EGOPhotoViewer: gesture not working - objective-c

I'm using the EGOPhotoViewer library for displaying photos in my iOS 5 App. Many of the galleries are working fine, but some of they have an issue. Please see this video on Vimeo:
As you can see, on the fifth image, a swipe no longer brings me to the next image. Does anybody know how to fix this issue in EGOPhotoViewer?
Please tell me if you need further information.

Inside the EGOPhotoScrollView.m I changed the property scrollEnabled to NO, which seems to work for me. But I do not know what impact this could cause.


Buttons all the way to the right do not work on iPad

Currently attempting to convert an iPhone application to also work on the iPad. I am running into an issue where the buttons all the way on the right, do not work when clicked on the iPad. It looks like since the buttons are shifted more to the right than on the iPhone, they no longer become clickable. Buttons to the right work fine on the iPhone. Buttons to the left work fine on both systems. Any help on correct setting to fix this issue would be appreciated. Attached is a sample button that does not work:
If I missed writing something or need more detail, please let me know.
Environment: Xcode 8.2.1, Objective-C (Not using swift)

Storyboard not rendering added views

I am trying to execute the steps described in iOS developer library basics tutorial. When I add "Scene to story board" run the simulator, I am not seeing the label. It is just white screen. Not sure what is causing this issue. Any suggestions?
iOS SDK7.1
XCode 6.0
Rented server machine from MacInCloud.
Here is snap shot of my Xcode:
When I use "Single View Application" template, "Views" I am adding to story board are showing up properly in simulator.
It could be that the positioning of the label is outside of the visible screen. One quick way to rectify this would be to add a new Alignment Constraint so that the label is "Horizontal Center in Container". An example of how to add an Alignment Constraint below...
I thought to close this question first, but it seems not a good practice, so adding solution as answer.
I missed To configure the app delegate implementation file step from the documentation, which is why it is showing white screen. Make sure you delete the code which renders white background.

UI in in IOS simulator doesn't show

I have a question I am trying to create a database from a tutorial that I have posted on here. The problem that I keep having is that when I build the project the project is built successfully. However when the IOS simulator pulls up to show me the UI I have a black screen. I have doubled checked that my connections to my storyboards are correct. and still my UI still not displaying. I have made sure that I had my sqlite library connected within the project and it is. This is a single view application for an IPAD. I have searched ways of finding issues within my code and I have done breakpoints to see where my application breaks. and This is what I have found.
this is where my application breaks because is the first screen that it pops after I have started the IOS simulator. I do not know how to fix this.
this screen basically tells me that there is something wrong with the UIwindow alloc. For some reason is breaking here and I do not know why.
This last screen shot is not that great to interpret especially if its in numbers.
Please help. I will be posting more screen shots if needed at this point I need all the help that I can get. I did not think that it would be difficult to create and link a db.
If you are using storyboards you need to remove all the code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and just return YES. Also set your main storyboard file appropriately in the plist file.

Image not visible on Device but appers on the simulator

In my app I have set custom image for segment control. Image shows up very well on the simulator but not on the device. I checked all possible ways and tried what ever was answered for this issue earlier for the issues same as I have now. But still I can't locate exact solution for this. Can anyone help please.
Did you try removing/readding the image? As far as I know, the simulator has its own cache, if the image has been removed somehow, that may be why its showing up.
You may try:
Remove the image from xcode, and re-adding it
Making a clean build
Remove the image from "bundle resources", (see: and readding it
Quitting / restarting xcode
One of them should help

Add a video into splash screen or in the first view of the app (IOS xcode 4.0)

I'm a beginner in IOS but I need to show a video when the app is launching.
Please Can you help me?
If is impossible to implement a video on a splash view, there are any idea to create that?
If I have an orthographic mistake, sorry I come from Spain. ;D
The "splash" screen can only be an image to be used as a placeholder until your app is able to start up. Even if you found a way to get a video to play, which I don't think is possible, it is against Apple's HIG for how the startup screen is supposed to be used.
It would be possible to load your video in its own view immediately after the splash screen. You would need to check for a first time run to determine whether to show it, unless you plan to show it each and every time. Hope this helps.
Apple Human Interface Guide