active Mq delivery policy - activemq

Can you tell me the meaning of this function, what they do? I have tried to find it on Google but i can not be understand.
I am setting the redelivery policy.

Messages are redelivered to a client when any of the following occurs:
A transacted session is used and rollback() is called.
A transacted session is closed before commit is called.
A session is using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.recover() is called.
Once a message's redelivery attempts exceeds the maximumRedeliveries configured for the Redelivery Policy, a "Poison ack" is sent back to the broker letting him know that the message was considered a poison pill. The Broker then takes the message and sends it to a Dead Letter Queue so that it can be analyzed later on.
You can read more about message redelivery handling in Active MQ here:
The the redelivery policy properties you are referring to are:
maximumRedeliveries: Sets the maximum number of times a message will be redelivered before it is considered a poisoned pill and returned to the broker so it can go to a Dead Letter Queue (use value -1 to define infinite number of redeliveries)
maximumRedeliveryDelay: Sets the maximum delivery delay that will be applied if the useExponentialBackOff option is set. (use value -1 to define that no maximum be applied) (v5.5)
useExponentialBackOff: Should exponential back-off be used (i.e. to exponentially increase the timeout)
backOffMultiplier: The back-off multiplier
All properties for the redelivery policy are described here:

Few points to add to those mentioned above
If you are using CLIENT_ACK as the acknowledgement mode and closing the session without acknowledging the latest message all the pending messages will be redelivered.
If you are using asynchronous message transfer and a RuntimeException is thrown inside onMessage() method the corresponding message will be redelivered.
All of the above is subjected to maximum redelivery tries of-course. After maximum redelivery tries the message will go to dead message queue(if you have configured) or will be simply dropped.
What you have asked is a type of redelivery policy. So in case a message has to be redelivered how much importance(delay) should be given to it's redelivery. If setUseExponentialBackOff is set for each redelivery of the same message delivery delay will increase exponentially.
All the properties available for redelivery policy are
For complete details look here.


How to set the a redelivery time for RabbitMQ

I'm trying to understand how to set the redelivery time for basic.nacked messages. Some important info is that I'm using quorum queues with a redelivery amount of 5 times. Consider the following scenario:
What is happening Now:
Producer sends message: Message X
Consumer handles Message X and runs into an error, in the error handler I use basic.nack()
Message is resent to original queue. Consumer immediately handles that task again.
This process repeats until the redelivery amount has been reached and then it's dead-lettered.
What I actually want:
I want the message that is requeued to wait a few seconds (3-5 sec or something) before it's once again handled by a consumer. I want to do this due to the fact that I'm using OCC & there are instances where delaying the message redelivery solves consistency issues. (for the people wondering why in god's name I need this).
I was able to do this with NATS streaming server, but I don't know how to implement it with rabbitMQ.
Additional info: I'm using amqplib (typescript) as the client and prefetch is set to 10 globally. I'm using AWS MQ for Rabbit as my rabbitMQ host
As far as i know, there isn't a way to add RabbitMQ Delayed Message Plugin to AWS MQ.
You can:
create a new dead_letter_queue with x-message-ttl option, with value you need (3-5 secs)
for this dead_letter_queue dead letter exchange will be your original exchange
create dead_letter_exchange connected with dead_letter_queue
Consumer nack message
Message goes to dead_letter_exchange
From dead_letter_exchange it goes to dead_letter_queue
In dead_letter_queue message waits x-message-ttl time
Message marks as dead and goes to your original exchange (and then to your original queue)

Per message TTL behavior with shovels

consumes messages from the queue,
re-publishes each message to the destination broker (using, by default, the original exchange name and routing_key when
I could not find any documentation what's the expected behavior for message TTLs when shovels are involved:
Does the time used for calculating TTL start when message is received
at the source broker or at the destination broker? Or is it just valid for the first publish, that is at the source broker?
What happens if the expiration time elapses before the message reaches the destination broker?
So, I think you answered the question in the documentation you pasted in. All shovel does is move messages from one queue to another, re-publishing them in the process. It's going to preserve all original message properties, which theoretically includes the TTL property.
That being said, I don't believe this is something you need to worry about.
Message TTL starts when the queue receives the message. When the message is re-published, the clock resets on the new queue.
Messages being transported by shovel will ideally spend no more than a few milliseconds in the initial queue, if they even end up there at all (a message queue with a consumer attached doesn't actually enqueue any messages under most conditions). So, the time spent in the first queue should be so small that it doesn't matter.
Message lifetime should have a fair amount of tolerance for network transport, etc., so the activities of shovel are on par with the normal noise.
If you find yourself in the situation where a large number of messages are accumulating in the queue before they can be shovel'd, then you might need to handle expiration in your application. There are other benefits and caveats to doing this, but you get a little finer-grained control overall.

