I'm working on my first big application and have inadvertently driven myself into a panic from a small flaw in design. I've made a timer that counts at the touch of a button, and upon a second touch, transitions into a secondary timer with a 60 second countdown.
The problem lies in the fact that once I repeat this process, the (kRest-Pause) call is remembered. I'm looking to create a default countdown of 60 without the continuation of the time. Should I kill it in memory and create a new instance for each subsequent button press? Or is there a logic game that looks at the aggregate time and corrects with each new occurance?
I don't know how to approach this, I'm done attempting -if statements with returns as I have learned that's not how that works. Any help would be appreciated
EDIT: Sorry for the lack of clarity. I'm pretty green on programming of any caliber. So far, the main timer counts down from 10-0 then up from 0-120. In that 2 minute period, if the button is pressed again, the 0-120 count is paused for 60 seconds or until the button is pressed for the third time. If this 60-0 countdown reaches 0 or is interrupted, the initial 0-120 countup resumes its count. My issue is that if I push the button a fourth time, the 60-0 countdown is resumed from the moment of interruption without retaining a default of 60. This is why I named the post "creating defaults in Objective C". It's the wrong use of the word and way to broad, but it's what I could come up with.
if (mode==1){
int d = 10-count;
if (d==0){ timeLabel.text = #"Begin";
[self startPlaybackForPlayer: self.startTimerSound];}
else {timeLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", abs(d)];}
//workign out
active = TRUE;
if (d <= -20) {
[self stopTimer];
//no user interface
active = FALSE;
countdownLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d!", (kRest-pause)];
NSLog(#"Paused at time %d", pause);
UIColor *textColor = nil;
if (pause % 2==0){
textColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
textColor = [UIColor redColor];
timeLabel.textColor = textColor;
if ((kRest-pause)==0){
countdownLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d!",pause];
[button setTitle:#"Stop" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
myRepCount.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Rep Count: %d", repCount];
countdownLabel.text = #"";
if you are using a timer to access this counter then you should be able to update the counter that the timer uses. Just make sure you synchronize the object so you dont edit while you are reading.
here is an example of what I mean.
int counter = 0;
int limit = 60;
- (BOOL) incrementUntilReached{
if (counter == limit) return YES;
return NO;
- (void) resetTimer{
counter = 0;
- (int) countsLeft {
return limit - counter;
I'm trying to make a cocos2D game in which every time the player touches the screen, the background scrolls to the left thus simulating moving forwards.
The "background" consists of 2 very long rectangular panels called pane1 and pane2 linked together in a chain. When the screen is touched, I use CCActionMoveTo to move both panes to the left, and when one pane is completely off the screen, I move it back around to the other side to create an infinite loop.
The problem is the background scrolling animation takes .2 seconds, and if the player just mashes the screen a lot, it messes up everything. And, sometimes these two panes experience different amounts of lag so that they desync.
How do I set a delay on a function so that it can only be called once per designated time period? In other words, I want to add a "cooldown" to the function that handles player touch.
This function is called every time the scene is touched:
- (void)playerMove {
CCActionMoveTo * actionMove1 = [CCActionEaseOut actionWithAction:
[CCActionMoveTo actionWithDuration:.2
position:ccp(pane1.position.x - 150, 0)]
rate: 1.5];
CCActionMoveTo * actionMove2 = [CCActionEaseOut actionWithAction:
[CCActionMoveTo actionWithDuration:.2
position:ccp(pane2.position.x - 150, 0)]
rate: 1.5];
CCActionCallFunc * actionCallGenerateTerrain = [CCActionCallFunc actionWithTarget: self selector:#selector(generateTerrain)];
[pane1 runAction: [CCActionSequence actionWithArray:#[actionMove1, actionCallGenerateTerrain]]];
[pane2 runAction: actionMove2];
[pane1 runAction: actionMove1];
[pane2 runAction: [CCActionSequence actionWithArray:#[actionMove2, actionCallGenerateTerrain]]];
-(void) generateTerrain {
if (counter%8 == 0){
pane1InUse ^= YES;
CCLOG(#"%#", pane1InUse ? #"YES" : #"NO");
if (pane1InUse){
CCLOG(#"Generating Terrain 2 ...");
pane2.position = ccp(pane1.position.x+pane1.boundingBox.size.width, 0);
CCLOG(#"Generating Terrain 1 ...");
pane1.position = ccp(pane2.position.x+pane2.boundingBox.size.width, 0);
Also you may have noticed I'm using this weird block of code because ideally I would like actionMove1 and actionMove2 to be executed simultaneously, and once they are both done, then execute actionCallGenerateTerrain, but I don't know how to implement that:
[pane1 runAction: [CCActionSequence actionWithArray:#[actionMove1, actionCallGenerateTerrain]]];
[pane2 runAction: actionMove2];
[pane1 runAction: actionMove1];
[pane2 runAction: [CCActionSequence actionWithArray:#[actionMove2, actionCallGenerateTerrain]]];
You probably want to put pane1 and pane2 in a ccNode , call it combinedPanes (this will make pane1 and pane2 always move in sync). Then perform a single action on combinedPane. Also add a boolean state property, call it moveEnabled;
id movePane = [CCActionMoveTo ... ]; // whatever you have for pane1 or pane2
id moveComplete = [CCActionBlock actionWithBlock:^{
[self generateTerrain];
self.moveEnabled = YES;
self.moveEnabled = NO;
[movePane runAction:[CCActionSequence actions:movePane,moveComplete,nil]];
and use moveEnabled to allow/deny the touch processing that detected a touch and triggered this move code. During the move, this will drop touches and effectively block your hysterical user tapping like nuts.
