How to get a UITableView with "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons - mono

I want to tableview accessory button like selectall or deselectall.
cell.Accessory = UITableViewCellAccessory.None;
I want to a button example :"select all"
When user touch this button everycell's accessory should checkmark.
Or I want "Reset" button. if user touch this button every checkmark disappear and Cell's accesory shoul none.

As you have likely found out using UITableView is a bit complicated. However there's a wonderful library available for MonoTouch called MonoTouch.Dialog that makes things a lot easier.
The following sample code is using MonoTouch.Dialog to answer your question (as much as I understand it, let me know if my answer does not match what you wanted).
UIBarButtonItem [] selection_buttons;
void Process (IList<Element> list, bool value)
foreach (Element e in list) {
CheckboxElement cb = e as CheckboxElement;
if (cb == null)
cb.Value = value;
cb.GetImmediateRootElement ().Reload (cb, UITableViewRowAnimation.None);
void Test ()
Section s = new Section ("Select items");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
s.Add (new CheckboxElement (i.ToString ()));
var root = new RootElement (String.Empty);
root.Add (s);
var dv = new DialogViewController (root, true);
// keep buttons in a field, not a local variable, to ensure it won't be GC'ed away
if (selection_buttons == null) {
selection_buttons = new UIBarButtonItem [] {
new UIBarButtonItem ("Deselect All", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, delegate {
Process (s.Elements, false);
new UIBarButtonItem ("Select All", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, delegate {
Process (s.Elements, true);
dv.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItems (selection_buttons, true);
NavigationController.PushViewController (dv, true);
Have fun with MonoTouch (and MonoTouch.Dialog)!

You can checkout this demo from Hope it help you.


FastObjectListView UpdateObject() randomly reorders rows within primary sort

Data is a generic List of domain objects.
I click the "Deploy Status" column header to sort on that column.
I have a button that does nothing more than folv.UpdateObject(someObject) .
Every time I press that button, the Deploy Status column maintains its sort, but all rows within the sorted blocks are randomly reordered, as per screenshot.
I have commented out everything in the form's code beyond loading the data, the test button, and the FastObjectListView's column.Add() and .SetObjects(). There are no event handlers wired up for the FastObjectListView. I am not setting PrimarySort or SecondarySort in code; only by clicking with the mouse.
You should be able to fix this problem by either calling Sort after your button's call to UpdateObject or changing your usage of UpdateObject to RefreshObject
Reproducing the problem (C# Repro for the issue in the API)
This seems to reproduce the problem you are having. Run the code, sort the Other column ascending. Click the update button.
public class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(MainForm));
// MainForm
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 300);
this.Name = "MainForm";
var OLVa = new FastObjectListView();
OLVa.Width = 250;
OLVa.Height = 250;
OLVa.Columns.Add(new OLVColumn("ID", "ID"));
OLVa.Columns.Add(new OLVColumn("Other", "Other"));
var l1 = new lolz(1, 3);
OLVa.AddObject(new lolz(2,3));
var btn = new Button()
Text = "Update",
Top = OLVa.Bottom
btn.Click += (s,e)=>OLVa.UpdateObject(l1);
private class lolz
public int ID;
public int Other;
public lolz(int id, int other)
ID = id;
Other = other;
Fixing the problem
The following would fix it for the above example:
btn.Click += (s,e)=>

