Select dates within the last week - sql

I want to perform an operation in crystal report.
I have a db table contains a date column.
I want to filter and get the rows having data created in last week(last sunday to last saturday = 7 days).For example if today is 24th August Wednesday, then I need data from 14th August(Sunday) to 20th August(Saturday).
Basically I want to find 2 dates and filter the date column.
Date1 = Date(CurrentDate)-Day(7 + WeekDayinNum(CurrentDate)) ; (Ex:for my example it will be 10)
Date2 = Date(CurrentDate)-Day(WeekDayinNum(CurrentDate))
I do not know the Date APIs properly,can anybody help me in this.

This is a common enough date range that CR provides it for you. In your record selection formula, you can just add {} in LastFullWeek
From CR, "LastFullWeek specifies a range of Date values that includes all dates from Sunday to Saturday of the previous week."

Add this to the record selection formula:
{table.date_field} IN Last7Days

If today is Sunday(1) you want rows that are between 7 and 1 days old,
If today is Monday(2) you want rows that are between 8 and 2 days old,
If today is Tuesday(3) you want rows that are between 9 and 3 days old,
FROM `tablename`
WHERE `somedatefield` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL (DAYOFWEEK(NOW()) + 6) DAY)


How to decipher complex DATEADD function from MS Access

I have inherited a query from an old MS Access DB and cannot for the life of me figure out what was trying to be done in this date parameter function. I normally only use SQL and this seems a bit different. Can any one assist in describing what this logic is doing?
use pdx_sap_user
select po_number,
from vw_po_header
where po_issue_date > getDate() And PO_issue_date < DateAdd("d",-1,DateAdd("m",8,DateAdd("d",-(Day(getDate())-1),getDate())))
You can de-obfuscate it a lot by using DateSerial:
po_issue_date > getDate() And
po_issue_date < DateSerial(Year(getDate()), Month(getDate()) + 8, 0)
First: there is no getDate() function in Access. Probably it should be Date() which returns the current date.
Now starting from the inner expression:
Day(Date()) returns the current day as an integer 1-31.
So in DateAdd("d", -(Day(Date())-1), Date()) from the current date are subtracted as many days as needed to return the 1st of the current month.
DateAdd("m", 8, DateAdd("d", -(Day(Date())-1), Date()))
adds 8 months to the the 1st of the current month returning the 1st of the month of the date after 8 months.
DateAdd("d", -1,...)
subtracts 1 day from the date returned by the previous expression, returning the last day of the previous month of that date.
So if you run today 13-Sep-2019 this code, the result will be:
because this is the last day of the previous month after 8 months.
I think the following:
Take the current date
Substract the current day of month -1 to get the first day of current month
Add 8 month to this
Substract 1 day to get the last day of the previous month
So it calculates some deadline in approx 8 months.
But I wonder how a PO issue date can be in the future...

How to subtract 13 weeks from a date in PL SQL?

I have a date in sql which will always fall on a Monday and I'm subtracting 13 weeks to get a weekly report. I am trying to get the same 13 week report but for last year's figures as well.
At the moment, I'm using the following:
calendar_date >= TRUNC(sysdate) - 91
which is working fine.
I need the same for last year.
However, when I split this into calendar weeks, there will also be a partially complete week as it will include 1 or 2 days from the previous week. I need only whole weeks.
e.g. the dates that will be returned for last year will be 14-Feb-2015 to 16-May-2015. I need it to start on the Monday and be 16-Feb-2015. This will change each week as I am only interested in complete weeks...
I would do this:
Get the date by substracting 91 days as you're already doing.
Get the number of the day of the week with TO_CHAR(DATE,'d')
Add the number of days until the next monday to the date.
Something like this:
SELECT TO_DATE(TO_DATE('16/05/2015','DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/YYYY')-91 + MOD(7 - TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TO_DATE('16/05/2015','DD/MM/YYYY'),'DD/MM/RRRR')-91,'d'))+1,7) d
FROM dual
next_day - returns date of first weekday named by char.
with dates as (select to_date('16/05/2015','DD/MM/YYYY') d from dual)
trunc(next_day( trunc(d-91) - interval '1' second,'MONDAY'))
from dates;
I want to get next monday from calculated date. In situation when calculated date is monday i have to move back to previous week ( -1 second).

SQL Server: Count number of records on weekly basis (Week = Thursday to Wednesday)

I need some help in writing an SQL in SQL Server where I need to count number of rows group by weeks. There is a tricky description of week which is following
- For any date before 08/13/2015 the week is of 7 days (i.e. from Thu through Wed)
- For date 08/13/2015 the week is consider a 9 day week (i.e. from Thursday through Friday so its between 08/13/2015 through 08/21/2015)
- For date 08/22/2015 the week is back to 7 days (i.e. Sat through Friday)
Now having said all the above the result I want to see in my report is the following way . NOTE: WE column in the below attached image is the last day of the week for the range.
Sample Result Image
Just write a case statement for the 3 different options. You can find the start day with something like this:
DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(day, 3,getdate()) / 7, 3) -- Thursdays
DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(day, 5,getdate()) / 7, 5) -- Saturdays
The numbers 3 and 5 come from the fact that day 0 (=1.1.1900) is Monday.
If you use this a lot, it might be a good idea to write a inline table valued function to return the dates you need.

SQL- Last 4 weeks with date column

1 1400481271
2 1400481489
3 1400486453
4 1400486525
5 1401777484
I have timemodified field, From timemodified, I need to get the rows of last 4 weeks by taking from today's date.
WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') >= curdate()
AND FROM_UNIXTIME(timemodified,'%d-%m-%Y') < curdate()-1
Your times are already in Unix timestamp format. Bear in mind that it'll be far more efficient to compare [TIMEMODIFIED] against the current date converted to a Unix timestamp. In addition, you don't need to check any upper bound unless [TIMEMODIFIED] can be in the future.
-- 60x60x24x7x4 = 2419200 seconds in four weeks
SET #unix_four_weeks_ago = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(curdate()) - 2419200;
WHERE timemodified >= #unix_four_weeks_ago;
NB. Four weeks ago (i.e. today – 28 days) was 1,437,696,000 (24th July) at the time of this answer. The latest record in the sample you provided has a timestamp going back to the 3rd June 2014, and so none of these records will be returned by the query.

Compare date and month in sql server for alert system

I have an a table with two columns birthday and anniversary. I want to get alerts about birthdays and anniversaries between a 7 day period of time but, that should not include year (obviously if I include year, it would always be less than the current date). I want to get the alerts 7 days in advance.
That is, the query should compare the birthday and anniversary with the current date and return a list if their birthday or anniversary falls between 7 days of the same month so that it alerts me in advance about the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
Subtract the year difference from now to the requested date and then use datediff to calculate the date difference of the result with the requested date.
FROM Table
OR DATEDIFF(dd,DATEADD(yyyy,-DATEDIFF(yyyy,Anniversary,GETDATE()),GETDATE()),Anniversary) BETWEEN 0 AND 7
Try This
SELECT Name,max(Table .birthdate)
FROM Table group by Table .Name having (datediff(day,max(birthdate),getutcdate())>7 and datediff(day,max(birthdate),getutcdate())<8)