Struts Tiles ActionError - struts

Good Afternoon in my timezone.
I am using Struts tiles framework to build a Web app, and i am facing a very strange problem.
I am running out of time to finish the work and if i am not able to fix this problem i will give up of using Tiles in this project.
My Tiles configuration is very simple.
In my struts-config.xml i insert the following code:
<controller processorClass="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor" />
<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
<set-property property="definitions-config" value="/WEB-INF/tilesdefs.xml" />
<set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />
In the tilesdefs.xml i have this simple code :
<definition name="programarRutasTile" path="/programarRutas.jsp">
<put name="menu" value="menu.jsp"/>
<put name="tab" type="String" value="2"/>
And in the jsp "programarRutas.jsp" i have those three Tiles code lines:
<tiles:insert name="menu">
<tiles:put name="tabSelected"><tiles:getAsString name="tab"/></tiles:put>
The menu.jsp is simple html code that make use of the tabSelected attribute passed in the programarRutas.jsp (code above).
I already try to run with all the menu.jsp page commented and the error persist.
So now will explain the error:
When i run the application and the ActionForm validate method do not find any error, the application runs normally, if the ActionForm validate method finds errors and fullfill the ActionErrors array , then the application throws the following exception :
java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib.InsertTag.processName...
The only way i can run when the application finds errors is commenting the Tiles lines code in the programarRutas.jsp
//<tiles:insert name="menu">
// <tiles:put name="tabSelected"><tiles:getAsString name="tab"/></tiles:put>
That way there is no throw exception. By those symptoms that i describe it looks like that there could be a problem in some configuration file, but i do not no for sure.
Is there anybody that could help me ???
Best regards.
Thanks in advance

The input should be the tile def, not a direct link to the JSP.


How to show ActionBar in a CordovaActivity

Using Worklight 6.2 and the new ActionSender API, I'd like to show the actionbar in the main CordovaActivity of my hybrid app.
That's in order to manage it by Javascript code, through the new API.
The problem is that getActionBar() returns null, even adding the holo theme and a layout to this activity.
Does somebody have a snippet of code to show me the how to do that?
The blog post has been revised to include the missing pieces. Follow the instructions again, it will now work.
The missing pieces were related to the below:
Make sure that in your AndroidManifest, the activity doesn't have a theme without a title bar:
^ last line should be removed.
Add a preference to Cordova configuration (res/xml/config.xml) to make the title bar be shown:
<preference name="ShowTitle" value="true" />

Wix Error ICE17: Bitmap: ' is launching

I'm trying to develop a Wix project. I'm using Wix 3.6, and everything goes perfect, except when I try to change the default interface of Wix to the WiUI_Mondo one.
I do the following to change the interface:
Add reference to WixUIExtension.dll
Add <UIRef Id="WixUI_Mondo" />
With these simple steps, I should be able to change the interface of my Wix installer. Instead, it is launching an error like this:
Error: ICE17: Bitmap: '
And no more text after the simple comma.
Any idea on why is this happening??
EDIT: This mistake comes from several .wxs files, such as PrepareDlg.wxs, FilesInUse.wxs...
I don't know the exact reason, but you can see in msdn what ice17 is testing:
ice 17 documentation

ICEfaces ace:fileEntry not working in Liferay portlet. Have a clue that needs explaining

Using LR 6.1.0-ce-ga1 and ICEfaces 3.2.0. Have this code in my xhtml:
requiredMessage="You may not save if you have not selected a file."
maxFileCountMessage="Select one file, please."
First, the immediate doesn't work. listener in my bean never gets called. But that's maybe not as important as the following.
I have h:commandButton on the form. When I click it, I see what looks like the beginning of a progress bar drawn like it's going to display file upload progress. This is immediately covered by the following:
This box is often associated with ICEfaces push problems (I've been told by ICEfaces). I added icepush.jar to WEB-INF/lib, but it didn't help. What I'd prefer is not to have the alleged progress bar try to render at all.
So, would appreciate anyone's help in making this file upload work.
P.S., I've tried Tomahawk and plain Apache JSF 2.0, also. I'd like to get the ICEfaces version working, but I'm kind of open to any working solution, given my (Servlet 2.5-based) environment.
I would recommend that you look at the source code for the icefaces3-portlet demo, as it shows how to upload a file with ace:fileEntry in a portlet environment.

How to use the Common/StandardStyles in a C# WinRT project?

I'm working on a WinRT project in C#
I wanted to use things like: {StaticResource EditAppBarButtonStyle}
this is defined in Common/StandardStyles.xaml
but when I try to compile my project I get the error that the resource could not be resolved.
I guess I need to add the Common/StandardStyles.xaml but I dont know how
Solution: I just needed to remove the <!-- ... --> in the Common/StandardStyles.xaml
A few years too late, but maybe helpful to someone else who stumbles on this question from a bing search: For a Windows 8.1 app, that's not how you do it anymore.
Since most people never used most of the styles in StandardStyles.xaml, this file was removed for performance reasons. In Windows 8.1, you use an AppBarButton like
<AppBarButton Icon="Edit" Label="Edit" />
Info taken from this blog post right here

Why are xforms-submit-error event properties allways empty?

I've just started with orbeon and xforms for some project.
I have Orbeon succesfuly integrated with my test application as xforms engine (separate deployment with crosscontext).
Now, xforms basics are behind me and I needed to implement some kind of error checking after submit. So I'm trying to handle xforms-submit-error for example like this (this is modified example from
<xf:submission action="/processor500" method="post" id="submission1" replace="none">
<xf:message ev:event="xforms-submit-error" level="modal">submission1 error (<output value="event('response-status-code')"/>)</xf:message>
/process500 is empty servlet, which just raise RuntimeException so it is returning 500 response code.
But response-status-code in event is allways empty. Any of event properties are allways empty and i just can't figure it why (google didn't help this time).
Any suggestions?
event('response-status-code') on xforms-submit-error is supported, and your example doesn't work most likely because you're missing a prefix on the <output> (it should be <xf:output>). Also see this XForms test case showing the event('response-status-code') in action.