C++/winRT xaml ContentDialog example

The documentation shows this C# snippet:
async void DisplayDeleteFileDialog(){
ContentDialog deleteFileDialog = new ContentDialog{
Title = "Delete file permanently?",
Content = "If you delete this file, you won't be able to recover it. Do you want to delete it?",
PrimaryButtonText = "Delete",
CloseButtonText = "Cancel"
ContentDialogResult result = await deleteFileDialog.ShowAsync();
// Delete the file if the user clicked the primary button.
/// Otherwise, do nothing.
if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) {
// Delete the file.
else {
// The user clicked the CLoseButton, pressed ESC, Gamepad B, or the system back button.
// Do nothing.
What I'm requesting is a C++/winRT version of this snippet.
IAsyncAction Async()
ContentDialog dialog;
auto result = co_await dialog.ShowAsync();
if (result == ContentDialogResult::Primary)
I wanted to open content dialog on button click so I tried the code snippet provided by Kenny Kerr. Everything seemed to work fine without error but when i clicked the button no dialog was seen. i fixed it by placing below code
Before auto result = co_await dialog.ShowAsync() line.
ContentDialog.xaml, xaml.h, xaml.cpp should not have the name or classes
named Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ContentDialog!!! My name is
void YourNamespace::DirectXPage::UpdateStatus(String^ strMessage,
NotifyType type)
switch (type)
case NotifyType::StatusMessage:
StatusBorder->Background = ref new
case NotifyType::ErrorMessage:
StatusBorder->Background = ref new
StatusBlock->Text = strMessage;
// Collapse the StatusBlock if it has no text to conserve real estate.
if (StatusBlock->Text != "")
StatusBorder->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible;
StatusPanel->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible;
StatusBorder->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;
StatusPanel->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;
// Raise an event if necessary to enable a screen reader to announce
the status update.
auto peer = dynamic_cast<FrameworkElementAutomationPeer^>
if (peer != nullptr)
void YourNameSpace::DirectXPage::NotifyUser(Platform::String^ strMessage,
NotifyType type)
if (Dispatcher->HasThreadAccess)
UpdateStatus(strMessage, type);
Dispatcher->RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, ref new
DispatchedHandler([strMessage, type, this]()
UpdateStatus(strMessage, type);
ContentDialog1^ dlg = ref new ContentDialog1();
dlg->ContentDialog_SetTitle(L"Error Message");
dlg->ContentDialog_SetTextBlock(L"All textures must be chosen from
the x64\\Release or Debug\\YourNamespace\\AppX\\Assets\\
(Folder or sub-Folders)");
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<ContentDialogResult>^ result =
if (result->GetResults() == ContentDialogResult::Primary) {}
if (result->GetResults() == ContentDialogResult::Secondary) {}

ListView flickering when updating binding collection

I am working on a Windows 10 Universal app and see some flickering issues when I use a ListView in my app. My ListView is using x:Bind to bind to an ObservableCollection in my View Model.
When user performs some actions, or a background update occurs, I do some processing that requires the ObservableCollection to be refreshed.
private ObservableCollection<Item> UIItems = new ObservableCollection<Item>();
private bool IsUpdating = false;
private void UpdateUIProperties(List<Item> newItems)
DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
IsUpdating = true;
foreach (var item in newItems)
if (item.IsVisible)
IsUpdating = false;
After this code gets executed, the ListView flickers and then the Scrollviewer goes all the way to the top. Is there any way to prevent this and have the ListView's ScrollViewer stay at its original offset?
A solution that seem to work for me is to bind the Itemsource to an Observable collection and then have another collection that contains the items that you want to add. Have the Item in the collection implement the interface below. When you want to update the collection use the MergeCollection method to make sure the items in the collection are preserved, but they have the new config.
public interface IConfigureFrom<T>
void ConfigureFrom(T other);
public static void MergeCollection<T>(ICollection<T> source, ICollection<T> dest) where T : IConfigureFrom<T>, new()
// First remove entries at the bottom of the dest list that are no longer there
if (dest.Count > source.Count)
for (int i = dest.Count - 1; i >= source.Count; i--)
var coll = dest as Collection<T>;
if (coll != null)
// reconfigure existing entries with the new configureation
var sourecList = source.ToList();
var destList = dest.ToList();
for (int i = dest.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var target = destList[i];
var config = sourecList[i];
// add new entries at the end and configure them from the source list
for (int i = dest.Count; i < source.Count; i++)
T newItem = new T();
When changing all items in your ListView, it is usually better to just swap the whole ItemsSource.
Just set:
UIItems = new List<...>(your data);
And have it fire OnNotifyPropertyChanged of course.

