How to save app instance specific state - rally

I'd like to save the user selection of a Rally artifact so that when the page is reloaded details about that artifact are displayed. There may be several instances of the app on the smae dashboard; whats the best way to uniquely identify a specific instance. I plan to use the preferences api to save the state.

If we're talking about SDK 2.0p3: Each copy of the app has a unique ID that you can use "getAppID()" to find. However, if you use the updateSettingsValues, it will save it uniquely by AppID automatically. Sadly, the updateSettingsValues is app specific only, not user or project specific.


Qlikview - How users to see documents which are assigned to them

I have 10 qlikview app in AccessPoint and for specific user i want to show only 7 app.
I don't wont to use Section Access.
I use NTFS authorization
And on folder Production (where save qvw app for browser) in Properties Security i remove specific user but he still see app...
How can I handle this?
By your description it sounds like you are using publisher.
If you want to display certain QVW's to certain users, then you need to setup the distribution to "Named Users", that way you can only add users to the relevant apps and the people that are not named will not see the QVW on the accesspoint.
Also make sure on the actual QVW (right click on it, properties, security) that only the relevant people have security rights on the file.

Alfresco permissions depending on whether document is currently part of workflow or not

Out-of-the-box, an Alfresco user can read a document based on:
The document's permissions
The user's role
The user's groups
Whether the user owns the document or not
Maybe some other factors I forgot?
Now, I want to add a new factor: Whether the document is currently part of a workflow.
Alfresco's permissionDefinitions.xml allows me to define permissions based on authorities such as ROLE_LOCK_OWNER etc, but it does not seem to be the right place to add permission conditions.
I guess I will have to write some Java source code, but I am not sure what classes are responsible for this, and whether there is an Alfresco way to customize them?
So, I assume you want to somehow have nodes that are attached to a workflow have different access rights? You need to think about the behavior you want in all of the UIs and protocols you are exposing (e.g. share, WebDAV, CIFS, FTP, etc.).
If you want to set a permission on a node, you can do that via JavaScript as well as Java (See and As was mentioned in one of the comments, you can also get the number of active workflows on a node by referencing the activeWorkflows property in JavaScript ( or in Java
Depending on the specifics, I might implement this in different ways, but if all you want to do is have the permission change, you could just update it at the beginning and end of your workflow with a simple javascript call. The only thing bad about that is that it doesn't take into consideration the workflow getting canceled. You could also create a policy/behavior on an aspect you attach or even have a rule or job run that updates content based on the activeWorkflows values.

Restrict access to screen transitions for unauthorized user

I want to restrict access to screen transitions for unauthorized user.
This is what I did:
1) I created UserGroups and added certain users to those user groups.
2) I also created certain ArtifactGroups.
3) Associated UserGroups with ArtifactGroups by 'ArtifactAuthz' entity.
4) Added certain artifacts to ArtifactGroups using ArtifactGroupMember.
I am able to restrict/allow access of screen artifacts but not able to restrict access to screen transitions.
Prepared data to add screen transition artifact into artifact group.
< artifactGroupId="CONFIG_ADMIN" artifactName="/tutorial/getTutorials" artifactTypeEnumId="AT_XML_SCREEN_TRANS" inheritAuthz="Y"/>
I doubt, I am not using proper artifactName. I also tried to find sample data for screen transitions but couldn't find any.
Please provide sample data to add screen transitions into artifact groups.
Thanks in advance.
This is not something used very often, and while it was part of the original design I've always found better ways to handle a given need. That said, it is supported. In older versions of Moqui the format is:
Since that is cumbersome I changed it in commit #ed0fd6e to be more like the format used for other things elsewhere:
If you pull now from the GitHub moqui/moqui repository that is what you'd use.

Adding licence field to WSO2 API in API manager

I have the need to add a licence field to the APIs published by the API manager.
It does not seems to be any extension point beyond the api.rxt file in the resource folder.
If I modify the file and run the application the carbon app correctly show the added field, but nor the publishe nor the store are able to get the field and there is no way to get it also with REST APIs since it calls a method of a class that (in later versions) outputted fields positionally.
Is it possible to add the field, without running the risk of crashing the API Manager?
Which is the correct way?
This change cannot be done without modifying the code. When an API is created from the Publisher app, it gets stored in the registry. The api.txt you modified, only defines the structure of this stored artifact. It may add a new field to the artifact, but to correctly populate that field, you need to modify several methods in APIProviderHostObject and APIProviderImpl + several Jaggery scripts.

Youtrack Custom field for who raised Issue?

I was expecting this to be a simple thing, but I am not quite sure how to go about doing it.
Basically on the current project we are trialling YouTrack and the agile board is great, but they could do with knowing who raised certain issues in case they need to go question them further on the issue. However I cannot seem to find a simple way to display this information.
I presumed it would be a custom field of type user, but it appears that this would manually need filling in and would not just be able to be pre-populated by the user who is making the task.
So is this possible?
Currently you can view only the assigned user's name on a ticket in Agile board.
I've created a task based on your request, you are welcome to vote and leave comments.
As a rough workaround, you can configure notifications on created issues in your projects.
In this way, developers will be notified about all created issues and their reporters.
For that, create a saved search (i.e created by: {Testers}), make this search visible to needed group (by clicking "Edit" on the saved search) and enable notification "on issue created" in user's "Profile". Also, user with admin permissions is able to allow this notifications for all needed users by himself(navigate to "Administration" area -> "Users" -> {user} ->"Profile").
Note, that you can receive notifications both via email and jabber.
Thank you.