Free ribbon control for [closed] -

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering if there were any free ribbon controls for, and if there are not, how I could go about making my own. I don't want to pay $300 or more for a professional one...and I would really like to add one to my project.
What would be the best solution for finding/making one?
Here is my google search I tried, I could only find one for c#...
If possible, I would like one which is the closest to the one used in Office 2007.

Here is one that takes a bit of converting, but it works well in visual basic.
old - Here is a basic one for Windows forms. (c#, but I am sure I got this working in a vb project :S)

Here's a two free one's I've found:


Which language for Stock control would you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to do an app to control the stock of a repair shop having a log with all the reparations and issues and auto adjust the stock level whenever a piece is used on any reparations.
This app will be in a server and it would be access from different computers inside that network (actually inside the same vlan also).
Keeping in mind that i will be learning the language on the go and that my only experience with programming is C++ SQL and visual basic but the old one and all of that was 20 years back. (And i was a beginner the only app i did was with visual the typical video store program for clients to ask movies to rent wow i feel old..)
What language should i use/learn for this? Would be nice if its easy to learn/fast even if this app is going to be for my own use i don´t want to finish it in two years time

How to get entire source code of FileSystemObject? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am studying myself some Script Object with looking at reference from MSDN or googling. As skipped the whole properties, methods which object has, I can roughly imagine that how the object was constructed. But, If i can look at entire source code of each object such as FileSystemObject, I gonna much more understand the structure it has.
Is there someone who know how to get the entire source code of each Script's object?
You're a few decades off. Check out JavaScript or PowerShell. Even the latest version of Office supports scripting in JavaScript.
To directly answer your question, you can't. Microsoft only very very recently started making things open source.

VB.NET code formatting tool [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anybody knows good VB.NET code formatting tool? By code formatting I mean rearranging class members by type, scope and alphabetically, maybe customized.
Every tool I found is for C# only, no VB.NET. Only tool that can do that is MZ-Tools, which have some major flaws and NArrange, which is obsolete and can not arrange new VB.NET language features.
DevExpress CodeRush for Roslyn
(Visual Studio 2015+)

HTML Tidy for VBA code? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there an equivalent way of achieving what HTML Tidy does to HTML code for VBA code? I just inherited a rats nest of Excel VBA, and I was hoping to just make it easier to read before diving in. I don't mind if I have to export it first; I'm already using VBA Code Cleaner to make the thing work well with Git. Any suggestions?
There is a utility that will (try) to clean up code: Smart Indenter v3.5
After testing, I can confirm it works in Office 2007 and Office 2010 - it appears in the context menu when you right click on code

looking Rapid application development / application builder for non programmers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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is there any tool that can produce me simple application something like access
but without the need for access or open office to be installed
some thing that will save the data in real stand alone executable file with embedded simple db for non programmers.
I believe Filemaker does what you want. It's not free, however you could always download the trial and see if it fits.
If you are familiar with Access, you should look into compiling it into a standalone app using the Access runtime. Here's a thread on it.
Bear in mind that non-programmers will be quite limited in what they'll be able to accomplish, so calling this "rapid application development" is probably way overstating things.