Gedit with blurry chars - gedit

I am using gedit for PHP development but I noticed since a few months that sometimes when I type something, some parts of the text become blurry and only after a click somewhere else or type another letter it comes back to normal. I got used to this problem but I am curious about what can be causing this type of issue. I've tried to reproduce this error on a screenshot but the Ubuntu's screenshot feature removes the focus of the current window, so it "fix" the error on gedit
Do you know what can I do about it?
This problem only occurs in gedit, and nowhere else.
Here comes the picture of the error:


Can't move mouse with touchpad

As the title suggests, my touchpad won't move my mouse. I am therefore unable to select outputs of my commands, but I am able to take screenshots of windows. (Luckily I am used to using keyboard shortcuts)
I have no clue what caused this. I have recently updated my kernel from linux52 to linux53 and linux54. Falling back to either of those versions from linux54 hasn't helped. I have also recently been playing around with a Wacom tablet, using xsetwacom, but I believe my mouse has worked after this.
I know it's not a hardware issue, as libinput debug-events correctly detects my finger running over the trackpad:
The output of 40-libinput.conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf is the following. I can't see any error there.
I tried blacklisting the i2c_hid, as suggested in the following question, but to no avail. It fixed an error claiming there was a duplicate mouse, which it decided to ignore. I thought this would help.
What is surprising is that I can click. I can't scroll or move the mouse, though. My trackpad lists the following settings. To my surprise, there is no Accel Speed there, and I can't manually set it with xinput --set-prop 14 'libinput Accel Speed' 1.0, as I need to specify the type and format. I don't know what these are supposed to be, and I don't know if the acceleration is the issue. I read that having a negative value would cause the mouse to never move, though.
Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? What does libinput do with the events after receiving them?
EDIT: Removing the blacklist i2c_hid from the modprobe returns the following Xorg log:
Making a copy of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder, and commenting out the Option "Ignore" "on" line fixed it.
Had to sudo pkill X after changing it, of course. A reboot would also do the trick.

WebStorm not showing terminal path on the first instance

I love WebStorm and have been using it for almost 2+ years now. Recently I am facing the problem when you open up a project and click terminal it is not showing terminal current path on the first instance. Just getting blank screen.
Every time I need to hit enter at least once or twice to get the current path.
This problem is occurring for my colleagues as well.
We all use WebStorm effectively. Would be great if any one help to solve this problem please.
This is my WebStorm version
It seems to be a known issue, please see on JetBrains' issue tracker: .

Google Cloud Terminal issues

I'm having issues when connecting to our google cloud containers.
The terminal gets restricted to a certain size and it is behaving odd, when using vim for example the application hangs for 10-20 sec if you press Page-Down, but that's something i'm able to work around, the real issue is the following.
When typing a command and the width goes over the width-length of the prefixed size of the terminal, you suddenly don't know where your cursor is.
The same is for editing a file in vim and you start to scroll down or write a shellscript for example and the last line of the document gets updated, only the last line of the file gets updated and the scrolling behavior is suddenly very broken.
This is what the pre-set size of the terminal looks like when editing
a file.
Setting the TERM enviroment variable to "xterm", "xterm-color" makes the colors and the "clear" function work but does not solve these issues.
If anyone else has experienced these issues and know how to fix them, sharing that knowledge would make life worth living again!
Updating your glcoud components to the latest version solved this problem, now i'm able to run fullscreen vim and life is wonderful!
gcloud components update

Monaca IDE - console.log never appears

X-Post from here, for exposure:
Odd question, but only once while using Monaca IDE has anything ever shown up in the console.log portion of the IDE itself. It only occurred when I had a device synced via the debugger. I have since tried syncing it and I never get the device to show in the drop down box, it usually says unknown device /www/html/…
Now, do know that I have put several console.log(‘test’); lines of code to try this out and still no success. I would think that the IDE’s console area would show the log operations from the emulator and not from the device debugger as it has its own log that is view-able on the device, but this apparently isn’t the case. Is this correct or am I just really missing something simple here?
So this isn’t that big of an issue, but I figured out the problem. Basically, I keep the Monaca IDE tab open in Chrome all the time (I work via my laptop remotely). When I come back after a long absence (several hours, I don’t know what the time out is), the bottom section in the console has the Chrome error showing, like that page timed out. The IDE is still there, just that section is grayed out.
So to fix this, I would just refresh the page. The section pops back and all is good EXCEPT I just figured out that it is at that moment when the device connection no longer works. I can still click Run on Device and it works - syncing with the device - but the console.log no longer shows up. In order to get that back and working, you have to close the tab and reopen it; then everything works.

wxWidgets errors occur after upgrading gDEBugger

all. Today I upgraded my gDEBugger (though I don't think it involves gDEBugger) to the latest version but problem occurs. When I tried to open gDEBugger, an alert window named "wxWidgets Debug Alert" pop-up, reporting that "....\src\common\xpmdecod.cpp(822):assert "i==colors_cnt" failed in wxXPMDecoder::ReadData(). Call stack: [00]wxConsole....balabala....", like follows.
All these words seem just like warnings and didn't affect the following work, however I am wondering why this problem occurs? What's the root cause? I am not familiar with wxWidgets and hopes those guru on it can help me resolve it.
You've got a malformed XPM. As XPMs are typically embedded into the program itself, this is not supposed to happen, look at the XPMs used by gdPerformanceCountersDialog::createAndLoadImageList() to check this.
P.S. Next time you could just press Ctrl+C to copy the message box contents to clipboard as text instead of pasting in an image.