-(void) playerMove {
if (self.moveEnabled){
// the rest of your logic
// ...
and in init (or if you detect this condition already, place it there).
self.moveEnabled = YES;
One simple way to prevent a function being called twice within a time period is to wrap it in an if statement like:
if ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:lastUpdated] > minDelay)
// call function here
lastUpdated = [NSDate date];
where lastUpdated is initialized using [NSDate date] and minDelay is the required minimum delay in seconds.
I have a Xcode 5/Cocoa program that clicks the left mouse button after specified interval a specified number of times. That part works fine. The problem occurs when I want to stop the while loop prematurely.
I'm using a listener to detect any key press during the running of the program, set a stopnow variable and check for that variable in the while loop. But, the while loop doesn't detect the change in the variable until the loop finishes.
Also, I change a counter in the title bar of the window to display the count of clicks done, and that doesn't get updated either until the loop finishes.
I do get the NSLog message when I press a key.
I'm very confused.
My code is here :
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
[[self myWindow] setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask handler:^(NSEvent *event) {
keychar = (unichar) event.characters;
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
stopnow = 1;
NSLog(#"Key Pressed = x%x (%x) (%x)",keychar,(keychar&0x7f00),((keychar&0xff00)>>8));
- (IBAction)setClickPoint:(NSButton *)sender {
CGEventRef ourEvent = CGEventCreate(NULL);
cgPoint = CGEventGetLocation(ourEvent);
myPoint = [NSString stringWithFormat:#" (%5.0f,%5.0f)", cgPoint.x, cgPoint.y];
myNewTitle = [mytitle stringByAppendingString:myPoint];
[[self myWindow] setTitle:myNewTitle];
(IBAction)strtButton:(NSButton *)sender {
NSLog(#"Entered strButtn");
numClicks = [_nClicks intValue];
numWait = [_nWait floatValue];
i = 0;
while (i < numClicks || numClicks == 0) {
myTotal = [NSString stringWithFormat:#" %i of %i", i, numClicks];
myNewTitle = [mytitle stringByAppendingString:myPoint];
myNewTitle = [myNewTitle stringByAppendingString:myTotal];
[[self myWindow] setTitle:myNewTitle];
CGEventRef down = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(0, kCGEventLeftMouseDown,cgPoint, 0);
CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, down);
CGEventRef up = CGEventCreateMouseEvent(0, kCGEventLeftMouseUp,cgPoint, 0);
CGEventPost(kCGSessionEventTap, up);
NSLog(#"stopnow = %i", stopnow);
if (stopnow == 1) {
stopnow = 0;
usleep((unsigned int)(numWait * 1000000.0));
A Cocoa/Cocoa Touch app is an event-based environment, so you cannot have long running "loops" in the main thread, as you stop the handling and delivery of the events.
When your loop finishes, the UI is able to update the bits you are seeing, as it can now deliver the events.
You will need to do this work in the background thread, or some such.
Ok, here is what works - use dispatch_async(global type) for the main loop, use dispatch_async(main queue) for the code that updates the title.
I'm just starting to wrap my brain around Sprite Kit and I am encountering a very strange error when attempting to change the property of a node in a for loop im using.
