Loading page time with and w/o ads - seo

Certain page with AddThis, Facebook like box, adsene, plusone and analytics takes 6.45 secs to load according gtmetrix.com
Same page without ads loads in 1.23 secs.
In the first page all ads are loaded after relevant data is displayed to the user.
For SEO do I care about?
Is it possible to reduce ads loading time?

Yes, you should care, yes you can do something about it...


Reload or not reload google adsense page?

i have a main page where i have a service, the user can enter a text and the text is processed to have to user a response.
I can do it by two ways, reloading the page with http post method in a form or with ajax(laravel livewire) to no reload the page.
The question is, i have google adsense in this page, is better to reload the page in every user request when the user send the form to serve more ads or is better proccess with ajax the form and not reload the ads.
With ajax:
The user enter in page and send the form, only i print 1 time the ad, if the user send 5 times the form, only i showed 1 ad.
With http form request:
The user enter in page and if the user send the form, the page is reloaded because the user send by POST method the form, if the user send the request 5 times, the ad is showed 5 times.
I don't know if the CPC will go down because many impressions are made in the event that the page is reloaded when the user submits the form.
¿What do you think that is better to get the best earnings?
Reloading a page on Google AdSense can cause the ad units on that page to refresh, potentially resulting in new ads being displayed. However, reloading a page too frequently can negatively impact the user experience and may result in lower ad revenue.
It is generally not recommended to reload pages on Google AdSense too frequently, as it can lead to lower ad revenue and increased bounce rates. If you want to refresh the ads, you can use the async feature of Adsense which will refresh the ads without reloading the entire page.
Additionally, Google AdSense has a policy against automatically refreshing pages in order to increase ad impressions. This is considered to be a violation of their policies and can result in your account being terminated.
It is better to avoid reloading Adsense pages unless it's really necessary, and if you really have to do it, make sure you are doing it in a way that is not against Adsense policies.

Problem with loading direct link - Vue single page app

I have problem with Vue spa.
App work fine, when I go from some page to another.
App is e commerce and when I copy direct link of some product and send to someone I take to much time lo load that page, but when I click from list of product to specific product it load immediately.
Only direct link took too much time to load - like 10 sec.
I try remove some load function from page, but it's the same problem.
Are you using lazy loading in your app? If not, Vue Router will try to load all pages when the site is first opened.
You can see browser's console on network section
If you see that the files of all pages are loaded when the site is first opened, you are not using lazy loading.
That's all I can think of from the information you provided, I hope it helps.
Vue Router Lazy Loading

Lazy loading Tag implemented via Google Tag Manager

Lighthouse audit suggest me to lazy load chat beacon that is implemented via Google Tag Manager. Because this tag is quite big I have been already delay it by adding custom event that fires 1.5 seconds after Window Loaded event and on that custom event I am firing this chat beacon. Should I do anyway lazy loading on this tag? Report says that I could save around 3 second in loading page. If yes how could I make lazy loading tag in GTM and if it is even possible? Bellow I pasted how tag look like. Thank you for any suggestion.
<script type="text/javascript">!function(e,t,n){function a(){var e=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],n=t.createElement("script");n.type="text/javascript",n.async=!0,n.src="https://beacon-v2.helpscout.net",e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e)}if(e.Beacon=n=function(t,n,a){e.Beacon.readyQueue.push({method:t,options:n,data:a})},n.readyQueue=[],"complete"===t.readyState)return a();e.attachEvent?e.attachEvent("onload",a):e.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}(window,document,window.Beacon||function(){});</script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.Beacon('init', 'XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX')</script>
And one more question. This tag is attach to the page which means that if we scroll down it will always be in the same place. Lazy loading in this situation I understand as loading beacon after clicking this chat icon?
Yes, in this case lazy loading would be loading on click.
However, people rarely do it. Why? Cuz async loading n.async=!0 won't normally delay anything from the user perspective in any significant way.
And lighthouse is not the last instance of truth. It's just a not-very-good way to generically suggest page speed improvements.
If you want to measure it properly, stop using lighthouse, start using page speed profiling in your browser. Measure the user experience with the chat how it is now, then disable it completely in tag manager and reload the page. See if you're able to find those claimed 3 seconds. Repeat both experiments a few times to compensate for random speed fluctuations. I doubt you will be able to measure any real difference.

Home page with or without slides

I am making a static website for a friend of mine and the page load time is very crucial for the project since the Internet speed is rather slower in rural areas(near mountains, forests). My question is Does making home page with carousel slides slow down page load time comparing to a page without slides?
Yes, Obviously as you are increasing the loading of content but can be fast if you are cdn(content delivery network) such as cloudinay using the static color and css effects as many of the site are doing to load their content

Shopify pageload progress bar never completing

I've built an app for Shopify which displays in a page in a store's admin section. The way that works is that an html page from my server is displayed inside an iframe on the Shopify admin.
When any page is loaded in the Shopify admin, a blue progress bar displays at the top; usually it progresses across the page pretty quickly and is gone. On my page, however, the bar progresses across the page very slowly and never finishes. My page is very small, and it displays almost instantaneously.
It seems like Shopify is looking for something in the background, but I don't know what it is. Do you know?
You can stop the blue loading bar by calling ShopifyApp.Bar.loadingOff(). It would also be stopped if your app uses ShopifyApp.Bar.initialize(config).