I know that msbuild does not support VDPROJ files, but it maybe built using command line devenv.
I want to build all prjects (C#) using msbuild task and only after that starting specific setup project from my solution. Of course this projects has dependencies to previously created C# projects (otput from proj1, proj2, proj3).
How could I do it?
Override AfterCompile (or AfterBuild) task and add Exec command for devenv.exe to compile vdproj files. When you run devenv.exe /build /project you will only build the specified project within the specified solution. Only project files that have changed since the last build will be build. Therefore the dependant projects will not be build unless they have been changed.
I have a project that imports a certain targets file from a Nuget package. Even though I use PackageReferences I am forced to import this file manually.
(See my other question for details - How are we supposed to execute package build targets in the new world where nuget packages are consumed through msbuild PackageReference?)
This targets file injects chromedriver.exe into the Content item group with CopyToOutputDirectory = PreserveNewest.
I observe a situation where chromedriver.exe is not copied to the bin folder when running msbuild /t:"Restore;Build", but it is copied when running the two targets separately - msbuild /t:Restore; msbuild /t:Build.
Can anyone explain how this happens?
(I killed a good portion of the day learning the difference on my skin, want to know how come?)
Restore changes the imported project files in the obj\ directory.
For this to take effect, the project file needs to be re-evaluated entirely, which does not happen when you run the Restore and Build targets in the same invocation.
Use the -restore command line switch for MSBuild to run a Restore before the other specified targets in the same command line call. MSBuild will run the Restore, empty its XML caches and re-evaluate the project again when running the requested build.
I am have Solution with multiple projects. When I run MSbuild with the following Arguments
/p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0 /target:Publish /p:Configuration=Release
it compiles and puts the compiled code in _PublishedWebsites folder. what arguments needs to be added so that packages are created for each project.
You need to use "Package" target. It creates in zip packages or archivedirs if $(PackageAsSingleFile)==False. "Package" target works only for Web apps
Our continuous delivery set-up, until recently, was delivering Service Fabric packages using the following command:
msbuild SFApp.sfproj /t:Package
This was necessary because the target Package is unavailable at the solution level. I.e. The command
msbuild SFSolution.sln /t:Package
Fails, as the target does not exist.
As our dependency mesh grows, it gets to a point in which most interfaces projects will not build without a solution file (to work around the "OutputPath does not exist" red herring). There seems to be a way to do that according to this answer. Unfortunately, while targets like Clean work…
msbuild SFSolution.sln /t:SFApplication:Clean
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
…the target Package won't!
msbuild SFSolution.sln /t:SFApplication:Package
"SFSolution.sln" (SFApplication:Package target) (1) -> SFSolution.sln.metaproj :
error MSB4057: The target "SFApplication:Package" does not exist in the
project. [SFSolution.sln]
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
(Solution/project folders/names omitted/paraphrased for clarity. I can provide the actual logs if necessary.)
So the question is: how could I, using the Command Line, build one project using the Package target and the solution file?
Or how can I otherwise package a Service Fabric application from the command line?
It's bad idea to compile sfproj file(and any other project file) without sln, because it can bring wrong content to its output from referenced projects. Only solution has a knowledge about what project to compile in what configuration.
To make Package similar to "Right Click->Package" in VS:
Just add to your sfproj the following target
<Target Name="ForcePackageTarget" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(ForcePackageTarget)' =='true'">
<CallTarget Targets="Package"/>
And then running normal build on solution you may trigger the package step by /p:ForcePackageTarget=true :
msbuild yoursolution.sln /t:Build /p:ForcePackageTarget=true /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
Actually it performs two-in-one steps, build and package, with respect to Solution Configurations on all referenced projects
MSBuild only supports a small set of target names that can be specified at the solution level. As you've discovered, Package is not one of them. You'll need to execute two separate calls to MSBuild: one which builds the solution and one which calls the Package target on the sfproj. The Package target of an sfproj has a dependency on the Build target so it will ensure that the sfproj and its project dependencies are built.
