REST API design - api

I'm writing a REST API and i want some feedback.
I will have one resource called Items. I want it to be accessed publically or it can be privated (only the user can see it). My First idea was to put a URL to public items like
/Root/Items where the public items will live, and other URL like /Root/User/Items where private items will live. An Item can be linked to another user so it will have permission to update it. Something like /Root/User/Operator/Items .... but then i realize i'm creating too many addresses.
I dont like the idea to put all the items inside de /Root/Items url because each user will have a different output. And putting it only inside the /Root/user/Items will be not possible to list all the public items (that can belongs to any user).
Any idea how can i design that?

In RESTful architectures every "thing" should have one identifier which is a URI if you use HTTP as I expect. In your case, every item should have exactly one URI.
My First idea was to put a URL to public items like /Root/Items where the public items will live, and other URL like /Root/User/Items where private items will live.
I assume that you are not only talking about collection resources which will return a collection of items. I assume that you will have also single item resources. A URI of a single item could be /Root/Items/42 or /Root/User/Items/23 in your scheme.
You can use different URI schemes for public and private items if it helps you doing the authorization needed. But anyway URIs did not matter in REST. URIs should be always regarded opaque. If you use that different schemes for public and private items, you have to ensure that a public item can never become private and the other way around. If so the URI of a item would change and that's the same as if you would change the primary key of a row in a database. Identifiers should not change. What you are doing if you are using different URI schemes for public and private items is encoding the privacy level of your items into there identifiers. If your problem domain allows this, it is ok.
An Item can be linked to another user so it will have permission to update it. Something like /Root/User/Operator/Items .... but then i realize i'm creating too many addresses.
This sounds like as you want to change the privacy level of an item. As I said before, one item should have exactly one URI which never changes. If you are talking about collection resources, your scheme might be. I'm not sure what you mean here.
At the end: What you need is Authentication and Authorization. You need to return a 403 Forbidden if a user wants to access a private item of another user regardless of its URI.


Designing a REST API

In my application, I will have clients trying to book some slots. For this, the client will give some input and based on that input, I have to first create these slots and then return them to the client. Then after getting the slots, the user will book one of these slots. This "book" action is not creating any new resource but simply modifying 2 existing resources.
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
I have 1 existing resource whose URI is: /api/v1/vehicle/id
Using the application front-end a user will fill some form data, with fields date and booking-type and submit it. Then this data will be used by the backend to "calculate" (no resource called slots exists currently) booking slots available to the user. These calculated slots will then be saved in the DB and returned as a response to the user. Out of these slots, the user will book a slot. However, this book action will not create any new resource, instead it will simply modify an existing vehicle resource (add booking related data to it) and the slots object returned by the previous request. I want to create a REST API for this.
I was thinking of doing it like this:
POST /api/v1/slot (1)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/vehicle/id (2)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/slot/id (3)
First, I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here, in both (2) and (3). I will only be supplying partial updates to the request. Second, when the user selects a slot and clicks on book button, the front end can only send 1 request to the server. But here, I need to modify 2 resources. How do I do this? I guess I should create 1 URI like /api/v1/createbooking and use the POST method. Then in my backend call 2 different methods to update vehicle and slot objects. Is this URI structure and naming good?
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
How would you do it with web pages?
It sounds like you would have the user navigate to a form which collects the date, booking type, etc. The user submits the form, and the information is sent to the server; because this is not an essentially read-only operation, we'd expect the form to indicate that the POST method should be used.
The server would make its local changes, and present to the user a new form, with the input controls presenting the available options. Once again, choosing a slot doesn't seem to have read-only semantics (we're passing information to the server), so we would see POST again.
What are the URI targets? One way to choose which resources should handle the POST requests is to consider the implications of cache invalidation; because caches know to invalidate the target-uri of a successful POST request, it can be useful to target a resource that is likely to change when the request is successful.
My guess would be that first post would go to the resource that presents the slot choices (since what we are doing is generating new choices for the customer).
For the second submission, since the representation of the vehicle is what is going to be changed by selecting a slot, it makes sense to send that POST request to the vehicle uri.
In general, think about how you read (GET) the changing information from the server; you change that information by sending some request to the same URI.
I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here
PUT and PATCH are typically available together, not as distinct things. They are two different methods for sending a replacement representation of a resource.
A simple example: if you wanted to change the title of /home.html, you could either PUT the entire HTML document with the new title, or you could PATCH the HTML document by sending a patch-document in some format that the server understands.
In other words, both of these methods have remote authoring semantics; we normally would choose between them based on considerations unrelated to your domain model (if the document is small relative to the size of the HTTP headers, a client would usually choose PUT for the additional idempotent semantic guarantees. If the document is really big, but the change is small, we might prefer PATCH).
I need to modify 2 resources.
There's no rule that says a request may only modify one resource. The side effects of the changes may impact the representations of several resources (see 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 of RFC 7231).
What's tricky is telling general purpose clients (and intermediate components) which cached representations are invalidated by the change. Out of the box, we only have semantics for the effective request uri, the Location and the Content-Location. Location and Content-Location already mean something, so you can't just hijack them without the potential of introducing a big mess).
You could do it with Linked Cache Invalidation, using "well known" link relations to identify other documents that have been changed by the request. Unfortunately, LCI doesn't seem to have achieved the status of a "standard", so we may be out of luck for the time being.