XAML: Tap a textbox to enable?

In XAML and WinRT, Is there a way to set up a textbox so that it is disabled for text input until it is tapped.
I tried setting up the Tapped event and then setting the IsEnabled=true, but that only seems to work if the IsEnabled=true in the first place.
I found this on MSDN:
Talks about adding the TappedEvent manually to the event handled for each TextBox, which is cumbersome, but also doesn't seem to work unless IsEnabled was already set to true.
Basically, I want a form where all textboxes display data but are disabled unless the user taps to enable the box and then type.
You can use IsReadOnly instead of IsEnabled to achieve what you are looking for. In addition, you can set up the tapped event handlers in code easily. I'm not sure if setting up handlers in code is a requirement for this to work, as you noted above; however, it does simplify things.
Here are the details.
In the constructor of your page class (here it is MainPage), call the setup function:
public MainPage()
// call the setup for the textboxes
Here is where we do the magic - make all textboxes on this page readonly and set up tap handler:
private void SetupTextBoxes()
var tbs = GetVisualChildren<TextBox>(this, true);
foreach (var tb in tbs)
tb.IsReadOnly = true;
tb.AddHandler(TappedEvent, new TappedEventHandler(tb_Tapped), true);
Utility function to get a list of all children of the given type (T) of the passed in parent.
private List<T> GetVisualChildren<T>(DependencyObject parent, bool recurse = true)
where T : DependencyObject
var children = new List<T>();
int numVisuals = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(parent);
for (int i = 0; i < numVisuals; i++)
DependencyObject v = (DependencyObject)VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(parent, i);
var child = v as T;
if (child == null && recurse)
var myChildren = GetVisualChildren<T>(v, recurse);
if (child != null)
return children;
Finally, the event handler. This enables each textbox when tapped.
private void tb_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
((TextBox)(sender)).IsReadOnly = false;

WebView title is sometimes null when it shouldn't be

I'm writing a simple browser in Vala and WebKitGTK+.
One of the things I need to do is set the window's title to that of the webpage title, so I monitor title changes with web_view.notify["title"].connect. However, sometimes the value of title is null, when it obviously shouldn't be.
Some examples I remember:
Search anything in Google. Going to the next results page sets the title to null.
Click on an anchor link (e.g.
In any case, using the Web Inspector shows that the pages do have a title set.
Is this a bug I should report? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Here's the code I'm using:
//valac --thread --pkg webkitgtk-3.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 --vapidir=./ test.vala
//The vapidir folder should have webkitgtk-3.0.vapi and webkitgtk-3.0.deps
using WebKit;
using Gtk;
public class Test : Gtk.Window {
public WebView webview;
public Test () {
this.title = "Test";
this.window_position = Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER;
this.set_default_size (800, 600);
this.hide_titlebar_when_maximized = false;
this.destroy.connect (() => {
Gtk.main_quit ();
var scroll = new ScrolledWindow (null, null);
this.webview = new WebView ();
this.add (scroll);
scroll.add (webview);
webview.settings.enable_developer_extras = true;
webview.notify["title"].connect ((sender, property) => {
if (webview.title != null) {
this.title = webview.title;
stdout.printf (webview.title + "\n");
} else {
stdout.printf ("(null)\n");
webview.web_inspector.inspect_web_view.connect ((p0) => {
var w = new Window ();
w.window_position = WindowPosition.CENTER;
w.title = "Inspector";
w.set_default_size (800,600);
WebView view = new WebView ();
unowned WebView view2 = view;
w.add (view2);
w.show_all ();
return view2;
public static int main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
Test app = new Test ();
app.webview.load_uri ("");
app.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;
There is a signal called title_changed for that purpose and you should always use the signals provided by webkitgtk instead of the GLib notify feature.
(GLib notify is emitted each time a value changes, even if the change is just for the purpose of clearing the old value, such as in your case.)