I had the same problem and fixed it by changing the Platform in the failing projects to explicitly build for x64.
Click Build > Configuration Manager and make sure that the assemblies are compiled for the x64 platform, that should also set the Output Paths in the corresponding .csproj files.
The actual command line action that is being executed is this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\amd64\msbuild.exe" "C:\agent\_work\1\s\Project\SFProject.sfproj" /t:Package /p:platform="x64" /p:configuration="release" /p:VisualStudioVersion="14.0"
Use the below script.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0> msbuild "Fabric.sfproj" /t:Package /p:Configuration=Release
Service fabric requires Target to be set in x64 platform,
So change all you reference projects target to x64 platform.
you can do this by using configuration properties of your solution. If x64 is not listed in 'Configuration Properties' click configuration manager in the same window and under platform column for the required project add new project platform as x64.
Hope this works for you.
We have had the exact same problem as you had and I have been looking around for a solution all over the web and did some experiments. Those are the steps that worked for us:
Don't manually add a target anywhere as suggested by other answers on StackOverflow. Not necessary. Especially in a CI environment, you want to build the projects separately anyways.
Prepare the projects in the Solution: Change the target platform for all projects to x64
Build the application
msbuild.exe SFAplication.xproj /p:Configuration=Release /target:rebuild
Package the App
msbuild.exe SFAplication.sfproj /p:Configuration=Release /target:Package
I am using Windows installer xml and now my project moves to Team Services.
However, my Paths wont work anymore and I need to update my setup.
On the local build machine I used this hardlink: C:\Projects\Solution\Project\bin\Release\Assembly.dll
My Question: What is the best way to build 4 projects and then run a 5th project, which uses the assemblies in the bin/release directory?
Add a reference to the project and then use $(var.Project.TargetPath) instead of the hardlink (or $(var.Project.TargetDir)Assembly.dll). The references will add dependencies on those projects to the wixproj which means they all must be build before the wixproj so all the binaries will exist. All the projects should be included in the same solution as the wixproj.
Here's a resource for all the automatically defined compile time variables you can use http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/votive/votive_project_references.html
Alternatively if you can't do it this way you can define the variables in the <DefineConstants> of the wixproj. It would be something like "ProjectDir=$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\Project\bin\Release\" and then in your wix component where you are using the SourceDir hardlink you would use SourceDir=$(var.ProjectDir)Assembly.dll
All of this stuff is taking advantage of MSBuild. It takes a long time to wrap your head around how MSBuild works but it is definitely worth it if you will be using Visual Studio to build all your projects.
I am trying to make a build script for a .NET solution which consists of several c# projects and one custom project. The custom project can be build by devenv but msbuild chokes on it.
I would like MSBuild to ignore the custom project because I'm already building it with an Exec task. I actually need MSBuild to not even open the custom .proj file because it's in JSON format and thus causes MSBuild to crash out.
The /BuildProjectReferences=false switch doesn't work. MSBuild still tries to read the custom project file. Is there any way around this?
This question stemmed from a project which had a SilverFrost Fortran project alongside several c# class libraries. The solution would only compile using devenv. Msbuild would throw an error on the Fortran project because it doesn't use the standard .csproj format.
Even with /BuildProjectReferences=false, msbuild would try to read the Fortran project and throw an error. The workaround I discovered was to wrap the msbuild task in an nant task which does the following:
Invokes the Fortran command line compiler
Removes all references to the Fortran project from other .csproj projects using the xmlpoke task
Replaces said references with a direct dll reference to the Fortran compiler output
Invokes Msbuild on the modified solution
Instead of building your solution once by MSBuild, try to build each project one by one. In this case, you can ignore the desired project. You can also define your own "Exec"-based build in this new script.
In your project that uses the custom project, can you right click on the Project Dependencies and remove the custom project from the list? You can refer to the custom project's binary output instead.