HTML Tidy for VBA code? [closed] - vba

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there an equivalent way of achieving what HTML Tidy does to HTML code for VBA code? I just inherited a rats nest of Excel VBA, and I was hoping to just make it easier to read before diving in. I don't mind if I have to export it first; I'm already using VBA Code Cleaner to make the thing work well with Git. Any suggestions?

There is a utility that will (try) to clean up code: Smart Indenter v3.5
After testing, I can confirm it works in Office 2007 and Office 2010 - it appears in the context menu when you right click on code


How to get entire source code of FileSystemObject? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am studying myself some Script Object with looking at reference from MSDN or googling. As skipped the whole properties, methods which object has, I can roughly imagine that how the object was constructed. But, If i can look at entire source code of each object such as FileSystemObject, I gonna much more understand the structure it has.
Is there someone who know how to get the entire source code of each Script's object?
You're a few decades off. Check out JavaScript or PowerShell. Even the latest version of Office supports scripting in JavaScript.
To directly answer your question, you can't. Microsoft only very very recently started making things open source.

VB.NET code formatting tool [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anybody knows good VB.NET code formatting tool? By code formatting I mean rearranging class members by type, scope and alphabetically, maybe customized.
Every tool I found is for C# only, no VB.NET. Only tool that can do that is MZ-Tools, which have some major flaws and NArrange, which is obsolete and can not arrange new VB.NET language features.
DevExpress CodeRush for Roslyn
(Visual Studio 2015+)

Using SharpSNMP with VB.NET [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am starting to create an SNMP agent using SharpSNMP and VB.NET.
Could anyone let me know where I can find sample VB.NET code for this?
I have seen C# code but was unable to find any VB.NET code for this. Otherwise could someone show me a basic GET and SET using VB.NET and SharpSNMP? Thanks!
All VB.NET samples are there. Meanwhile, any VB.NET developer should learn C# IMHO.

How to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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what tools do you use to create programming flowchart/documentation from VB.NET source code? There are absolutely no comments/documentation at present. I am a beginner, i.e. I tried Sandcastle but it is way over my head and could not get it going, not even with GUI.
Fatesoft's CodeVisual To Flowchart is OK but it is almost the same as the code and I still don't understand the code.
Convert VB.NET to Csharp using
Use Code Rocket to both generate documentation and flowchart
You can use the built-in XML documentation, described here
I have always enjoyed the output of doxygen
And now I read that you need it for VB .... sigh
I guess you can look at it and think about how awesome it would have been to use ;)

Free ribbon control for [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering if there were any free ribbon controls for, and if there are not, how I could go about making my own. I don't want to pay $300 or more for a professional one...and I would really like to add one to my project.
What would be the best solution for finding/making one?
Here is my google search I tried, I could only find one for c#...
If possible, I would like one which is the closest to the one used in Office 2007.
Here is one that takes a bit of converting, but it works well in visual basic.
old - Here is a basic one for Windows forms. (c#, but I am sure I got this working in a vb project :S)
Here's a two free one's I've found: