Index for nullable column - sql

I have an index on a nullable column and I want to select all it's values like this:
SELECT e.ename
FROM emp e;
In the explain plan I see a FULL TABLE SCAN (even a hint didn't help)
SELECT e.ename
FROM emp e
WHERE e.ename = 'gdoron';
Does use the index...
I googled and found out there are no null entries in indexes, thus the first query can't use the index.
My question is simple: why there aren't null entries in indexes?

By default, relational databases ignore NULL values (because the relational model says that NULL means "not present"). So, Index does not store NULL value, consequently if you have null condition in SQL statement, related index is ignored (by default).
But you can suprass this problem, check THIS or THIS article.

If you're getting all of the rows from the table, why do you think it should use the index? A full table scan is the most efficient means to return all of the values. It has nothing to do with the nulls not being in the index and everything to do with the optimizer choosing the most efficient means of retrieving the data.
#A.B.Cade: It's possible that the optimizer could choose to use the index, but not likely. Let's say you've got a table with an indexed table with 100 rows, but only 10 values. If the optimizer uses the index, it has to get the 10 rows from the index, then expand it to 100 rows, whereas, with the full-table scan, it gets all 100 rows from the get-go. Here's an example:
create table test1 (blarg varchar2(10));
create index ak_test1 on test1 (blarg);
insert into test1
select floor(level/10) from dual connect by level<=100;
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats('testschema','test1');
exec dbms_stats.gather_index_stats('testschema','ak_test1');
select * from test1;
My point is largely that this question is based largely on a flawed premise: that index-scans are intrinsically better that full-table scans. That is not always true, as this scenario demonstrates.

Should be noted, Bitmap-Indexes include rows that have NULL values.
But you should not create Bitmap-Index just because you like to have NULL values in
your index. Bitmap-Index indexes are intended for their use-case (see documentation)!
If you use them wrong, then your over-all performance may suffer significantly.

I am not sure the first query is pertinent in terms of index usage, at least the second could.
Anyway, while it is true that you cannot index a column containing a null value, there are ways to do it like for example:
create index MY_INDEX on emp(ename, 1);
notice the , 1) at the end which does the trick.


