UPDATE :
it is like searching an hotel for booking. Your main table is hotel table. And the another things are (mediatable)images, (mediatable)videos, (placetable)location and maybe (commenttable)comments they are more than one rows and have one to many relationship for the hotel. For one hotel the result will like 100, 50 or 10 rows for this all info. And I am trying to paginate this hotels result. I need get always 20 or 30 or 50 hotels for performance in my project.
Sample Query UPDATE :
KisiselCoach KC
JOIN WorkPlace WP
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = WP.WorkPlaceOwnerId
JOIN Album A
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = A.AlbumId
JOIN Media M
ON A.AlbumId = M.AlbumId
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = R.OylananId
JOIN FrUser Fr
ON KC.CoachId = Fr.UserId
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = UJ.UserJobOwnerId
ON UJ.JobId = J.JobId
JOIN UserExpertise UserEx
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = UserEx.UserExpertiseOwnerId
JOIN Expertise Ex
ON UserEx.ExpertiseId = Ex.ExpertiseId
Hotel Table :
HotelId HotelName
1 Barcelona
2 Berlin
Media Table :
MediaID MediaUrl HotelId
1 www.xxx.com 1
2 www.xxx.com 1
3 www.xxx.com 1
4 www.xxx.com 1
Location Table :
LocationId Adress HotelId
1 xyz, Berlin 1
2 xyz, Nice 1
3 xyz, Sevilla 1
4 xyz, Barcelona 1
Comment Table :
CommentId Comment HotelId
1 you are cool 1
2 you are great 1
3 you are bad 1
4 hmm you are okey 1
This is only sample! I have 9999999 hotels in my database. Imagine a hotel maybe it has 100 images maybe zero. I can not know this. And I need get 20 hotels in my result(pagination). But 20 hotels means 1000 rows maybe or 100 rows.
First, your query is poorly written for readability flow / relationship of tables. I have updated and indented to try and show how/where tables related in hierarchical relativity.
You also want to paginate, lets get back to that. Are you intending to show every record as a possible item, or did you intend to show a "parent" level set of data... Ex so you have only one instance per Media, Per User, or whatever, then once that entry is selected you would show details for that one entity? if so, I would do a query of DISTINCT at the top-level, or at least grab the few columns with a count(*) of child records it has to show at the next level.
Also, mixing inner, left and right joins can be confusing. Typically a right-join means you want the records from the right-table of the join. Could this be rewritten to have all required tables to the left, and non-required being left-join TO the secondary table?
Clarification of all these relationships would definitely help along with the context you are trying to get out of the pagination. I'll check for comments, but if lengthy, I would edit your original post question with additional details vs a long comment.
Here is my SOMEWHAT clarified query rewritten to what I THINK the relationships are within your database. Notice my indentations showing where table A -> B -> C -> D for readability. All of these are (INNER) JOINs indicating they all must have a match between all respective tables. If some things are NOT always there, they would be changed to LEFT JOINs
KisiselCoach KC
JOIN WorkPlace WP
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = WP.WorkPlaceOwnerId
JOIN Album A
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = A.AlbumId
JOIN Media M
ON A.AlbumId = M.AlbumId
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = R.OylananId
JOIN FrUser Fr
ON KC.CoachId = Fr.UserId
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = UJ.UserJobOwnerId
ON UJ.JobId = J.JobId
JOIN UserExpertise UserEx
ON KC.KisiselCoachId = UserEx.UserExpertiseOwnerId
JOIN Expertise Ex
ON UserEx.ExpertiseId = Ex.ExpertiseId
Readability of a query is a BIG help for yourself, and/or anyone assisting or following you. By not having the "on" clauses near the corresponding joins can be very confusing to follow.
Also, which is your PRIMARY table where the rest are lookup reference tables.
Ok, so I updated a query which appears to have no context to the sample data and what you want in your post. That said, I would start with a list of hotels only and a count(*) of things per hotel so you can give SOME indication of how much stuff you have in detail. Something like
coalesce( MedSum.recs, 0 ) as MediaItems,
coalesce( LocSum.recs, 0 ) as NumberOfLocations,
coalesce( ComSum.recs, 0 ) as NumberOfLocations
Hotel H
( select M.HotelID,
count(*) recs
from Media M
group by M.HotelID ) MedSum
on H.HotelID = MedSum.HotelID
( select L.HotelID,
count(*) recs
from Location L
group by L.HotelID ) LocSum
on H.HotelID = LocSum.HotelID
( select C.HotelID,
count(*) recs
from Comment C
group by C.HotelID ) ComSum
on H.HotelID = ComSum.HotelID
order by
--- apply any limit per pagination
Now this will return every hotel at a top-level and the total count of things per the hotel per the individual counts which may or not exist hence each sub-check is a LEFT-JOIN. Expose a page of 20 different hotels. Now, as soon as one person picks a single hotel, you can then drill-into the locations, media and comments per that one hotel.
Now, although this COULD work, having to do these counts on an every-time query might get very time consuming. You might want to add counter columns to your main hotel table representing such counts as being performed here. Then, via some nightly process, you could re-update the counts ONCE to get them primed across all history, then update counts only for those hotels that have new activity since entered the date prior. Not like you are going to have 1,000,000 posts of new images, new locations, new comments in a day, but of 22,000, then those are the only hotel records you would re-update counts for. Each incremental cycle would be short based on only the newest entries added. For the web, having some pre-aggregate counts, sums, etc is a big time saver where practical.

