visual studio skybound.gecko component disable right click? -

I'm designing a program with visual studio 2010 and I'm using skybound gecko component that is firefox 3.5 based web browser control.
I want to disable right click menu.
How can I disable or hide when I press right mouse button?
this is the link what the problem is

Just Enable the NoDefaultContextMenu or just add a context


Visual Studio 2015 displays controls without 3D effects

For some reason, VS 2015 is showing checkboxes, radiobuttons, etc. with a flat look:
Is there a way to make them look like this:
This is after just starting a new project with however it is initially setup. I'm running Windows 10. Any ideas?
If you want the Windows 95/98 "old look" you can disable the use of Visual Styles in your application:
Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and press Properties.
Go to the Application tab and untick Enable XP visual styles.

Send to FSI and Xamarin Studio for Windows

Although I can open the F# Interactive window in Xamarin Studio for Windows, I can't send F# code from a fsx or fs editor to the interactive window. There's no key binding such as "Send code to interactive" to be bound to the Alt+Enter keys and there's no context menu for the same when the code is selected in the window. Is there some other way to enable the key binding?

Visual Basic Studio Project Icon Won't show up on desktop on the .exe, only in the window after it has been opened

Like the title says. When I build my project, it has the icon in the list in the folder, but as soon as I drag it onto my desktop, the icon is the default windows one. Any idea? I am fairly new to Visual Basic Studio 2010, so please try to keep it simple. Thanks!
Place the application in a folder. Create a shortcut on Desktop and point it to your application. Then, the default icon will change.

Making the "Uninstall" command do the right thing for a Windows 8 application

In the Windows 8 Start screen, I noticed that there is an Uninstall icon that appears at the bottom if you right-click on an app. For the apps that I developed, if I click on the Uninstall icon, it opens the "Programs and Features" dialog. Ideally it should instead directly launch my uninstaller. Does anyone know how to do that? Is there some registry key I need to set to associate Start Menu shortcuts with uninstallers?
I use various technologies to make my apps (e.g. Qt, C#, Visual Studio setup projects, NSIS). On Windows 7 and below, my installers put shortcuts in the Start Menu. On Windows 8, those shortcuts are displayed as a little square in the Start screen. So that shortcut is the object I am right-clicking on. Is there some way to add uninstall data to the shortcut file itself?
Tiles for desktop applications do not automatically uninstall like tiles for store applications. Choosing 'Uninstall' for a desktop applications tile launches the Add / Remove programs experience as you pointed out. This is by design.

visual basic 6.0 project menu corrupted

I do not know why the project menu in visual basic 6.0 IDE has been corrupted and I don't see
all menu items such as references, project properties,....
it might be useful to know that I have installed SP6.0 of visual studio 2000 enterprise edition.
any suggestion ?
The vb6 ide can be customized.
Try right clicking on a menu or toolbar and select "Customize...", you should be able to see a full list of commands (I can't recall, but there should be an option to reset it, too).