Performance impact of view on aggregate function vs result set limiting

The problem
Using PostgreSQL 13, I ran into a performance issue selecting the highest id from a view that joins two tables, depending on the select statement I execute.
Here's a sample setup:
joincol VARCHAR
joincol VARCHAR
CREATE INDEX ON test1 (id);
CREATE INDEX ON test1 (joincol);
CREATE INDEX ON test2 (joincol);
CREATE VIEW testview AS (
test1.joincol AS t1charcol,
test2.joincol AS t2charcol
FROM test1, test2
WHERE test1.joincol = test2.joincol
What I found out
I'm executing two statements which result in completely different execution plans and runtimes. The following statement executes in less than 100ms. As far as I understand the execution plan, the runtime is independent of the rowcount, since Postgres iterates the rows one by one (starting at the highest id, using the index) until a join on a row is possible and immediately returns.
However, this one takes over 1 second on average (depending on rowcount), since the two tables are "joined completely", before Postgres uses the index to select the highest id.
SELECT MAX(id) FROM testview;
Please refer to this sample on dbfiddle to check the explain plans:
My real environment
On my real environment test1 contains only a hand full of rows (< 100), having unique values in joincol. test2 contains up to ~10M rows, where joincol always matches a value of test1's joincol. test2's joincol is not nullable.
The actual question
Why does Postgres not recognize that it could use an Index Scan Backward on row basis for the second select? Is there anything I could improve on the tables/indexes?
Queries not strictly equivalent
why does Postgres not recognize that it could use a Index Scan Backward on row basis for the second select?
To make the context clear:
max(id) excludes NULL values. But ORDER BY ... LIMIT 1 does not.
NULL values sort last in ascending sort order, and first in descending. So an Index Scan Backward might not find the greatest value (according to max()) first, but any number of NULL values.
The formal equivalent of:
SELECT max(id) FROM testview;
is not:
The latter query doesn't get the fast query plan. But it would with an index with matching sort order: (id DESC NULLS LAST).
That's different for the aggregate functions min() and max(). Those get a fast plan when targeting table test1 directly using the plain PK index on (id). But not when based on the view (or the underlying join-query directly - the view is not the blocker). An index sorting NULL values in the right place has hardly any effect.
We know that id in this query can never be NULL. The column is defined NOT NULL. And the join in the view is effectively an INNER JOIN which cannot introduce NULL values for id.
We also know that the index on cannot contain NULL values.
But the Postgres query planner is not an AI. (Nor does it try to be, that could get out of hands quickly.) I see two shortcomings:
min() and max() get the fast plan only when targeting the table, regardless of index sort order, an index condition is added: Index Cond: (id IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY ... LIMIT 1 gets the fast plan only with the exactly matching index sort order.
Not sure, whether that might be improved (easily).
db<>fiddle here - demonstrating all of the above
Is there anything I could improve on the tables/indexes?
This index is completely useless:
CREATE INDEX ON "test" ("id");
The PK on is implemented with a unique index on the column, that already covers everything the additional index might do for you.
There may be more, waiting for the question to clear up.
Distorted test case
The test case is too far away from actual use case to be meaningful.
In the test setup, each table has 100k rows, there is no guarantee that every value in joincol has a match on the other side, and both columns can be NULL
Your real case has 10M rows in table1 and < 100 rows in table2, every value in table1.joincol has a match in table2.joincol, both are defined NOT NULL, and table2.joincol is unique. A classical one-to-many relationship. There should be a UNIQUE constraint on table2.joincol and a FK constraint t1.joincol --> t2.joincol.
But that's currently all twisted in the question. Standing by till that's cleaned up.
This is a very good problem, and good testcase.
I tested it in postgres 9.3 perhaps 13 is can it more more fast.
I used Occam's Razor and i excluded some possiblities
View (without view is slow to)
JOIN can filter some rows (unfortunatly in your test not, but more length md5 5-6 yes)
Other basic equivalent select statements not solve yout problem (inner query or exists)
I achieved to use just index, but because the tables isn't bigger than indexes it was not the solution.
I think
CREATE INDEX on "test" ("id");
is useless, because PK!
If you change this
CREATE INDEX on "test" ("joincol");
to this
CREATE INDEX ON TEST (joincol, id);
Than the second query use just indexes.
After you run this
REINDEX table test;
REINDEX table test2;
you can achive some performance tuning. Because you created indexes before inserts.
I think the reason is the two aim of DB.
First aim optimalize just some row. So run Nested Loop. You can force it with limit x.
Second aim optimalize whole table. Run this query fast for whole table.
In this situation postgres optimalizer didn't notice that simple MAX can run with NESTED LOOP. Or perhaps postgres cannot use limit in aggregate clause (can run on whole partial select, what is filtered with query).
And this is very expensive. But you have possiblities to write there other aggregates, like SUM, MIN, AVG stb.
Perhaps can help you the Window functions too.

Does index still exists in these situations?

I have some questions about index.
First, if I use a index column in WITH clause, dose this column still works as index column in main query?
For example,
WHERE EMP_ID >= '2000'
'EMP_ID' in 'EMP_MASTER' table is PK and index for EMP_MASTER consists of EMP_ID.
In this situation, Does 'Index Scan' happen in main query?
Second, if I join two tables and then use two index columns from each table in WHERE, does 'Index Scan' happen?
For example,
A.COL1 > 200 AND
B.COL1 > 100
Index for table A consists of 'COL1' and index for table B consists of 'COL1'.
In this situation, does 'Index Scan' happen in each table before table join?
If you give me some proper advice, I really appreciate that.
First, SQL is a declarative language, not a procedural language. That is, a SQL query describes the result set, not the specific processing. The SQL engine uses the optimizer to determine the best execution plan to generate the result set.
Second, Oracle has a reasonable optimizer.
Hence, Oracle will probably use the indexes in these situations. However, you should look at the execution plan to see what Oracle really does.
First, if I use a index column in WITH clause, dose this column still works as index column in main query?
Yes. A CTE (the WITH part) is a query just like any other - and if a query references a physical table column used by an index then the engine will use the index if it thinks it's a good idea.
In this situation, Does 'Index Scan' happen in main query?
We can't tell from the limitated information you've provided. An engine will scan or seek an index based on its heuristics about the distribution of data in the index (e.g. STATISTICS objects) and other information it has, such as cached query execution plans.
In this situation, does 'Index Scan' happen in each table before table join?
As it's a range query, it probably would make sense for an engine to use an index scan rather than an index seek - but it also could do a table-scan and ignore the index if the index isn't selective and specific enough. Also factor in query flags to force reading non-committed data (e.g. for performance and to avoid locking).

