Retain object through UIAlertView/UIActionView dialogs - cocoa-touch

I'm working on a local (to the method) custom object and need to display a dialog (UIActionSheet or UIAlertView) to the user. What's the best way to get access to same object when delegate is called after user interacts with the dialog? Any Cocoa tricks besides adding another instance variable to current class?

One way is to use "Associated Objects". (but you can't test it in simulator.)


How to use a custom icon in a dolphin smalltalk treeview?

In a Dolphin smalltalk treeview I'd like to use a custom icon, depending on the state of the item displayed, (differente state, different icon)
How can I do that ?
I cannot really understand how to use a "my" icon.
I've create a class "connection", with an instance variable "connected"
and two class methods "connectedIcon and unconnectedIcon that returns icon images.
Then an instance function "icon" that returns one or the other image based on the connection state.
I can add instances of this class to a tree view and see the name of the connections.
But how to show my Icons ?
I tried to sustitute the getImageBlock of my presenter view with the following expression [:obj | obj icon] but it doesn't work.
(nothing seems to happen).
this is made in my presenter initialize :
super initialize.
treePresenter view getImageBlock: [:obj | obj icon]
what's wrong with it ?
best regards
When you are editing a TreeView, one of the properties is getImageBlock. By default it is not really a block but another object that understands the message #'value:' (the class IconicListAbstract). You can replace this property with a code block (or other object that understands #'value:') and answer the image you want displayed.
In Microsoft Windows, icons are typically stored in a DLL. You should be able to use an icon explorer or editing tool to see the icons in a dll. For example, get IconExplorer from and try opening DolphinDR7.dll. Do the icons and numbers match what you see when you return a number in your application?
To determine (or override) the resource library used, see SessionManager>>#'defaultResLibPath'.
Typically, the getImageBlock is set using the property editor in the GUI editor, but setting it through code can work as well.
Wonderful Dolphin Smalltalk!
I had two problems
1) how and where to modify the getImageBlock method of my Treepresenter.
2) where to put the icons ad how to get the imageindex of each icon.
This is the solution :
1) it's not needed.
The treeview sends an #iconImageIndex" message to my model
this is handled by the default method (in the Object class) that send to my object the message #icon
and to the result of this message (an icon) the message #iconIndex.
This message is understood from the icon that answers with its own iconIndex.
So the only method I need to impement is #icon in my class Connection
that I implemented as follows:
opened ifTrue: [^Connection connectedIcon] ifFalse: [^Connection unconnectedIcon]
In the class itself the two icons are imported in the image by evaluating the createIconMethod,
as explained in the blog article 'Beauty with less Beast'.
So my problems are solved.
Thanks to all.

IBM RFT does not find .net object from framework

I have to check a frame window with RFT which is written with a .net framework. My problem is, after adding the frame as Testobject via drag and drop to the script it works fine. But after restarting RFT, it isnt able to recognize that frame any more, neither with find method or the highlight function for objects.
I read that there is a way to add objects to the proxys. But this frame is declared at proxy .Net.FormProxy and this proxy is existing in the file rational_ft.rftcust as
<Obj L=".Proxy">
I dont get what is the problem. Especially, why is it working some times but not always.
Thx for help..
The problem you have mentioned may happen for the following reasons.
The object recognition is indeed changing . And it is not necessarily the object that you are having problem with has object recognition issue , but an object in the parent heirarchy of this object (unless this object is the top level object).
The second reason could be the application is not getting enabled during playback time and you can try getRootTestObject().enableForTesting(/) API to force enable the application.
On a recorded Form object in the Object Map try to use the "update recognition properties" to see if there is change in recognition properties in actual vs recorded object.
You can also just test a different simple Form Application to see if the issue is related to your application or if it is general issue in your environment( I suspect it to be related to the application).

How to display BlackOil in Petrel Function Window programatically

How do you display the Oil/Water/Gas components of a BlackOil domain object programatically on the FunctionWindow? I tried calling FunctionWindow.ShowObject on BlackOil.OilPhase but received an error that it could not be found on the input tree.
I need to say sorry here, but this is the bad case when you can get an programmatically access to the object via FluidFunctionCollection (you can create/update it), but you cannot get access to the same object via InputTree interface (you will receive an UnknownEntity via GetType method when try to navigate from Petrel UI to this object type and send it to your plug-in (doesn't exposed for Ocean from this site yet)), and by this reason you cannot display this object programmatically. I submitted an internal ticket for your case.

Class / object logic

How would you solve this? When the app starts, four objects of a class are created. These objects have names you know because you named them yourself. From a viewController you can access these objects and call a method (which they all got) which creates a UILocalNotification. (So in the end you've got four notifications running.)
Two questions:
How do you name the notifications (differently)? As far as I know is it not possible to access the object name to use the string as name when creating the notification? (Which would be the best solution?)
When the notifications are fired, how do you access/cancel them from another viewController when you don't know the names?
Thank you!
Set tags for all objects, and set same tags for notifications, they generate.

Objective-c, passing NSURLConnection result to a View Controller

Long time reader, first time poster here.
I'm creating a test app that creates a NSURLConnection and then displays the result on an UILabel.
I am presently using a Notification Center observer, which fires a notification from within connectionDidFinishLoading to wait for the connection to complete successfully, before I look for the result.
However, what I am struggling to conceptualize is where to store the response data so that I can access it from my View Controller and post the result to the UILabel. (Or from anywhere other than an instance of my Connection Class, for that matter.)
I don't want to post directly to the UILabel from connectionDidFinishLoading. I need a way to decide what I will do with the response later - so my Connection Class stays generalized.
I need a better way to save the response data somewhere, where I can reference it after the instance of the Connection Class has terminated.
Ideally, it should be somewhere that I can have multiple instances of the Connection Class open, and access each response in turn as I need them. This eliminates the potential to just create a variable in my View Controller or somewhere else more global and dump the response to it.
Any ideas on what design patterns could/should be used here would be greatly appreciated!
My suggestions for you to start with are :
Make a singleton class. I will have a property NSDictionary * info or NSArray *infoList; You will have acces to the same data from wherever the app. Update the property, post the notification, access the property from the viewController.
Store the info into a plist/file. Serialize the information, or save plain stream. Whatever you like.Thus after you finish writing to the file, post the notification, read from the file from anyplace within the app.
In both cases if you want multiple connections i suggest going for the factory design Pattern.