Access is denied in BackgroundTaskBuilder.Register - windows-8

var builder=new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
builder.Register(); // in this step I get exception System.UnauthorizedAccessException. Additional information: Access is denied.
This exception is throwed in Windows 8 release preview.
In consumer preview I did not get this exception.
I use SystemTrigger (SystemtriggerType.UserPresent) and SystemCondition(SystemConditionType.InternetAvailable)
In Package.appxmanifest file I set System event checkbox to true and input Entry point value.
Also in Package.appxmanifest code I removed 'Executable' attribute.
Maybe someone know how I can fix it?
Thank you in advance!

Some SystemTriggers,however do need the app to be on the lock screen:
SessionConnected ,UserPresent,UserAway and ControlChannelReset If you use these triggers without beging on the lock screen ,the BackgroundTaskBuilder.Register() call will fail with "acess denied"


How to make the SSIS package status to failure when propagate was set to false for a Sequence container

I have an SSIS package with for each loop > sequence container. The sequence container is trying to read file from For each loop and process its data. The requirement was to not fail the entire package when any exception happened in processing a file but to continue processing the next file until all the files were processed from the for each loop. For this, I have set the Propagate variable for the sequence container to False. I have also added email step on On Error event of Sequence container. The package is running as expected and able to process all files even when any exception happened with any file. But I would like the status of my SSIS package to be failed finally since one of the files got failed. How can I achieve that ?
Did you try this options?
(SSIS version in russian on the left side but it's sequence container)
View -> Properties window -> Then click on your sequence container and it will show you ther properties of sequence container.
If i were you first of all i would try property "FailPackageOnFailture" - it should cover your question if i get it right.
P.S. Also you can see the whole properties of your project when you click on a free place in your project
UPDATED (after comments and more clear understanding task):
The idea is - set this param Maximum ErrorCount for SQ as max as you want - in this case it wont stop the package because 1 of the files was failed in SQ and next file will process, but it should stop package after SQ will finish his work because you don't change MaximumErrorCount for package.
Important - a value of zero sets the error count threshold to infinity and package or task never get's Failure

How to Call package successfully

got error when calling package
error is
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
Error report - Unknown Command
Session state protection violation is definitely an Apex error, relating to your page settings. It seems your package is trying to change the state of a read-only page. See this other question.
The item identifier in the error message P164_COURSECOUNT has the same prefix as the parameters you pass to the package (:P164_APP_ID) so presumably they relate to the same page. We know nothing about your application or its architecture, so it's hard to offer concrete advice. Maybe you need to change the page or item settings, maybe you need to change what the package does. Only you can tell the right course of action.
As you didn't post the whole command, a note: you have to enclose it into begin-end block, e.g.
PKG_Generate_GRNo.GenerateGR (TO_NUMBER ( :P164_APP_ID, '9999999'),

Unhandled rejection Error: Chrome still being created

When I use { insertDefaultUI: false } to create a video I get an "Unhandled rejection Error: Chrome still being created" when trying to cleanup after I'm done with session.disconnect().
Any ideas...?
I'm on the TokBox dev team.
The error is not something you should be concerned with, it's something internal to the SDK.
The bug is that the error is appearing at all. I have created a bug report and this error should disappear in a future release. Until then you can safely ignore it.
Thanks for the report.
I'm having the very same problem when trying to unpublish my publisher
Could you guys provide a solution?
Unhandled rejection Error: Chrome still being created
at Object.chromeMixin.reset (
at reset (
at Publisher.destroy (
at defaultAction (
at executeDefaultAction (
at Object.api.dispatchEvent (
at Publisher.self.dispatchEvent (
at Object.streamDestroyed (
at Object.unpublishFromSession (
at Session.unpublish (
at (https://x/rt.js:498:17)
at b.$scope.callBreak (https://x/ler.js:16:24)
at fn (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:4:165)
From previous event:
at createChromeMixin (
at new Publisher (
at Object.initPublisher (
at (https://x/rt.js:457:27)
at b.$scope.start (https://x/ler.js:6:24)
at fn (eval at compile (, <anonymous>:4:161)
at e (
at b.$eval (
at b.$apply (
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (
at HTMLButtonElement.r.handle (
I might be a bit late, but I'll share my findings. When using a custom UI on your publisher, use the following event:
publisher.on('streamDestroyed',function(event){ event.preventDefault();});
This disallows opentok calling widget destroying events which causes the exception related to this question, however now I don't know how to stop the stream lol, since if I call will generate the same exception, lol ... so I'm trying to figure that out.

WP Windows Phone Invalid XAML

I get exception
An exception of type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.XamlParseException'
occurred in WP.MyOffice.exe but was not handled in user code
WinRT information: Unable to resolve property '%1' while processing
properties for Uid '%0'. [Line: 79 Position: 27]
1 - line 79 position 27
2 - "Invalid XAML" in Error List window
In Resources.recw has Hub.Header and HubSection1.Header
How found what is wrong?
Check your resources.resw file, you probably have something like Hub.Text, while the "Hub" element doesn't support that attribute (text). Maybe you already used the key Hub for something else
Strategy to fix:
Remove the x:uid properties and worry about localization later, get the Hub working.
If it still doesn't work create a basic hub with no items. Once working add the hub items/sections back until the point of failure.
Once the failure is determined resolve.

Vb2012 admin permission

I have coded up a cleaner type of program but getting a huge error with permissions ( I think )
The error message is printed out like so.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Access to the path 'C:\Windows\CSC\v2.0.6' is denied.
And it says that the error part of the code is this line
For Each fi In DirectroyInfos.GetFiles(filter)
But here is the fill block of code.
For Each fi In DirectroyInfos.GetFiles(filter)
file_count = file_count + 1
file_size = CULng(file_size + fi.Length)
Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
'There's really no pretty way to handle this exception
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
'There's really no pretty way to handle this exception
End Try
I think it's some sort of permission problem I have windows 7 and have noticed there are a lot of run has admin problems.. I think its trying to remove or gain access to a file which it does not have permission to get .
Is there anyway to fix this? Am I missing something in my coding?
As you said in your question, you don't have write access that file.
Either skip files you don't have access to, or run the application as admin.
There appears to be a limitiation with the win32 api that will skip all files in the folder if you do not have access to one of them.
Check out this solution from Microsoft Connect:
How to: Iterate Through a Directory Tree (C# Programming Guide)