Can't install SPECjvm2008 - jvm

OS: RHEL6 x86_64
JRE: jre-6u30-linux-x64-rpm.bin - downloaded from oracle java website
SPECJVM2008: downloaded from
To install SPECJVM2008, I run this command:
java -jar SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar
but nothing happens after that, the command line just hangs.
I tried java -verbose -jar SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar, and found out that it stops at:
[Loaded com.zerog.ia.installer.actions.InstallUninstaller from file:/root/specjvm/SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar]
[Loaded ZeroGbq from file:/root/specjvm/SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar]
[Loaded ZeroGd3 from file:/root/specjvm/SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar]
Any idea?

Use the -i console option to install it command line:
$ java -jar SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar -i console
In case you prefer a graphical installer:
Since you probably don't want to install a X server on your server just for this install process you can:
Install Xming on your windows client and start it (Xming will show up as a notification icon on the taskbar)
Allow X forwarding on the ssh daemon on your server. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make set "X11Forwarding yes"
Enable X11 forwarding in your putty client;
Check the "Enable X11 forwarding" checkbox at Connection => SSH => X11
Set "X display location" to localhost:0
Login on your server using those settings with putty.
Now start the SPECjvm2008 install (java -jar SPECjvm2008_1_01_setup.jar)
The graphical installer will now popup on your windows client.
(There are some prerequisites which I didn't describe here. You will find more information on the Xming website.)


Problem while bootstraping ubuntu chef node from chefDK on windows workstation

I'm new to Chef and I have stuck in a problem. I'm using AWS Chef Automate Server and EC2 ubuntu instance as Chef Node. My workstation is local machine where I have installed ChefDK on windows. I have successfully configured the Chef server with ChefDK.
When I bootstrap the node using Knife Bootstrap command, it bootstraps the ubuntu node but shows this error in the end cannot create /etc/chef/trusted_certs/opsworks-cm-ca-2016-root.pem: Directory nonexistent
The command I used here is knife bootstrap myEC2PublicIPHere -N UmaidNode1 -x ubuntu --sudo --run-list "recipe[nginx]" -i .chef/my_key.pem.
After that I added some other cookbooks in the server and run Knife ssh command from my windows workstation to run Chef-client on the node, but this command is not working. I have tried it with different attributes, but always the similar issue FATAL: 1 node found, but does not have the required attribute to establish the connection. Try setting another attribute to open the connection using --attribute.
The command I tried here is knife ssh 'name:*' --attribute myEC2PublicIpHere -x ubuntu -i .chef/my_key.pem 'sudo chef-client'.
Furthur upon running this command knife node show UmaidNode1, it shows the data about node where IP is blank. I don't know why it is not getting this IP here. Showing the output Node Name: UmaidNode1 Environment: _default FQDN: IP: Run List: recipe[nginx], recipe[apache] Roles: Recipes: Platform: Tags:
enter image description here
The issue is finally resolved. I don't know why, but the problem was with the ChefDK version. I was using the latest version 4.8.23. It always creates directory /etcchef but the chef searches for all files in the directory /etc/chef. So it was unable to get the files like client.rb etc.
NOTE: I even make the required /etc/chef directory by myself, but it didn't work.
I installed an older version of ChefDK and now it's working fine.