Joining results from one query with another query

I have two queries. The first gives me a list of BusinessUnitIds along with a count for each:
SELECT [b].[BusinessUnitId], COUNT([b].[BusinessUnitId]) AS bucount
FROM [dbo].[ComponentTeamBusinessUnit] [b]
WHERE [b].[GlobalClientFiscalYearId] = #GlobalClientFiscalYearId
AND [b].[ComponentTeamId] IN (SELECT items FROM [dbo].[fnSplit](#ComponentTeamIds, ','))
GROUP BY [b].[BusinessUnitId])
I want to take the BusinessUnitIds in this result and join them to a second query which will retrieve the Business Unit Name associated with the BusinessUnitIds. Something like the following:
Select [c].Name, [first query result].Count from [dbo].[BusinessUnit] [c]
INNER JOIN [first query result]
WHERE [c].BusinessUnitId = [first query result].BusinessUnitId
Ultimately, what I want is a listing of Business Names, along with a count of each. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Can anyone help? To do both queries in a single statement would be tops. Thank you.
SELECT [b].[BusinessUnitId],A.Name, COUNT([b].[BusinessUnitId]) AS bucount
FROM [dbo].[ComponentTeamBusinessUnit] [b]
LEFT JOIN NameTable as A
ON A.BusinessUnitId = b.BusinessUnitId
WHERE [b].[GlobalClientFiscalYearId] = #GlobalClientFiscalYearId
AND [b].[ComponentTeamId] IN (SELECT items FROM [dbo].[fnSplit](#ComponentTeamIds, ','))
GROUP BY [b].[BusinessUnitId],A.Name
If tables are One to One, will be neat, if one to many, you will see the result like:
id name count
1 A 5
1 B 6
And if you want to group id 1, to get:
id name count
1 A,B 11
That you need to use FOR XML PATH() together with STUFF, or STRING_SPLIT, really depends on your real case.