db2 10.5 multi-column index explanation

My first time working with indexes in database and so far I've learn that if you have a multi-column index such as index('col1', 'col2', 'col3'), and if you do a query that uses where col2='col2' and col3='col3', that index would not be use.
I also learn that if a column is very low selectivity column. Indexing is useless.
However, from my test, it seems none of the above is true at all. Can someone explain more on this?
I have a table with more than 16 million records. Let's say claimID is the primary key, then there're a historynumber column that only have 3 distinct values (1,2,3), and a last column with storeNumber that has about 1 million distinct values.
I have an index for claimID alone, another index(historynumber, claimID), and other index with index(historynumber, storeNumber), and finally index(storeNumber, historynumber).
My guess was that if I do:
select * from my_table where claimId='123456' and historynumber = 1
would be much faster than
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1 and claimId = '123456'
However, the 2 have exactly the same performance (instant). So I thought the primary key index can work on any column order. Therefore, I tried the same thing but on historynumber and storeNumber instead. The result is exactly the same. Then I start trying out on columns that has no indexes and of course the result is the same also.
Finally, I do a
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1
and the query takes so long I had to cancel it.
So my conclusion is that the column order in where clause is completely useless, and so is the column order in the index definition since it seems like the database is smart enough to tell which column is the highest selectivity column.
Could someone give me an example that could prove otherwise?
Index explanation is a huge topic.
Don't worry about the sequence of different attributes in the SQL - it has no effect whether you specify
...where claimId='123456' and historynumber = 1
or the other way round. Each SQL is checked and optimized by the optimizer. To proove how the data gets accessed you could do a EXPLAIN. Check the documentation for more details.
For your other problem
select * from my_table where historynumber = 1
with an index of (storeNumber, historynumber).
Have you ever tried to lookup the name of a caller (having the telephone number) in a telephone book?
Well it is pretty much the same for an index - so the column order when creatin the index matters!
There are techniques which could help - i.e. index jump scan - but there is no guarantee.
Check out following sites to learn a little bit more about DB2 indexes:

Performance Tuning SQL

I have the following sql. When I check the execution plan of this query we observe an index scan. How do I replace it with index seek. I have non clustered index on IdDeleted column.
SELECT Cast(Format(Sum(COALESCE(InstalledSubtotal, 0)), 'F') AS MONEY) AS TotalSoldNet,
BP.BoundProjectId AS ProjectId
FROM BoundProducts BP
WHERE BP.IsDeleted=0 or BP.IsDeleted is null
GROUP BY BP.BoundProjectId
I tried like this and got index seek, but the result was wrong.
SELECT Cast(Format(Sum(COALESCE(InstalledSubtotal, 0)), 'F') AS MONEY) AS TotalSoldNet,
BP.BoundProjectId AS ProjectId
FROM BoundProducts BP
WHERE BP.IsDeleted=0
GROUP BY BP.BoundProjectId
Can anyone kindly suggest me to get the right result set with index seek.
I mean how to I replace (BP.IsDeleted=0 or BP.IsDeleted is null) condition to make use of index seek.
Edit, added row counts from comments of one of the answers:
null: 254962 rows
0: 392002 rows
1: 50211 rows
You're not getting an index seek because you're fetching almost 93% of the rows in the table and in that kind of scenario, just scanning the whole index is faster and cheaper to do.
If you have performance issues, you should look into removing format() -function, especially if the query returns a lot of rows. Read more from this blog post
Other option might be to create an indexed view and pre-aggregate your data. This of course adds an overhead to update / insert operations, so consider that only if this is done really often vs. how often the table is updated.
have you tried a UNION ALL?
select ...
Where isdeleted = 0
select ...
Where isdeleted is null
Or you can add an Query hint (index= [indexname])
also be aware that the cardinality will determine if SQL uses a seek or a scan - seeks are quicker but can require key lookups if the index doesnt cover all the columns required. A good rule of thumb is that if the query will return more than 5% of the table then SQL will prefer a scan.