REST API responses based on authentication, best practices?

I have an API with endpoint GET /users/{id} which returns a User object. The User object can contain sensitive fields such as cardLast4, cardBrand, etc.
firstName: ...,
lastName: ...,
cardLast4: ...,
cardBrand: ...
If the user calls that endpoint with their own ID, all fields should be visible. However, if it is someone elses ID then cardLast4 and cardBrand should be hidden.
I want to know what are the best practices here for designing my response. I see three options:
Option 1. Two DTOs, one with all fields and one without the hidden fields:
// OtherUserDTO
firstName: ...,
lastName: ..., // cardLast4 and cardBrand hidden
I can see this becoming out of hand with DTOs based on role, what if now I have UserDTOForAdminRole, UserDTOForAccountingRole, etc... It looks like it quickly gets out of hand with the number of potential DTOs.
Option 2. One response object being the User, but null out the values that the user should not be able to see.
firstName: ...,
lastName: ...,
cardLast4: null, // hidden
cardBrand: null // hidden
Option 3. Create another endpoint such as /payment-methods?userId={userId} even though PaymentMethod is not an entity in my database. This will now require 2 api calls to get all the data. If the userId is not their own, it will return 403 forbidden.
cardLast4: ...,
cardBrand: ...
What are the best practices here?
You're gonna get different opinions about this, but I feel that doing a GET request on some endpoint, and getting a different shape of data depending on the authorization status can be confusing.
So I would be tempted, if it's reasonable to do this, to expose the privileged data via a secondary endpoint. Either by just exposing the private properties there, or by having 2 distinct endpoints, one with the unprivileged data and a second that repeats the data + the new private properties.
I tend to go for option 1 here, because an API endpoint is not just a means to get data. The URI is an identity, so I would want /users/123 to mean the same thing everywhere, and have a second /users/123/secret-properties
I have an API with endpoint GET /users/{id} which returns a User object.
In general, it may help to reframe your thinking -- resources in REST are generalizations of documents (think "web pages"), not generalizations of objects. "HTTP is an application protocol whose application domain is the transfer of documents over a network" -- Jim Webber, 2011
If the user calls that endpoint with their own ID, all fields should be visible. However, if it is someone elses ID then cardLast4 and cardBrand should be hidden.
Big picture view: in HTTP, you've got a bit of tension between privacy (only show documents with sensitive information to people allowed access) and caching (save bandwidth and server pressure by using copies of documents to satisfy more than one request).
Cache is an important architectural constraint in the REST architectural style; that's the bit that puts the "web scale" in the world wide web.
OK, good news first -- HTTP has special rules for caching web requests with Authorization headers. Unless you deliberately opt-in to allowing the responses to be re-used, you don't have to worry the caching.
Treating the two different views as two different documents, with different identifiers, makes almost everything easier -- the public documents are available to the public, the sensitive documents are locked down, operators looking at traffic in the log can distinguish the two different views because the logged identifier is different, and so on.
The thing that isn't easier: the case where someone is editing (POST/PUT/PATCH) one document and expecting to see the changes appear in the other. Cache-invalidation is one of the two hard problems in computer science. HTTP doesn't have a general purpose mechanism that allows the origin server to mark arbitrary documents for invalidation - successful unsafe requests will invalidate the effective-target-uri, the Location, the Content-Location, and that's it... and all three of those values have other important uses, making them more challenging to game.
Documents with different absolute-uri are different documents, and those documents, once copied from the origin server, can get out of sync.
This is the option I would normally choose - a client looking at cached copies of a document isn't seeing changes made by the server
OK, you decide that you don't like those trade offs. Can we do it with just one resource identifier? You immediately lose some clarity in your general purpose logs, but perhaps a bespoke logging system will get you past that.
You probably also have to dump public caching at this point. The only general purpose header that changes between the user allowed to look at the sensitive information and the user who isn't? That's the authorization header, and there's no "Vary" mechanism on authorization.
You've also got something of a challenge for the user who is making changes to the sensitive copy, but wants to now review the public copy (to make sure nothing leaked? or to make sure that the publicly visible changes took hold?)
There's no general purpose header for "show me the public version", so either you need to use a non standard header (which general purpose components will ignore), or you need to try standardizing something and then driving adoption by the implementors of general purpose components. It's doable (PATCH happened, after all) but it's a lot of work.
The other trick you can try is to play games with Content-Type and the Accept header -- perhaps clients use something normal for the public version (ex application/json), and a specialized type for the sensitive version (application/prs.example-sensitive+json).
That would allow the origin server to use the Vary header to indicate that the response is only suitable if the same accept headers are used.
Once again, general purpose components aren't going to know about your bespoke content-type, and are never going to ask for it.
The standardization route really isn't going to help you here, because the thing you really need is that clients discriminate between the two modes, where general purpose components today are trying to use that channel to advertise all of the standardized representations that they can handle.
I don't think this actually gets you anywhere that you can't fake more easily with a bespoke header.
REST leans heavily into the idea of using readily standardizable forms; if you think this is a general problem that could potentially apply to all resources in the world, then a header is the right way to go. So a reasonable approach would be to try a custom header, and get a bunch of experience with it, then try writing something up and getting everybody to buy in.
If you want something that just works with the out of the box web that we have today, use two different URI and move on to solving important problems.