SSRS is removing multiple lines in grouping

I have an SSRS report with the following query:
Rtrim(ltrim(CUSTNAME)) as 'CUSTNAME',
,b.ITEMID as 'Item Id'
,[PRICE_NEW] as 'New Price'
,[PRICE_OLD] as 'Old Price'
,[PRICEUNIT_NEW] as 'New Unit Price'
,[PRICEUNIT_OLD] as 'Old Unit Price'
,LOGCREATEDDATE as 'Created Date'
,(select Description from Dimensions where a.Dimension2_ = Dimensions.Num) as 'Division'
INVENTTRANS.ITEMID = B.ITEMID and InvoiceID like 'Inv%' order by INVENTTRANS.DATEFINANCIAL desc) As 'LastInvoice'
WHERE LOGCREATEDDATE between #beginCreatedDate and #endCreatedDate
and a.dimension2_ in (#dimension)
What happens, in short, is it goes through a table and picks out an item number and lists each price change for that item.
the query, wen run, will return something like:
CUSTNAME | Modified By | Item ID | New Price | Old Price
Performance Joe 12345 21.50 21.49
Performance Mary 12345 21.49 19.10
(This happens to be the return that is causing problem)
My report lists each line by division, Customer name and item Number. The problem is, when I have an Item ID group, it adds up the total (makes sense) So i get rid of the item number group, but now it will list only one item per customer!
it should show the two lines for Performance in the example, but instead, it lists neither. I would like it to show every single line for each customer. It must be the ITEM ID group, but I can't seem to get it right.
Rather than getting rid of the group, change it to show detail data.
Right click on the group select 'Group Properties' and select the Group On expression. Then click the delete button. It will then no longer sum as it is a detail group.
I would recommend that you then remove sum from the relevant expressions, to avoid confusion, as they will only be summing single values but will make it look otherwise.

SQL - Getting a column from another table to join this query

I've got the code below which displays the location_id and total number of antisocial crimes but I would like to get the location_name from a different table called location_dim be output as well. I tried to find a way to UNION it but couldn't get it to work. Any ideas?
SELECT fk5_location_id , COUNT(fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
WHERE fk1_time_id = 3 AND fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY fk5_location_id;
You want to use join to lookup the location name. The query would probably look like this:
SELECT ld.location_name, COUNT(cf.fk3_crime_id) as TOTAL_ANTISOCIAL_CRIMES
from CRIME_FACT cf join
on cf.fk5_location_id = ld.location_id
WHERE cf.fk1_time_id = 3 AND cf.fk3_crime_id = 1
GROUP BY ld.location_name;
You need to put in the right column names for ld.location_name and ld.location_id.
you need to find a relationship between the two tables to link a location to crime. that way you could use a "join" and select the fields from each table you are interested in.
I suggest taking a step back and reading up on the fundamentals of relational databases. There are many good books out there which is the perfect place to start.