Does indexes work with group function in oracle?

I am running following query.
SELECT Table_1.Field_1,
FROM Table_1, Table_2
WHERE Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3)
AND Table_2.Field_2 <> 2
AND Table_2.Field_3 = 'Y'
AND Table_1.Field_1 = Table_2.Field_1
AND Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'
GROUP BY Table_1.Field_1, Table_1.Field_2;
I have created index for columns (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) of Table_1 but the index is not getting used.
If I remove the SUM(Table_1.Field_5) from select clause then index is getting used.
I am confused if optimizer is not using this index or its because of SUM() function I have used in query.
Please share your explaination on the same.
When you remove the SUM you also remove field_5 from the query. All the data needed to answer the query can then be found in the index, which may be quicker than scanning the table. If you added field_5 to the index the query with SUM might use the index.
If your query is returning the large percentage of table's rows, Oracle may decide that doing a full table scan is cheaper than "hopping" between the index and the table's heap (to get the values in Table_1.Field_5).
Try adding Table_1.Field_5 to the index (thus covering the whole query with the index) and see if this helps.
See the Index-Only Scan: Avoiding Table Access at Use The Index Luke for conceptual explanation of what is going on.
As you mentioned, the presence of the summation function results in the the Index being overlooked.
There are function based indexes:
A function-based index includes columns that are either transformed by a function, such as the UPPER function, or included in an expression, such as col1 + col2.
Defining a function-based index on the transformed column or expression allows that data to be returned using the index when that function or expression is used in a WHERE clause or an ORDER BY clause. Therefore, a function-based index can be beneficial when frequently-executed SQL statements include transformed columns, or columns in expressions, in a WHERE or ORDER BY clause.
However, as with all, function based indexes have their restrictions:
Expressions in a function-based index cannot contain any aggregate functions. The expressions must reference only columns in a row in the table.
Though I see some good answers here couple of important points are being missed -
SELECT Table_1.Field_1,
FROM Table_1, Table_2
WHERE Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3)
AND Table_2.Field_2 <> 2
AND Table_2.Field_3 = 'Y'
AND Table_1.Field_1 = Table_2.Field_1
AND Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'
GROUP BY Table_1.Field_1, Table_1.Field_2;
Saying that having SUM(Table_1.Field_5) in select clause causes index not to be used in not correct. Your index on (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) can still be used. But there are problems with your index and sql query.
Since your index is only on (Field_1,Field_2,Field_3,Field_4) even if your index gets used DB will have to access the actual table row to fetch Field_5 for applying filter. Now it completely depends on the execution plan charted out of sql optimizer which one is cost effective. If SQL optimizer figures out that full table scan has less cost than using index it will ignore the index. Saying so I will now tell you probable problems with your index -
As others have states you could simply add Field_5 to the index so that there is no need for separate table access.
Your order of index matters very much for performance. For eg. in your case if you give order as (Field_4,Field_1,Field_2,Field_3) then it will be quicker since you have equality on Field_4 -Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011'. Think of it this was -
Table_1.Field_4 = '31-oct-2011' will give you less options to choose final result from then Table_1.Field_3 NOT IN (1, 3). Things might change since you are doing a join. It's always best to see the execution plan and design your index/sql accordingly.