Multiple endpoints to expose different views of the same resource

I'm struggling to find an answer to this (perhaps because I'm not asking the question properly) ...
I'm building API to expose resources for a basic social networking service I'm creating.
My understanding is that the structure of URLs in an API is essentially a hierarchy, directory like structure. I think that means I can have multiple endpoints to reach the same resources or collections of resource links.
For example:
I have an endpoint{:uid}/posts
Which will return all posts sent by the user or that the user is tagged in. Seems ok, but what if I have an endpoint such as:
Which when hit with a http GET will return all public posts (i.e. all users' posts plus his friends' and public posts).
The difference is that the first URL points to user owned resources whereas the second to public ones (of which the users posts are included of course)
Are these okay or am I doing it the wrong / less sensible way?
To reiterate, can I have multiple endpoints which point to different contexts/views of the same resource?
Basically multiple endpoints for the same resources should be avoided. However in this particular case it does make sense.
What you can do is to introduce optional query param userId to the following endpoint:<userId>
If this substitutes the first endpoint you mentioned that's the way to go.
I would like to add ontop of #Opal's answer.
Are these okay or am I doing it the wrong / less sensible way?
Ideally, like Opal mentioned, you would use queryParams in your url. For many applications I have build, I don't know the uids returned from the api beforehand, so selecting an item and passing it inside my url as a query parameter makes sense. But it also has the added benefit of having your key inside your url, allowing you to bookmark it, pass the url to another user and they will automatically see the same data you want them to see.
To iterate: Is your current implementation wrong? No, but ideally you would use a combination of both route parameters are query parameters to achieve this
To create an endpoints, you have to be sure that you have these information at once:
Name of the endpoint
Status: activate or not (required) - is the endpoint activated or disable
Service profile (required) - ID of the Service Profile assigned to the endpoint.
Tariff profile (required) - ID of the tariff Profile assigned to the endpoint.
You can add another optional informations, and be sure of the structure of your endpoint.
Hope this helps you.

