Selector Sent to method overridden in Category fails - objective-c

I am trying to override a UIStoryboard method using a category. Here is my implementation:
#import "UIStoryboard+SomeCategory.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#implementation UIStoryboard(SomeCategory)
NSLog(#"SUPER CLASS: %#", [super class]); // logs "UIStoryboard"
NSLog(#"SUPER RTS : %#", [super respondsToSelector:#selector(instantiateInitialViewController)] ? #"YES" : #"NO"); // logs "YES"
return [super instantiateInitialViewController];
when I add:
UIViewController *viewController = [super instantiateInitialViewController]
Why do I get the compiler error:
Receiver type 'NSObject' for instance message does not declare a method with selector 'instantiateViewController'

If you use super when overriding methods using a category, the method will be called on the superclass of the object, not the object you are overriding the method on. You haven't made a subclass of UIStoryboard, so super refers to NSObject - which is reflected accurately in your error message.
I don't know what's going on with your log messages, though.
Using a category to override a method means that you can't call the original method. You'll need to either make a subclass of UIStoryboard or an entirely new method in the category, that calls [self instantiateInitialViewController].

You should note that [super class] is not the same as [self superclass]. Quoting the docs:
Objective-C provides two terms that can be used within a method definition to refer to the object that performs the method—self and super.
They differ in how the compiler will search for the method implementation, and in some cases they will mean just the same.
In this case you want:
NSLog(#"SUPER CLASS: %#", [self superclass]); // logs "NSObject"
to check an object's super class class, and you'll need a UIStoryBoard subclass, not a category, to be able to use:
return [super instantiateInitialViewController];
Why [super class] doesn't log what you expect is another subject. If you're interested, this post What is a meta-class in Objective-C? is a good starting point.

You need to use method swizzling. good explanation of how to use it for your purposes here:

If you really want to call that method from a UIViewController, your category should be:
#implementation UIViewController(SomeCategory)
Even so, it would call the super of your UIViewController, so it would still not work. You also need to do the following:
UIViewController *viewController = [self instantiateInitialViewController]


Objective-C: Where to initialize a delegate

I don´t fully understand how to use the Delegation pattern in obj-C. Basically I have a class: DigGameControlLayer.h and in it´s header I define a protocol with one required method that all users of this class needs to implement. Then I create the delegate property that I use within the code like any other property to delegate responsibility of what the moveObjectToPosition: method should do. So far so good I hope.
#protocol DigGameControlLayerDelegate <NSObject>
-(void) moveObjectToNewPosition: (CCSprite *)object atSpeed:(float)moveSpeed;
#property (assign) id <DigGameControlLayerDelegate> delegate;
Then the class that is using that class (in this case DigCharacter) says it adheres to the DigGameControlDelegate protocol
#interface DigGoblinPlayer : DigCharacter <DigGameControlLayerDelegate>
But what I don´t understand is where do i Initialize and set the delegate property a declared? Cause currently it does nothing when I use it in DigGameControlLayer since it´s null
[self.delegate moveObjectToNewPosition:object atSpeed:moveSpeed];
You can pass the delegate in the init method like so:
DigGoblinPlayer* player;
player = [[DigGoblinPlayer alloc] initWithName:(NSString*)name delegate:self];
Or set it separately:
DigGoblinPlayer* player;
player = [[DigGoblinPlayer alloc] initWithName:(NSString*)name];
player.delegate = self;
Which style you choose depends on if you always want/need a delegate, or if you want to be able to change/reset it later on.
In some cases you don't want the delegate to be a public property; then you'd use the first style.
You see a lot of example of this in the iOS SDK like here.
Note that self --which is just an example, and could an other object of course-- needs to implement this delegate. And name is something I made up.
in DigGoblinPlayer
implement the method
-(void) moveObjectToNewPosition: (CCSprite *)object atSpeed:(float)moveSpeed
this method will be called when the method calls in DigGameControlLayer
[self.delegate moveObjectToNewPosition:object atSpeed:moveSpeed];

