Looking for e-commerce SaaS for remote add to cart and custom product option [closed] - e-commerce

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Closed 8 years ago.
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we are looking for an e-commerce SaaS that will allow for this specific functionality:
It needs to allow a product to be added to cart from a remote URL
This product will require a unique value to be attached to it each time before it is added to cart
So for instance from a remote website the user could enter their pet's name and this value would be assigned as an option value to the product.
Ideally this software would allow us to integrate with PHP, but not a deal-breaker.
I'm sure we have done something like this before with Magento but was hoping for a lighter-weight option such as shopify.

In the end we decided to simply use FoxyCart as that gave a lot of control over the basket.

Ecwid is a SaaS shopping cart, it can be embedded into the page on your site (i.e. it is not on a remote page) and embedding can be in a visual form (store or other widgets) or merely as JavaScript library, and it allows you to put products to cart with a JavaScript call on the page.


Is there an API for the Amazon Vendor Central? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In order to manage our products easier I would like to use an API if there is any. Is there any way to manage the products programmatically? Currently, my impression is that there is only the web access, which is quite cumbersome to use if there are hundreds of products. Our data comes from another system which I would like to integrate somehow.
I know that data can be imported via Excel files to create products. If products could be also updated this way, it would an (inferior) alternative. But this is not possible. Or am I wrong?
For Amazon MWS there is the Feed API to manage products. But is there no similar API at the Vendor Central?
Amazon Vendor Central works with EDI (electronic data interchange) and does not expose an API. However, there are a number of third party services that can make it easier. Google 'amazon edi integration'.

Looking for Ecommerce engine or service for sharing sales [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for the service or library to share the sales online. I am developging ecommerce site which will be selling media content. The content creator can upload their stuff and sell on our site. When he sells the product he will receive the 80% and I will receive 20%. Since the money is involved in I want this part to be as transparent as possible. Maybe there might be saas solution available so that I can call api to send sales and money can be split and he can get the moeny anytime he wants through paypal or some other method. Let me know if you know anything like that.
checkout the following links, I would recommend Stripe. Also if allowing payments via paypal the checkout the third link.

integration of Joomla with existing application [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to integrate Joomla with one of existing applications. My application is also in PHP but I don't want to integrate at database level instead looking for API to access Joomla features like adding page etc. JFussion is available but its functionality is only limited to user functionality
Write your own component for Joomla!, create your own API in it to get parameters and output your desired data.
As far as I know there's no component to do that out-of-the-box and if there is it may not be suitable for your needs. Writing a customized component for your own needs is the best way and it's not that hard if you can understand basic concepts of Joomla! component-creating and object-oriented php programming.
That's what I did for my own component!
This may help: Developing a Model-View-Controller Component for Joomla! 2.5

Where can I find a detailed documentation for the Instapaper API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have already read the Instapaper API page, but it only explains how to:
Authenticate a user.
Add an article to read later.
What I would like is information to programmatically:
Retrieve a list of the articles in the "Read Later" list.
Archive, favourite, put in a folder, delete a given article from the list.
Create and delete folders.
I don't think there's a public API available yet, that would give you the functionality you're requesting.
According to this interview with Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper, he plans to extend his API in the future:
"[...] I do intend to make a fully
featured API available soon that would
enable third-party developers to make
Instapaper clients if they wish.”
In the meanwhile, Marco Arment has made the full Instapaper API available. The only restriction is, that the API can only used by paid-subscriber accounts (currently 1$/month).

Any API to search a list of domain names? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Assume there is a list of domain names but you dont know whether they are taken by someone else. Assume that the list is too big that you dont want to manually type in each word and see if the domain name is available or not. How would you get around this issue? Is there a public API by a company that we can use in our program and see the availability of names based on, say, the return value of a method call? If there is, I'd appreciate code snippets.
What you need to do is a whois on the domain. This will tell you if its registered and with which registrar. There are many ways to issue the whois, via a command line, via PHP, via a web API.