VSCode Remote-SSH Cannot Connect

I'm trying to use the Remote-SSH extension to edit files on a Linux server from my Windows 10 development machine. Normally, I log into the server using VNC and edit files locally OR I use WinSCP to pull the files to my development machine and copy them back over when done. The Remote-SSH extension seems to be the answer to this inefficiency.
I can SSH just fine using Putty or using Git Bash, but Remote-SSH fails to connect. There's some hints in the error message, but I'm not sure how to interpret them.
Here is my SSH config file (redacted) and the error I receive (redacted):
User myusername
Error Message:
[08:44:36.981] remote-ssh#0.47.2
[08:44:36.981] win32 x64
[08:44:36.983] SSH Resolver called for "", attempt 1
[08:44:36.983] SSH Resolver called for host:
[08:44:36.983] Setting up SSH remote ""
[08:44:37.030] Using commit id "[some-string-of-numbers]" and quality "stable" for server
[08:44:37.033] Testing ssh with ssh -V
[08:44:37.101] ssh exited with code: 0
[08:44:37.101] Got stderr from ssh: OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.6p1, LibreSSL 2.6.4
[08:44:37.105] Running script with connection command: ssh -T -D 52772 bash
[08:44:37.107] Install and start server if needed
[08:44:37.111] Terminal shell path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
[08:44:37.264] >
[08:44:37.264] Got some output, clearing connection timeout
[08:44:37.611] >'s password:
[08:44:37.612] Showing password prompt
[08:44:44.709] Got password response
[08:44:44.709] "install" wrote data to terminal: "**************"
[08:44:44.730] >
[08:44:45.102] > bash: bash: command not found
[08:44:45.476] "install" terminal command done
[08:44:45.476] Install terminal quit with output: bash: bash: command not found
[08:44:45.476] Received install output: bash: bash: command not found
[08:44:45.477] Stopped parsing output early. Remaining text: bash: bash: command not found
[08:44:45.477] Failed to parse remote port from server output
[08:44:45.477] Resolver error:
[08:44:45.480] TELEMETRY: {"eventName":"resolver","properties":{"outcome":"failure","reason":"UnparsableOutput",
[08:44:45.482] ------
VSCode Remote-SSH error
There are there are three ways you can try. I know the problem is annoying.
Check your vscode is local window or remote window. Then, check
remote-ssh setting. (Make sure Local Server Download is auto && Use
local Server is marked.).
Remote SSH:Path . you can switch to local ssh or git/ssh
Try to update or revert remote-ssh.(Version 0.50 can connect to server host stably, I found. This one is very useful.
Maybe you just select 'Linux' instead of 'Windows' though you are using Windows when you got the option to select Linux, Windows or Mac.
Since you are connecting to a server and not your own computer, the type of server you are connecting to is most likely Linux.

Connecting to a server and running a file with a GUI using bash on Windows and Xming

I'm running the Linux subsystem for Windows and Xming.
I am attempting to connect via ssh to a remote server and run a GUI program in Xming.
After initiating Xming, I run the following commands:
$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
$ ssh -X user#address
$ ./
And I get the following error:
Unable to initialize GTK: could not open display
Exporting the display after I ssh returns the same error.
I have tried using ssh -Y as well.
Is this just a limitation of bash on Windows, or am I missing something?

Can't run tmux in Arch Linux VM

So I have installed tmux in Arch 2016.06.01. I am connected via SSH. When trying to run the program, I get this response:
tmux: invalid LC_ALL, LC,TYPE or LANG
Other programs open fine on this VM. Thanks!
I uncommented my locale in the /etc/locale.gen file and then generated it with locale-gen. Now tmux runs.

Selenium Server on startup

I'm using Selenium RC in a Ubuntu system.
I want to automate the tests, and I need to start Selenium-server.jar on startup of the machine.
I created seleniumServer.conf in /ect/init/ with:
start on startup
start on runlevel 3
exec xvfb-run java -jar /home/condde/selenium-server-1.0.3/selenium-server.jar -port 4444
When I reboot the machine, it works fine, the process is running.
But when I execute a test, the result is:
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Could not connect to the Selenium RC server.
Any ideas?
I have the same problem, my process can not connect the selenium server sometimes. After dig into debug log and selenium source code, I found that's because java's SecureRandom hangs if /dev/random hangs when selenium try generate random number. So I replace /dev/random with /dev/urandom, then selenium server works fine:
sudo mv /dev/random /dev/random.real
sudo ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random
Or you can modify $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file and changing the property:
Maybe it works, but not for me.
Use -debug to start Selenium with debug log to see if any error.
java -jar selenium-server.jar -debug > /var/log/selenium-server.log 2>&1
I did this on ubuntu 14 using npm.
First, install the selenium-standalone via npm.
sudo npm install selenium-standalone -g
sudo selenium-standalone install
Then create a symbolic link in /etc/init.d, and configure it to run.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/selenium-standalone /etc/init.d/
sudo update-rc.d selenium-standalone defaults
Another very simple and good solution is to install selenium via docker. I have used the chrome image and it's easy as:
sudo docker run -d -p 4444:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome
The -d option makes is a daemon that will be restarted every time you start your computer. The -p option forwards the webdriver port (4444) from the docker instance to the host.
Well, it's not phantomjs, but I like chrome better anyway. There is also a firefox image! Checkout for more info.
I would start the selenium server process with -log parameter to get info from the process first and all and see if it actually get any kind of connections, errors etc..
A few ideas to troubleshoot:
Do you get any response if you enter http://localhost:4444
It should render a 403 error by the Jetty engine.
If this does not work I would try with your actual IP:4444, that might indicate problem with localhost variable, proxy settings etc..
Could the firewall settings be blocking the the 4444 port? Maybe the Selenium Server process is not allowed to start the browser.