Dojo Nodelist-traverse Error - dojo

I'm having trouble using Dojo's Nodelist-traverse methods.
I'm using Dojo 1.4.3 (required by the CMS, can't upgrade at this time) and I'm starting out with:
I don't get any errors on the require call, but I can't use any of the methods without an error.
Elicits the error:
TypeError: this._wrap is not a function
And I get that with all the methods: parents(), child(), sibling(), every one listed on the doc page:
My goal is to add a class to the parent anchor tag, but I can't even get the methods to load.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance for all input.


geb jquery.mouseover() not working

The geb documentation shows that it has built in jQuery support. Im interested in one particular method called mouseover. However when I try to use the mouseover function I get a warning saying, "Cannot resolve symbol 'mouseover'". This happens even when I'm using the code in their example. What am I missing?
This might not directly answer your question. But if you are trying to mimic mouse over action in Geb, you could also use
interact {

Can't display an alert using MessageBox in Sencha Touch 2

In a handler in one of my controllers, I'm running into issues displaying a simple alert message. Using Sencha Touch 2.4.1
Ext.Msg.alert('Status', 'test');
--> "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'alert' of undefined"
As per these instructions, I added the following require statement: Ext.window.MessageBox to my controller.
--> Failed to find any files for /PATH/FILE.js::ClassRequire::Ext.window.MessageBox
Replaced Msg with MessageBox and removed require statement.
Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'test')
--> "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
Ran into the same problem when using .confirm.
Here's the docs - looks like it should work.
Anybody know why it doesn't?
I needed to require Ext.MessageBox instead of Ext.window.MessageBox and had to use Ext.Msg.alert... instead of Ext.MessageBox.alert... though I'm not totally clear on why.
Saw this in the docs: "The framework provides a global singleton Ext.Msg for common usage which you should use in most cases."

Extjs 3.2 : Js error in built function "onDocumentReady"

I`m getting js error, after loading below function,
After coming out of "aFunc123" function,extjs immediatly calls "onDocumentReady" function, problem is, passed arguments are undefined,and also I dont know how it`s getting called.Please check out, for this problem I`m getting error like `"Unable to get property 'apply' of undefined or null reference"`.
Please suggest me what wrong I`m doing here.
I`m using ExtJS 3.2,IE10.
Thanks in advance.
Ext 3.4.1a was released recently to add IE10 support. You can download it from the Ext website. Otherwise, older versions don't have support for IE10.

How do I tell a Dojo custom build about external libraries?

In my Dojo build, I'm pulling in some third party libraries.
As I go through the build process, I'm getting errors due to ReferenceErrors.
This is fine. This makes sense.
However, I'd like to tell the Dojo build process about the things that are being referenced. In essence, this would be akin to passing externs to the Closure Compliler.
Thus, my question: How do I tell the Dojo build process about references that it cannot infer from my code base?
This is using Dojo 1.8
I just ran into this myself. Now I'm assuming that the ReferenceErrors you referred to are for browser objects like navigator, window, document, and the like. If so, then this is a problem introduced by the Dojo build process itself, because the build is performed by dojo.js running inside of Rhino where browser global objects are not defined. It's a dojo/Rhino error, not a closure compiler error, so there's nothing you can pass to closure to change this. For example, a script like
will break your dojo build if it is included in a dojo layer. When the dojo AMD loader resolves the dependency of a script like the above, it will run the body of the function, resulting in a ReferenceError because window does not exist in Rhino.
To get around this, wrap the script as an AMD module
define([], function(){
and then the function body will NOT be executed by the AMD loader during dojo build.

Rendering a GSP in grails as PDF via a Quartz Job problems

Has anyone had success in Grails 1.3.7 rendering gsps inside a quartz job?
I'm having a tough time getting it to work, tried various options including the template engine plugin, and the renderer plugin.
The Grailstemplateengine plugin doesn't get far at all, when the call is made to render, I get:
No signature of method: GrailsTemplateEngineService.renderWithTemplateEngine() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [/reports/templates/product_summary, [model:net.dbws.ieur.ProductSummaryModel#356eb0]]
Renderer plugin looks to be getting the furtherest except it seems to not control its own output correctly, calling pdfRenderingService() appears to be outputting the rendered PDF to standard out, as I'm seeing the content output in the IDE's output window, rather than rednering to its own byte array. And its raising an exception as its doing some kind of illegal cast as mixed in the output I can see '' to class 'java.lang.Number' [See nested exception: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '%PDF-1.4'
So if anyone had success rendered gsps from within a quartz job, i'd love to know how you did it.
Ok found issue.... The docs for the grails template engine were totally out of date and incorrect.. it should have been calling 'renderView' not renderWithTemplateEngine