I have two SKSpriteNode objects, one is the child of a SKScene (BLATheBugs) and the other is a child of the first (BLAEmptySpaces). I have a grid laid out with BLAEmptySpaces, and BLATheBugs on top of those empty spaces which are supposed to take UITouch, and move to an empty space if its bool isOccpupied property == False. When the scene is set up, the SKScene triggers a method in TheBugs:
-(void) spawnEmptySpacesInitialize
[self addChild:[self spawnEmptySpaces]];
which in turn triggers:
-(BLAEmptySpaces *) spawnEmptySpaces
emptySpace = [[BLAEmptySpaces alloc] init];
emptySpace.numberOfEmptySpacesNeeded = 12;
[emptySpace spawnEmptySpaces];
[emptySpace positionTheEmptySpaces];
return emptySpace;
which finally triggers a method in the EmptySpaces object:
-(BLAEmptySpaces *) spawnEmptySpaces
_emptySpacesArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (int x = 0; x < _numberOfEmptySpacesNeeded; x++)
_anEmptySpace = [[BLAEmptySpaces alloc] initWithImageNamed:#"BlueLight.png"];
_anEmptySpace.zPosition = 50;
[_emptySpacesArray addObject:_anEmptySpace];
[self addChild: _anEmptySpace];
return self;
everything seems fine, (except for needing the additional "addChild" in the EmptySpaces object to get them to be drawn on the screen which i have also been trying to fix) but when i call the method to move TheBugs:
-(void) moveLeftOneSpace
NSLog(#"%d", emptySpace.emptySpacesArray.count);
for (emptySpace in emptySpace.emptySpacesArray)
if (emptySpace.isOccupied == NO)
for (_yellowBug in yellowBugArray)
if (_positionOfFingerTouchX > _yellowBug.position.x - variableOne && _positionOfFingerTouchX < _yellowBug.position.x + variableTwo && _positionOfFingerTouchY > _yellowBug.position.y - variableOne && _positionOfFingerTouchY < _yellowBug.position.y + variableTwo && emptySpace.position.x == _yellowBug.position.x - 80 && emptySpace.position.y == _yellowBug.position.y)
_yellowBug.position = CGPointMake(_yellowBug.position.x - spaceBetweenBugs, _yellowBug.position.y);
emptySpace.isOccupied = YES;
It at first tells me there are 12 objects in the array and runs the operation. if I try to move any piece again, it tells me there are now NO objects in the array (yellowBugArray). It is also probably worth noting that it will not let me access emptySpace.anEmptySpace. Throws me an error.
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully somewhere in here is the cause of my problem.
Thank you very much guys!
I am new to the community, so let me know if my question is unclear. I am trying to make a choice reaction exercise on the iPAD. There are two images that should appear in random sequence on the left and right of the screen, and the user will respond by tapping a button that corresponds to the position of the appeared image. Here's the problem, I tried to get the two images to appear at random order using the following way:
- (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
for(int n = 1; n <= 20; n = n + 1)
int r = arc4random() % 2;
NSLog(#"%i", r);
[self greenCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
[self redCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
However, 20 random numbers get generated while only 1 set of animation is run. Is there a way to let the animation finish running in each loop before the next loop begins? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
When you say "only one set of animation is run" I'm assuming that means greenCircleAppear and redCircleAppear begin the sequence of images appearing and the user pressing a button. If that's the case, I'd recommend not using a for loop in viewDidAppear but instead have viewDidAppear initialize the current state and call a method that presents the next animation. When the animation is finished, have it call the method that presents the next animation. Something along these lines:
Add this to the interface:
#interface ViewController ()
#property NSInteger currentIteration;
This is in the implementation:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
self.currentIteration = 0;
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)greenCircleAppear:(id)arg1 finished:(id)arg2 context:(id)arg3 {
//perform animation
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)redCircleAppear:(id)arg1 finished:(id)arg2 context:(id)arg3 {
//perform animation
[self showNextAnimation];
- (void)showNextAnimation {
self.currentIteration = self.currentIteration + 1;
if (self.currentIteration <= 20) { //you should replace '20' with a constant
int r = arc4random() % 2;
NSLog(#"%i", r);
[self greenCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
[self redCircleAppear:nil finished:nil context: nil];
else {
//do what needs to be done after the last animation
I am developing an application for the iPhone. The question I have is how to display a new label with a different text every .5 seconds. For example, it would display Blue, Red, Green, Orange and Purple; one right after one another. Right now I am doing this:
results = aDictionary;
NSArray *myKeys = [results allKeys];
NSArray *sortedKeys = [myKey sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];
int keyCount = [sortedKeys count];
while (flag == NO) {
NSTimeInterval timeMS = [startDate timeIntervalSinceNow] * -10000.0;
if (timeMS >= i) {
i += 1000;
NSLog(#"endDate = %f", timeMS);
int randomNumber = rand() % keyCount + 1;
lblResult.text = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(randomNumber - 1)]];
result = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(randomNumber - 1)]];
lblResult.text = result;
if (ii > 25) {
flag = YES;
lblResult.text = [results valueForKey:[sortedKeys objectAtIndex:(sortedKeys.count - 1)]];
this function is called at the viewDidAppear Function and currently isn't displaying the new labels. It only displays the one at the end. Am I doing anything wrong? What would be the best method to approach this?
The problem is that you're not giving the run loop a chance to run (and therefore, drawing to happen). You'll want to use an NSTimer that fires periodically and sets the next text (you could remember in an instance variable where you currently are).
Or use something like this (assuming that items is an NSArray holding your strings):
- (void)updateText:(NSNumber *)num
NSUInteger index = [num unsignedInteger];
[label setText:[items objectAtIndex:index]];
// to loop, add
// if (index == [items count]) { index = 0; }
if (index < [items count]) {
[self performSelector:#selector(updateText:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:index] afterDelay:0.5];
At the beginning (e.g. in viewDidAppear:), you could then call
[self updateText:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:0]];
to trigger the initial update.
You'd of course need to ensure that the performs are not continuing when your view disappears, you could do this by canceling the performSelector, or if you're using a timer, by simply invalidating it, or using a boolean, or ...
And if you want to get really fancy, use GCD :)