Delegation to multiple objects

Is there any way to delegate to two objects at a time in Objective-C? I know that delegation pattern implies one response at a time and for multiple listeners and broadcasting there is notification center but notification does not return any value.
If I have a heavily network-based iOS project and need to delegate to multiple listeners and required to return values from them, in this scenario what approach should be the best?
In every class the delegate is one, so one delegate is informed about the event. But nothing forbids you to declare a class with a set of delegates.
Or use Observation instead. A class may be observed by multiple classes.
As requested from the OP, since also some code would be useful, here is a way of doing it:
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSPointerArray* delegates;
// The user of the class shouldn't even know about this array
// It has to be initialized with the NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory option so it doesn't retain objects
#implementation YourClass
#synthesize delegates;
... // other methods, make sure to initialize the delegates set with alloc-initWithOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
[delegates addPointer: delegate];
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Remove the pointer from the array
for(int i=0; i<delegates.count; i++) {
if(delegate == [delegates pointerAtIndex: i]) {
[delegates removePointerAtIndex: i];
} // You may want to modify this code to throw an exception if no object is found inside the delegates array
This is a very simple version, you can do it in another way. I don't suggest to make public the delegates set, you never know how it could be used, and you can get an inconsistent state, specially with multithreading. Also, when you add/remove a delegate you may need to run additional code, so that's why making the delegates set private.
You may also a lot of other methods like delegatesCount for example.
PS: The code has been edited to be a NSPointerArray instead of a NSMutableSet, because as stated in the comments a delegate should be held with a weak pointer to avoid retain cycles.
In addition to Ramys answer you could use a [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable] instead of a
NSMutableSet. This would keep only a weak reference to your delegates and prevents you from running into memory leaks.
You will get the same behavior you already know from standard weak delegates #property (nonatomic, weak) id delegate;
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSHashTable *delegates;
#implementation YourClass
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_delegates = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable];
return self;
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Additional code
[_delegates addObject: delegate];
// calling this method is optional, because the hash table will automatically remove the delegate when it gets released
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
// Additional code
[_delegates removeObject: delegate];
Robbie Hanson wrote a multicast delegate implementation. Looks like what you need. He talks about it in more detail here, and how it is used in the XMPPFramework. He has some good discussion about one of the main problems which is how to handle the case where the multiple delegates implement a given method who's return value determines the class' behaviour (and the multiple delegates return different values). Relevant bits:
What is a MulticastDelegate?
The xmpp framework needs to support an unlimited number of extensions.
This includes the official extensions that ship with the framework, as
well as any number of extensions or custom code you may want to plug
into the framework. So the traditional delegate pattern simply won't
work. XMPP modules and extensions need to be separated into their own
separate classes, yet each of these classes needs to receive delegate
methods. And the standard NSNotification architecture won't work
either because some of these delegates require a return variable.
(Plus it's really annoying to extract parameters from a notification's
userInfo dictionary.)
So a MulticastDelegate allows you to plug into the framework using the
standard delegate paradigm, but it allows multiple classes to receive
the same delegate notifications. The beauty of this is that you don't
have to put all your xmpp handling code in a single class. You can
separate your handling into multiple classes, or however you see fit.
If you're writing the function that will call the delegates, you can have as many as you want. But if you're using a class (that you can't change) that calls the delegates, then you can't have more delegates than the class supports.
You could, if it worked out for you, have one delegate call another. Set up the first delegate so it will call the second delegate (whose pointer is stored in the first delegate object). This can be simple, with it pre-defined as to which calls are "passed on", or quite complex, using the dynamic call mechanisms of Objective-C.
One delegate can be setting for only one object but it's possible to store delegates in array.
Variant of Ramy Al Zuhouri is good but I want to say that it may be a problem to release delegates from array because NSArray (like NSMutableArray) classes retain all added objects but delegate in most cases is an assign property without retainCount. Retaining the delegate can bring to consequences that class with delegate implementation will have retainCount + 1.
Solution of this is store delegates in NSMutableArray like pointers to delegate methods.
I'm using singletone class with delegate header.
//YourClass.h file
#protocol YourDelegateProtocol <NSObject>
#interface YourClass : NSObject
+(YourClass *)sharedYourClass;
- (void) addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate;
- (void) removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate
//YourClass.m file
#interface YourClass()
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *delegates;
#implementation YourClass
#synthesize delegates = _delegates;
static YourClass *sharedYourClass = nil;
+(YourClass *)sharedYourClass {
if (!sharedYourClass || sharedYourClass == nil) {
sharedYourClass = [YourClass new];
sharedYourClass.delegates = [NSMutableArray array];
return sharedYourClass;
-(void)addDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate{
NSValue *pointerToDelegate = [NSValue valueWithPointer:delegate];
[_delegates addObject: pointerToDelegate];
-(void)removeDelegate: (id<YourDelegateProtocol>) delegate{
NSValue *pointerToDelegate = [NSValue valueWithPointer:delegate];
[_delegates removeObject: pointerToDelegate];
//this method will run all delegates in array
for(NSValue *val in sharedYourClass.delegates){
id<YourDelegateProtocol> delegate = [val pointerValue];
[delegate delegateMethod];
sharedYourClass.delegates =nil;
[sharedYourClass release], sharedYourClass =nil;
[super dealloc];
//YourClassWithDelegateImplementation.h file
#include "YourClass.h"
#interface YourClassWithDelegateImplementation : NSObject <YourDelegateProtocol>
//YourClassWithDelegateImplementation.m file
#implementation YourClassWithDelegateImplementation
self = [super init];
//...your initialization code
[[YourClass sharedYourClass] addDelegate:self];
return self;
//implementation of delegate
[[YourClass sharedYourClass] removeDelegate:self];
[super dealloc];
If you want to call callbacks for classes B and C from a class A with only one delegate, you could create a delegate wrapper DWrap which has references to the classes B and C. Then class A calls the callbacks on B and C through DWrap.

