Class / object logic - objective-c

How would you solve this? When the app starts, four objects of a class are created. These objects have names you know because you named them yourself. From a viewController you can access these objects and call a method (which they all got) which creates a UILocalNotification. (So in the end you've got four notifications running.)
Two questions:
How do you name the notifications (differently)? As far as I know is it not possible to access the object name to use the string as name when creating the notification? (Which would be the best solution?)
When the notifications are fired, how do you access/cancel them from another viewController when you don't know the names?
Thank you!

Set tags for all objects, and set same tags for notifications, they generate.


User Control which triggers GeneXus events in iOS

I'm developing an iOS User Control for Genexus X Ev3, is based on Maps an inherits from GXControlGridBase, the main function is to select a point in the map and return the geolocation updating Genexus attribute and launching an event showing a message with the coordinates stored in the attribute.
Searching I found this:
1- in control definition, .control file defines an event
2- in Genexus code
Event Control.EventName
3- To trigger from Objective-C
[self fireControlEvent:#"EventName" userInterfaceContext:nil withEntityData:nil];
Steps 1&2 are ready (and they work, there is a UC version for Android).
In case of Objective-C ¿where I can put that line? ¿how update the genexus attribute value?
Thanks in advance.
To select a point in a map, you can use the SD Geolocation user control that is built-in in GeneXus.
If you, however, want to make your own user control, you'll probably want to make it a subclass of GXControlEditableWithLabelBase or GXControlEditableWithLabelSingleEditorViewBase. That is, given that you want it to have an associated attribute. You say you are using a GXControlGridBase subclass, that is for lists of values, not just an attribute.
As for the last part of your question, if you need to update the attribute's value, there is no need to trigger an event. You can call this method from the control's implementation:
[self updateEntityDataResolvedFieldWithValue:fieldValue];
The method -updateEntityDataResolvedFieldWithValue: is defined in the GXControlEditableWithLabelBase base class.

The correct way to design data loading and object creation

I'm working on an app for iphone where I load a JSON from a php server, parse it with a library and create an object with this data. My code works fine but the way I do it seems wrong to me:
A viewController shows to the user a loading view. Meanwhile the ViewController makes the get request and receive the data.
The VC parse the response and get a dictionary
The dictionary is send to a "creator class" who returns a object created from the dictionary
I do two times this operation but I think it's a bad design:
Should a View Controller do a http request? Don't shoud be a "objectLoader"? The main method of creation class makes a big bunch of if/else spaghettis, like:
for(NSString key in dictionary){
if(key isEqualToString "a key"){
perform action
else if(key isEqualToString "an other key"){
perform action
Any idea to solve that? I was thinking about make a dictionary of keys/selectors to solve it and do something like:
for(NSString key in dictionary){
[self performSelector:[selectors getObjectForKey:key]]
But I don't know if I can reference a selector in a dictionary...
Finally the other option that comes to me is send the parsed dictionary to the object with a class method like: [ClassName createObjectWithDictionary:parsedDictionary]. That's a good way to do it?
I know the question is a little ambiguous but I'm a little lost in what Design patterns I should apply and who is responsible of what in this story
the best way is to use MVC pattern and have model with data that has methods to push and remove some data inside it and a list of delegates (derived from UIViewController) which are notified in case of changed model data.
Controller (not UIViewController) is something that initiates fetching data from server and handles results.
And all of UIViewControllers handles data changes and user interaction.
For now, write some RequestController (singletone or not, doesn't matter) that handles request routines and stores all necessary data to trigger events in controller.
You can use blocks or NSNotificationCenter to handle request's completion.
After getting necessary data through RequestController from request, your Controller can create necessary parsers and push parsed data into model.
Personally, I would NOT let the ViewController do the HTTP request. I always write service classes in my apps, that do the low level stuff and inform the caller (e.g. a view controller) via delegation on any received result.
So the control flow in that case is:
-> ViewController locks screen with loading message
-> calls service with itself as delegate - the service does the work and receives the answer -> the answer is processed and the result passed to the delegate
-> the ViewController takes the response, removes the loading message and does whatever is necessary with the response.
Concerning your second question: yes, it is possible to dynamically chose a selector out of a dictionary - e.g. by storing the selector's name in the dictionary and then use
SEL selector = selectorFromString(#"doWork");
to create the right selector to call.

