Access Rails app from Fedora (guest virtual machine) in Windows XP (host) - ruby-on-rails-3

I have installed Fedora 14 on Windows XP using VMware with NAT as ethernet type (since I need to access internet through wireless data card). I am using Fedora for Rails app development, which i can access using normal Webrick on http://localhost:3000
Any ideas on how to access the same app in the host Windows XP machine with Rails app server running on Fedora.

Did you try to connect via the IP-Address + port of the Fedora box? To find out the IP-Address use ifconfig and type it in your Windows-Browser, i.e.
If this fails, did you check your firewall settings on the Fedora box?

Use the 'bridged' or 'host-only' network types to get an IP address accessible to the host machine.


Hugo webserver not reaching my Windows vm

I want to test my website on edge and internet explorer so I tried using a windows VM, I am currently on linux mint 19.1, I start the gohugo server with "hugo server --disableFastRender" and create the VM in virtualbox using bridged adapter but I cant load localhost:1313 on the vm.
I tried using NAT and port forwarding but I have the same results, also tried the conection between the host and VM using ping and the VM can reach the host but the host cant connect to the VM so I guess that the problem is there but I dont know what to do now. The place where I am working uses IPv6 and I never worked with it before so maybe it has something to do with that
Start your site as usual with hugo server, which makes it available at http://localhost:1313
Leave your Windows VM network settings at their defaults
In your Windows VM, navigate to to hit your hugo site
In a nutshell, on your Windows VM (its default gateway) is equivalent to localhost on your linux host.
You can get the default gateway of your Windows VM by running ipconfig in Command Prompt.

How could I access my VM in my host machine (By different IP)?

I want to access the virtual machine IP in the host (by ping or curl or something), but it is not ok. How could I make it?
The host machine is a win10 PC.
A virtual machine using VMware workstation 15, Ubuntu 16.04 server. It has IP address and I can access the, but cannot access (no matter ping or curl...)
All are NAT mode in VMware Workstation.
Now I have a web application running on How could I access it in my host machine.
Btw I have another VM with and, and this VM can access the by curl.
I can show the topo as below.
(A little Chinese but it won't affect reading, just ignore it)
Yes, now I solve this question by myself.
It seems that you cannot use the Host-only mode (Actually I can only use this mode...).
You need to set the virtual interface in your host PC (The IP, gateway, or anything else...);
Then you need to set in the VMWare workstation, set it to use speical lan (VM net 2 for me);
Then you can access it from the host machine and other vm, maybe you need to search something like NAT translation in VMWare workstation to access your web application deployed in the VM from outer network.
That's what I do, now I can access my horizon dashboard in the browser (The Ubuntu server don't have any browser... T-T sad ...)
Settings Picture

How to connect in a domain via VirtualBox?

So my PC is in a domain, but my virtual machine does not see it. I give the credentials in the Log in screen and I get this in the guest OS:
My host OS is Windows 7 and my guest OS is Windows XP and I use Oracle VirtualBox.
Thanks for the help.
Have you correctly linked all the virtual adapters?
If you can't ping the domain controller server, you should check your (virtual) cables.
Also, try to add the pc to a domain in the control panel.

Can I use pptp on a vmware virtual machine in the nat mode?

I installed a Ubuntu 14.10 virtual machine on Windows 8.1 using Vmware.
Ubuntu has access to Internet in the NAT mode. But I can't establish a pptp connection to a remote server from Ubuntu. Is this supported?
change to bridged (instead of NAT)
I use VMware with a Macbook. I have found that I can use bridged mode with a hard wired connection. Then the virtual machine reports its own unique MAC address and receives its own IP address. After that PPTP works. No luck with WiFi. It must be adapter dependent, though; since I cannot imagine how it would otherwise be different. It is annoying not to be able to use WiFi for the VPN.

Can I run a server in a VM and then make requests to it in the host OS?

I'm developing a web application in Ubuntu run in VM Ware Player. The VM is hosted on my Windows 8.1 machine. I want to test the application in Internet Explorer, so is there any way I can make requests to the server and test the application from the host OS?
Yes you can. You need to check the ip address of your VM
type this in ubuntu terminal:
check what ip address it uses then you can access it through browser