Is calling super in a category the same as calling it in a subclass?

Does calling [super init] do the same thing in a category as a subclass? If not, what's the difference?
In order to understand this, it's probably important to understand the way an object is stored during runtime. There is a class object1, which holds all the method implementations, and separately, there is a structure with the storage for the instance's variables. All instances of a class share the one class object.
When you call a method on an instance, the compiler turns that into a call to objc_msgSend; the method implementation is looked up in the class object, and then run with the instance as an argument.
A reference to super takes effect at compile time, not run time. When you write [super someMethod], the compiler turns that into a call to objc_msgSendSuper instead of the usual objc_msgSend. This starts looking for the method implementation in the superclass's class object, rather than the instance's class object.2
A category simply adds methods to the class object; it has little or no relation to subclassing.
Given all that, if you refer to super inside of a category, it does indeed do the same thing that it would inside of a class -- the method implementation is looked up on the class object of the superclass, and then run with that instance as an argument.
Itai's post answers the question more directly, but in code:
#interface Sooper : NSObject {}
- (void) meth;
#interface Sooper ()
- (void) catMeth;
#interface Subb : Sooper {}
- (void) subbMeth;
#interface Subb ()
- (void) catSubbMeth;
#implementation Sooper
- (void) meth {
[super doIt]; // Looks up doIt in NSObject class object
- (void) catMeth {
[super doIt]; // Looks up doIt in NSObject class object
#implementation Subb
- (void) subbMeth {
[super doIt]; // Looks up doIt in Sooper class object
- (void) catSubbMeth {
[super doIt]; // Looks up doIt in Sooper class object
1 See Greg Parker's writeup [objc explain]: Classes and meta-classes
2One important thing to note is that the method doesn't get called on an instance of the superclass. This is where that separation of methods and data comes in. The method still gets called on the same instance in which [super someMethod] was written, i.e., an instance of the subclass, using that instance's data; it just uses the superclass's implementation of the method.
So a call to [super class] goes to the superclass object, finds the implementation of the method named class, and calls it on the instance, transforming it into the equivalent of [self theSuperclassImplementationOfTheMethodNamedClass]. Since all that method does is return the class of the instance on which it was called, you don't get the superclass's class, you get the class of self. Due to that, calling class is kind of a poor test of this phenomenon.
This whole answer completely ignores the message-passing/method call distinction. This is an important feature of ObjC, but I think that it would probably just muddy an already awkward explanation.
No, they do different things. Imagine a class structure like this: NSObject => MyObject => MySubclass, and say you have a category on MyObject called MyCategory.
Now, calling from MyCategory is akin to calling from MyObject, and therefore super points to NSObject, and calling [super init] invokes NSObject's -init method. However, calling from the subclass, super points to MyObject, so initializing using super invokes MyObject's -init method, which, unless it isn't overridden, behaves differently from NSObject's.
These two behaviors are different, so be careful when initializing using categories; categories are not subclasses, but rather additions to the current class.
Given the below example, super will call UIView init (not UINavigationBar init method)
#implementation UINavigationBar (ShadowBar)
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
//draw the shadow ui nav bar
[super init];
If you subclass it, [super init] will call UINavigationBar init method.
So yes, if there are additional things you will do in UINavigationBar init (extra from UIView) they do different things.
Edit: the following is built on a flawed premise, please look at josh's answer.
not deleting, still an interesting reference for something that could potentially lead you astray.
They are the same thing... without referencing any outside dicussions we may have had where you stated that I should ..."answer an academic question with an academic answer"
#implementation categoryTestViewController (ShadowBar)
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
//draw the shadow ui nav bar
NSLog(#"super's class = %#, self's class %#",[super class],[self class]);
if ([self class] == [super class]) {
NSLog(#"yeah they are the same");
2011-05-29 08:06:16.198 categoryTest[9833:207] super's class = categoryTestViewController, self's class categoryTestViewController
2011-05-29 08:06:16.201 categoryTest[9833:207] yeah they are the same
and calling the [super viewDidAppear:] will result in calling nothing... not a loop, so I don't know what it is really doing there.