Api URI Design Preference

A quick api uri design question. We have resources that belong to our clients. These resources can be edited / viewed / deleted by the client who entered them into our system. The resources can be searched by all clients but access is only granted if certain criteria is met (client has level 3 access etc).
Choice 1: include the client who owns the resource in the uri.
Choice 2: ditch the whole "client/:clientname" since this part of the uri has to be verified and checked against the credentials of the user accessing the information.
We have other resources other than widgets that also belong to clients.
Which way is the more preferred way and why? Cheers.
The only advantage that Choice 1 gives it that it allows you to effectively namespace widgets/whatever by the user that uploaded them. Similar to Github, how different users can have projects with the same name. If Github were to exclude the username, no two users could have a project with the same name. If the widgets are all unique, I would go with option two and you will have a 1:1 mapping from a widget the the user that created it, thus supplying it is just extra work for whoever is calling it.
If you can have the same widget name for different users, use an approach which includes the username. You may not need to actually use the 'client' word in your url though; using a path like '/:clientname/widget/:widgetid' instead.
Note that this is kind of an opinion based question, so you may get different answers. You'll have to weigh the information provided and in the end make your own decision.

When should an object be included as a member of another object, and when should it always standalone?

An example problem:
On Stack Overflow, a question page shows a number of different answers. In displaying these answers, the site also gives information about the author of the answer. This means that although the number of badges a given user has has nothing to do with an answer in and of itself, that data still needs to be retrieved in order to display the page.
From what I can see, there are three different ways to go about pulling this view data in a model:
A Post object could include a full User object as a member. The view would then access the user like this: $post->user->getReputation(). This seems cleaner, since a Controller could just request the posts and be done with it, but yet inefficient since a Post probably doesn't always need a full-blown User. I suppose it works well enough if the User object is relatively light, which it probably would be. The problem would then be that you would need to duplicate User retrieval code as part of the Post retrieval query.
The Post object could hold just an ID for a User. When the Post, or Posts, are returned to the Controller, the Controller could then extract the unique User IDs from the returned set and pass them to a User factory. The returned User objects would then be passed along with the original Posts set to the View as a separate collection. The view could then grab user info using something like $users[$post->getUserId()]->getReputation().
A hybrid approach: Include the User object inside the Post object, but have the unique id extraction and User retrieval as part of the Post retrieval method. i.e. Post::getPosts() would grab all relevant posts and convert them to objects with null User members, then it'd extract all user ids and pass them to User::getUsers(), then assign the Users to the relevant Posts before returning the set of Posts to the caller.
I guess what I'm getting at is, how do I know when an object needs to contain another object fundamentally? Is it unclean/a code smell to instead have such related objects returned separately, with neither object knowing the other has been retrieved. I'm leaning towards the separate retrieval concept - it seems the most efficient - but it really does feel like they're too related for that to make sense.
There is also a solution in between 1 and 2. You can have a lazy loading proxy for the user class. With this solution you can have best of both worlds because the proxy is interchangeable with the real thing so depending on the situation you can have the object itself or the proxy.
I'll try to explain this with an example.
Say that you have a view where you don't need user info, then you can instruct/configure your post factory to use the lazy proxy (see wikipedia)for the user which will only contain an ID. So no access to users is needed.
In another view you occasionally need to access user info but only for some posts, here again you instruct/configure your factory to include the lazy proxy for the user.
But when you actually need access to the user info, you can access the proxy object that will then load the actual user object and redirect messages to it.
In yet another view you need both post and user info, so here you instruct your post factory to use actual user objects.
It seems to me that this is another case of dependency injection. A general enough idea that could help you.
Read something about the Inversion Of Control also.
why not add optional member to model to know informations?? you can ignore when you don't need and can use when you do need.