SQL: Need to remove duplicate rows in query containing multiple joins

Note that I'm a complete SQL noob and in the process of learning. Based on Google searches (including searching here) I've tried using SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY but neither works, likely due to all of my joins (if anyone knows why they won't work exactly, that would be helpful to learn).
I need data from a variety of tables and below is the only way I know to do it (I just know the basics). The query below works fine but shows duplicates. I need to know how to remove those. The only hint I have right now is perhaps a nested SELECT query but based on research I'm not sure how to implement them. Any help at all would be great, thanks!
USE SQL_Contest
CLT.Description AS ClockType,
CLK.SerialNumber AS JobClockSerial,
SIT.SiteNumber AS JobID,
SIT.[Name] AS JobsiteName,
SIT.Status AS SiteActivityStatus,
DHA.IssuedDate AS DHAIssuedDate, -- Date the clock was assigned to THAT jobsite
CLK.CreatedDate AS CLKCreatedDate, -- Date clock first was assigned to ANY jobsite
FROM tb_Clock CLK
ON CLK.TypeID = CLT.ClockTypeID
INNER JOIN tb_DeviceHolderActivity DHA
LEFT JOIN tb_Session SES
ON SES.ClockSerialNumber = CLK.SerialNumber
EDIT: I will be reviewing these answers shortly, thank you very much. I'm posting the additional duplicate info per Rob's request:
Everything displays fine until I add:
LEFT JOIN tb_Session SES
ON SES.ClockSerialNumber = CLK.SerialNumber
Which I need. That's when a duplicate appears:
JobClock 2,500248E4,08-107,Brentwood Job,1,2007-05-04 13:36:54.000,2007-05-04 13:47:55.407,3049
JobClock 2,500248E4,08-107,Brentwood Job,1,2007-05-04 13:36:54.000,2007-05-04 13:47:55.407,3049
I want that info to only display once. Essentially this query is to determine all active jobsites that have a clock assigned to them, and that job only has one clock assigned to it, and it's only one jobsite, but it's appearing twice.
EDIT 2: Based on the help you guys provided I was able to determine they actually are NOT duplicates, and each session is independent, that is the only one that happened to have two sessions. So now I'm going to try to figure out how to only pull in information from the latest session.
If everything "works fine" until you add:
LEFT JOIN tb_Session SES
ON SES.ClockSerialNumber = CLK.SerialNumber
Then there must be more than one record in tb_Session for each CLK.SerialNumber.
Run the following query:
FROM tb_Session SES
WHERE ClockSerialNumber = '08-107'
There should be two records returned. You need to decide how to handle this (i.e. Which record do you want to use?), unless both rows from tb_Session contain identical data, in which case, should they?
You could always change your query to:
CLT.Description AS ClockType,
CLK.SerialNumber AS JobClockSerial,
SIT.SiteNumber AS JobID,
SIT.[Name] AS JobsiteName,
SIT.Status AS SiteActivityStatus,
DHA.IssuedDate AS DHAIssuedDate, -- Date the clock was assigned to THAT jobsite
CLK.CreatedDate AS CLKCreatedDate, -- Date clock first was assigned to ANY jobsite
FROM tb_Clock CLK
ON CLK.TypeID = CLT.ClockTypeID
INNER JOIN tb_DeviceHolderActivity DHA
SELECT DISTINCT ClockSerialNumber, ClockVoltage
FROM tb_Session
ON SES.ClockSerialNumber = CLK.SerialNumber
As that should ensure that SES only contains one record for each unique combination of ClockSerialNumber and ClockVoltage
Take this example dataset:
IngredientId IngredientName
============ =========
1 Apple
2 Orange
3 Pear
4 Tomato
RecipeId RecipeName
======== ==========
1 Apple Turnover
2 Apple Pie
3 Poached Pears
RecipeId IngredientId Quantity
======== ============ ========
1 1 0.25
1 1 1.00
2 1 2.00
3 3 1.00
Note: Why the Apple Turnover has two lots of apple as ingredients, is neither here nor there, it just does.
The following query will return two rows for the "Apple Turnover" recipe, one row for the "Apple Pie" recipe and one row for the "Poached Pears" recipe, because there are two entries in the Recipe_Ingredient table for IngredientId 1. That's just what happens with a join..
SELECT I.IngredientName,
FROM Ingredient I
JOIN Recipe_Ingredient RI
ON I.IngredientId = RI.IngredientId
JOIN Recipe R
ON RI.recipeId = R.RecipeId
You could get this to return only one row by changing it to:
SELECT I.IngredientName,
FROM Ingredient I
JOIN Recipe_Ingredient RI
ON I.IngredientId = RI.IngredientId
JOIN Recipe R
ON RI.recipeId = R.RecipeId
GROUP BY I.IngredientName, R.RecipeName
Without more specifics regarding your data, it's hard to apply this to your specific scenario, but the walkthrough may help you understand where the "duplicates" are coming from as someone unfamiliar with SQL
The joins are not your problem. From your comments I will infer that what you are calling "duplicates" are not actual duplicates. If all columns values for 2 "duplicates" returned from the query matched, then either SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY would definitely eliminate them. So you should be able to find a solution by looking at your column definitions.
My best guess is that you're getting duplicates of for the same date which aren't really duplicates because the time component of the date doesn't match. To eliminate this problem, you can truncate the date fields to the date only using this technique:
DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DHA.IssuedDate), 0) AS DHAIssuedDate,
DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CLK.CreatedDate), 0) AS CLKCreatedDate,
If that doesn't work you might want to take a look at JobClockSerial: does this column belong in the query results?