Objective c - Core Data saving approach

I have some NSManagedObject subclass in my app, and I'm trying to understand when and how to save changes.
I will try to explain myself, for example class A is NSManagedObject subclass.
During app life cycle I do:
App launched
Create an instance of class A
Change some properties of A instance
App go to background
App becomes active again
Change some more properties of A instance
App terminates
When do I need to call [context save:] ??
Do I call it after every change in A instance? Or maybe I call it only when app go to background?
Should I call it after creation or deletion of any A instance?
A nice approach is place UIManagedDocument in your AppDelegate. Then you can call [context save] whenever some change occurs in the app (like a crash). The order I like to follow is something like:
Create UIManagedDocument object (in application did load or wherever)
and assign it to a property
Setup the document (check whether it exist on disk or is already open, etc.. and respond accordingly)
Pass the UIManagedObjectContext to the initial UIViewController in your app (from there you can pass the context to other view controllers)
UIManaged document will save the context for you.
Take a look at the UIManagedDocument documentation to configure persistent store options (you send an NSDictionary of options to your UIManagedDocument instance, see the first example through the link below).
UIManagedDocument documentation:
Also see the CoreData lecture and demo (lectures 13 and 14) of the iPhone and iPad application development course with Paul Hegarty available free on iTunesU (Fall 2011).
The data will not be saved to the persistent store until you call save. So, it depends on what you want in your app. If you want it to be able to recover the last value it ever had, then you should save after each modification.
Easy change is to just save after making modifications.
You could do something a bit more fancy, like only save after some set amount of time, so many changes are grouped together... and catch any event that will put your app in the background and then save...
But, that's what UIManagedDocument does automatically for you, so you could just use that instead.
Depending on the amount of changes that you make and the volume of data that needs to be saved with each change, yo can choose to save a little or a lot. If you are just saving a string or a number or a bool, then go ahead and call save: on your context as soon as the changes were made.
If it is a lot of data, you may want to coalasce your changes and then save it on a background queue so that you are not blocking the main queue. This way you are not waiting to go to the background to perform your saves.

Objective-c, passing NSURLConnection result to a View Controller

Long time reader, first time poster here.
I'm creating a test app that creates a NSURLConnection and then displays the result on an UILabel.
I am presently using a Notification Center observer, which fires a notification from within connectionDidFinishLoading to wait for the connection to complete successfully, before I look for the result.
However, what I am struggling to conceptualize is where to store the response data so that I can access it from my View Controller and post the result to the UILabel. (Or from anywhere other than an instance of my Connection Class, for that matter.)
I don't want to post directly to the UILabel from connectionDidFinishLoading. I need a way to decide what I will do with the response later - so my Connection Class stays generalized.
I need a better way to save the response data somewhere, where I can reference it after the instance of the Connection Class has terminated.
Ideally, it should be somewhere that I can have multiple instances of the Connection Class open, and access each response in turn as I need them. This eliminates the potential to just create a variable in my View Controller or somewhere else more global and dump the response to it.
Any ideas on what design patterns could/should be used here would be greatly appreciated!
My suggestions for you to start with are :
Make a singleton class. I will have a property NSDictionary * info or NSArray *infoList; You will have acces to the same data from wherever the app. Update the property, post the notification, access the property from the viewController.
Store the info into a plist/file. Serialize the information, or save plain stream. Whatever you like.Thus after you finish writing to the file, post the notification, read from the file from anyplace within the app.
In both cases if you want multiple connections i suggest going for the factory design Pattern.

Retain object through UIAlertView/UIActionView dialogs

I'm working on a local (to the method) custom object and need to display a dialog (UIActionSheet or UIAlertView) to the user. What's the best way to get access to same object when delegate is called after user interacts with the dialog? Any Cocoa tricks besides adding another instance variable to current class?
One way is to use "Associated Objects". (but you can't test it in simulator.)