when to use respondsToSelector in objective-c

- (void)someMethod
if ( [delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(operationShouldProceed)] )
if ( [delegate operationShouldProceed] )
// do something appropriate
The documentation says:
The precaution is necessary only for optional methods in a formal protocol or methods of an informal protocol
What does it mean? If I use a formal protocol I can just use [delegate myMethod]?
You use it pretty much just when you think you need to: to check to see if an object implements the method you are about to call. Usually this is done when you have an optional methods or an informal protocol.
I've only ever used respondsToSelector when I'm writing code that must communicate with a delegate object.
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(engineDidStartRunning:)]) {
[self.delegate engineDidStartRunning:self];
You sometimes would want to use respondsToSelector on any method that returns and id or generic NSObject where you aren't sure what the class of the returned object is.
Just to add to what #kubi said, another time I use it is when a method was added to a pre-existing class in a newer version of the frameworks, but I still need to be backwards-compatible. For example:
if ([myObject respondsToSelector:#selector(doAwesomeNewThing)]) {
[myObject doAwesomeNewThing];
} else {
[self doOldWorkaroundHackWithObject:myObject];
As kubi mentioned respondsToSelector is normally used when you have a an instance of a method that conforms to a protocol.
// Extend from the NSObject protocol so it is safe to call `respondsToSelector`
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
// #required by default
- (void) requiredMethod;
- (void)optionalMethod;
Given and instance of this protocol we can safely call any required method.
id <MyProtocol> myObject = ...
[myObject requiredMethod];
However, optional methods may or may not be implemented, so you need to check at runtime.
if ([myObject respondsToSelector:#selector(optionalMethod)])
[myObject optionalMethod];
Doing this will prevent a crash with an unrecognised selector.
Also, the reason why you should declare protocols as an extension of NSObjects, i.e.
#protocol MyProtocol <NSObject>
Is because the NSObject protocol declares the respondsToSelector: selector. Otherwise XCode would think that it is unsafe to call it.
Old question, but I have learned to be very cautios with using stuff like addTarget:#selector(fu:) because the method name is not checked nor included in refactoring by XCODE. This has caused me quite some trouble already. So now I made it a habbit to always embed stuff like addTarget or addObserver in a respondsToSelector-Check like so:
if([self respondsToSelector:#selector(buttonClicked:)]){
[self.button addTarget:self action:#selector(buttonClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
DebugLog(#"Warning - a class or delegate did not respond to selector in class %#", self);
I know its not super elegant, but i'd rather add some boilerplate code than have an unexpected crash of my apps in the App Store.

How do get reference to another class properly?

I have some class initialized in Appdelegate, but when I get this class instance form Appdelegate in another class it has "fresh" state.
I have following in AppDelegate:
#property (nonatomic, retain) DataController *dataController;
#synthesize dataController;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
DataController *controller = [[DataController alloc] init];
self.dataController = controller;
[controller release];
NSLog(#"items: %d",[self.dataController numberOfItems]);
return self;
At this point DataControlelr class loads objects form database. Log output show "items: 10".
I have TableViewController where I need to use DataController.
TableViewController header:
#interface TableViewController : UITableViewController {
DataController *dataController;
#property (retain) DataController *dataController;
if (self =[super init]) {
DataController *dc =[(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] dataController];
[dc retain];
dataController = dc;
NSLog(#"items: %d",[self.dataController numberOfItems]);
return self;
Here it always says that DataController has 0 items. "fresh" state.
The Log output is always
items: 10
items: 0
It seems like assigning that class creates reference to freshly initialised DataController somehow?
How do I reference another class properly?
The first thing to check would be to ensure that the dc variable in the second class isn't nil-- that would cause any method called on it to 'return' 0.
It might also be useful to print out the address of the app delegate from both of those methods-- just in case the -init method is resulting from an incorrectly-allocated second instance of that class somewhere, while the regular version hasn't been initialized in the same way (or was using -initWithCoder:, etc.)
One useful rule of thumb for initialization of objects created or assigned within a nib file is to use -awakeFromNib to perform most of your initialization tasks. A corollary to this is that the app delegate can set up its state in response to the -applicationDidFinishLaunching: method. In this case, if there is a second instance of your AppDelegate class being allocated somewhere, only the one which is really set as the app's delegate will receive -applicationDidFinishLaunching:.
At the end of the day, stepping through in the debugger and looking at the call stack should show you if something isn't happening in quite the way it should.
Could there be an issue with your assignment of dataController = dc in TableViewController? In your log statement you use self.dataController, should your assignment directly above it be self.dataController = dc ?
I found the gotcha. Tanks to Jim!
Moved assignment from -init to -awakefromnib and now DataController is valid.
My mistake is that after putting the code initially in -viewDidLoad and -viewWillAppear which was wrong I thought that in -init is the place for the assignment.