Does the Android 2.2 Image class have the ability to render .gif files? - android-imageview

Nothing fancy, NO ANIMATION, simple .gif images.
I know there is support in SDK later versions but would like to use my target device as a minimum 2.2
Many thanks.

Yes but it is discouraged:


Sencha Touch: How to update from 2.1 to 2.2?

I think I'm missing something very, very obvious and easy, but - how do I migrate my 2.1-app to 2.2? What do I have to copy or which script do I have to run?
Just be aware that the theming has changed between version 2.1 and 2.2. In particular the Picto icons, used for buttons, have now been replaced by fonts. Unfortunately it appears that the new Picto font doesn't contain entries for all the icons that were in the previous set and I haven't yet found a way to continue to use the old icons. As a result, your new version 2.2 app may therefore look different to your version 2.1 app.

Crop in cjuidialog

I need to do an upload with crop picture but I can not find information to operate the extension eajaxupload, coconut inside cjuidialog
any extension for yii?
something like:
yes sure there is a yii extension, you can use which is a wrapper of the Kohana Image Module.The available image manipulation methods are resize, crop, sharpen, quality and rotate or flip.
However you can also find standalone php libraries like which works well with yii

How to scan images using camera in Black berry?

I have started one project in which I want to implement QR code scanning functionality. Say for example: ZXing in android. I want to implement for blackberry OS 6 and above. I want to scan live images using camera. Is it possible? If yes, then how it possible?
You have to use the Barcode API. It was released for OS 6.0. Before that, there was ZXing (added in 5.0) but no livescan functionality.
Here you are the how-to:
Please check this in your eclips folder
path is
barcodescandemo demo is QRcode reader
please check it you can find all things

Is it possible to get all the images saved in imagelibrary at a time into my application in iphone sdk?

I want to get all the images stored in my device library and I want to add all those images to my application . Is it possible if so please give me idea
Thank you
Praveena Nalajala
It is not possible in iPhone SDK 3.0 (which you have tagged your question with), using public APIs.
In iOS 4.0, you can use ALAssetsLibrary to access the device's saved image library.
yes possible.

How can I create an animated .gif from a movie?

How can I create an animated .gif file from a movie I have?
I guess it is pretty simple in objective-C and cocoa, by using the QTKit, to extract images from a movie, now how can I glue them together as an animated gif?
I don't think there's anything built into OS X for creating animated GIFs. Your best bet would be to look at the gifsicle project. You could either call it via command-line, or borrow the code if your license allows it. (it's GPL)
There is a pretty good lib (even if 'old') for this task (and other kinds of image processing): libgd. It appears it is built into Mac OS X or easly installable through MacPorts. Here some doc about animated GIF creation from single images.