Can I use NHibernate SysCache with Non-Web-Application? - nhibernate

I have a Windows Service which is using NHibernate (3) and SQL Server 2008. WPF-Clients are connecting over WCF to this Service for using DataAccess.
My question is now: Can I use SysCache or SysCache2 in this Scenario - or are they only usable in Web-/ASP.NET-Applications?

Yes, it works just fine.
You can use it even in a console app if you want to (provided the computer has the full .NET Framework installed and not just the Client Profile).


Updating IIS website using WCF standard endpoints with Powershell

We have an ASP.Net website running under the 4.0 framework in IIS 7.5 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 box. A portion of the web site functionality utilizes WCF and has a "standardEndpoints" section in the web.config.
The website works fine and everything works fine if we want to use the IIS Management Console GUI to do things.
We would like to use powershell to make changes to the but when we run "Set-WebConfigurationProperty" an error is generated indicating that the "standardEndpoints" section of the web.config can't be processed.
The hotfix referenced here is not the solution. The website works, the hotfix appears to be only for Server 2008 (not R2), and when you try to install it, it says "not applicable for this server".
We did discover by running $PSVersionTable that PowerShell was referencing version 2.0 of the CLR. We installed Powershell 3.0 and now Powershell is referencing version 4.0 of the CLR but the problem persists.
We are looking to see if there is a simple solution to this. I suspect we may not have the right version of the IIS management script dll but can't find a different one to use. If the solution gets to complicated, we will just wipe the server and start from scratch.
Thanks for any suggestions,

How to connect to remote database with windowsphone

In my app, I want to read a remote sql database. After spending some hours on searching the net, I found out that this can not be done with sql commands but that it needs a webservice wrapper I.E WCF or
Are there (and where) any examples on how to read/write records to a remote database server using windowsphone.
Your best option will be to use WCF Data Services with an AD.NET Entity Framework model (there even is a client for Windows Phone). Beware that the Windows Phone client by default does not use compression and does not use the compact json format. UPDATE: Latest client/server parts now use json with Windows Phone

Can .NET 4 app call a .NET 3.5 WCF service?

About 2 years ago I worked on a WCF app, using VS 2008. I was using BasicHttpBinding. I got it onto a Windows 2003 Server R2, and then other projects came up, demanding attention. Now I'm trying to get back at it, only now I want to use VS 2010 to write the client side of the app (it's going to be a WPF app). I'm getting an error, but before I get into that I just want to know; can a .NET 4.0 app work with a WCF service written using .NET 3.5?
In theory, since you are using the Basic binding, you should be able to use any version of .Net to connect to your service. BasicHttpBinding offers the most compatibility across versions, so you're on the right track.
WPF Calling WCF Using a BasicHttpBinding

Zend Framework and Apache

Most of the Zend framework books talk about using the framework with the Zend Server.
Is it possible to use Apache instead and if so is there any major drawback?
Yes it is possible. I suppose the drawback could be that the Web Server is not automatically configured for you, if you don't use a WAMP/LAMP stack like Zend Server.
Of course you can use it with Apache, the only drawback is that you have to configure your environment in order to make ZF work and also to clarify things out Zend Server is an application server not a web server you can think of it as a LAMP stack but you can also choose IIS if your on windows.

Data access in Silverlight 2.0

I'm new to silverlight and I'm porting from 2.0. I have done many data binding applications in where I use sql server 2005 and use it's tables and access them via sqlconnection object and perform all kind of database related functions. Can anyone tell does silverlight 2.0 supports such kind of facility. If so can I use any database server, if not is it through web services? can anyone point me some good place to start with.
No you can't connect directly to a database server. You need to use a web service. However to simplify things you can call a data web service such as SQL Server Data Services or Amazon S3. Otherwise use REST.
Silverlight is a client side technology. You can't access a database on the server directly. You have to use a layer in between, like webservices. For a nice tutorial on how to do that, check