rabbitmq with spring amqp - messages stuck in case of AmqpException

I am throwing an AmqpException inside of my consumer.
My expectation is that the message will return back to the queue in FIFO order and will be reprocessed sometime in the future.
It seems as if Spring AMQP does not release the message back to the queue. But instead tries to reprocess the failed messages over and over again.
This blocks the newly arrived messages from being processed. The ones that are stuck appear in the "unpacked" state forever inside of the AMQP console.
Any thoughts?
That's the way rabbitmq/Spring AMQP works; if a message is rejected (any exception is thrown) the message is requeued by default and is put back at the head of the queue so it is retried immediately.
... reprocessed sometime in the future.
You have to configure things appropriately to make that happen.
First, you have to tell the broker to NOT requeue the message. That is done by setting defaultRequeueRejected on the listener container to false (it's true by default). Or, you can throw an AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException which instructs the container to reject (and not requeue) an individual message.
But that's not the end of it; just doing that will simply cause the rejected message to be discarded.
To avoid that, you have to set up a Dead Letter Exchange/Queue for the queue - rejected messages are then sent to the DLX/DLQ instead of being discarded. Using a policy rather than queue arguments is generally recommended.
Finally, you can set a message time to live on the the DLQ so, after that time, the message is removed from the queue. If you set up an another appropriate dead letter exchange on that queue (the DLQ), you can cause the message to be requeued back to the original queue after the time expires.
Note that this will only work for rejected deliveries from the original queue; it will not work when expiring messages in that queue.
See this answer and some of the links from its question for more details.
You can use the contents of the x-death header to decide if you should give up completely after some number of attempts (catch the exception and somehow dispose of the bad message; don't thrown an exception and the container will ack the message).
Here is a solution I used to solve this. I setup an Interceptor to retry the message x number of times while applying a backoff policy.

Messages with expiration are not removed from RabbitMQ

I am sending a normal message through a producer to RabbitMQ and then I send a second message with the expiration attribute assigned to a value. Then using the rabbitmqctl list_queues command I monitor the status of the messages.
I found that if I send a normal message first and then a message with expiration, the rabbitmqctl list_queues is always showing me 2 messages pending on the queue. When I consume them, I get only one.
On the other hand if I send just 1 message with expiration, in the beginning I see the message and then after the correct expiration time, I find it deleted.
My question is, on the first situation is actually the message taking space? Or it is an interface bug?
My rabbitMQ version is:
rabbitmq-server.noarch -> 3.1.5-1.el6
Looks like you missed some of the documentation on this feature. If you read the RabbitMQ documentation on per-message TTL (expiration), you will notice the following warning for exactly the behavior you are seeing (emphasis added):
While consumers never see expired messages, only when expired messages reach the head of a queue will they actually be discarded (or dead-lettered). When setting a per-queue TTL this is not a problem, since expired messages are always at the head of the queue. When setting per-message TTL however, expired messages can queue up behind non-expired ones until the latter are consumed or expired. Hence resources used by such expired messages will not be freed, and they will be counted in queue statistics (e.g. the number of messages in the queue).

How does AMQ's redeliver work? Does it hold a consumer completely during the redelivery process?

Assuming that we only have one consumer and our redelivery policy will allow the message to be redelivered for a quite long time.
I've tried a scenario where I sent two messages(different type), one is designed to be redelivered and the other can be consumed normally.
It seems the normal message will be blocked if it is delivered later than the redelivered one.
It will not be consumed until the redelivered message has tried many times reaching the maximum redeliver times. That would lead to a situation where a easy-to-consumed message must wait a long time to be consumed..
I'm wondering how the AMQ redeliver work. When a message is redelivered in a consumer, the other message can be sent to this consumer until current message has been consumed or timeout(to DLQ).
Can someone help ? Thanks,
ActiveMQ's overriding concern when redelivering messages is to honour message ordering on a queue.
Given two messages A and B, which get sent to a queue with a defined redelivery policy as you describe: if a client fails processing A, that message will get placed back on the queue and no other messages will be consumed until A is consumed successfully.
Check out the ActiveMQ Message Redelivery and DLQ Handling section for further details.
Please remember to vote this response up if it answers your question.
For this case it is possible to set the ActiveConnectionFactory to onBlockingRedelivery.
Find details in de ActiveMq Api documentation: