Advice for hand-written olap-like extractions from relational database - sql

We've implemented over the course of the years a series of web based reports summarizing historical business data (product sales, traffic, etc). The thing relies heavily on complex SQL queries, and the boss expects the results to be real time, but they need up to a minute to execute. The reports are customizable on a several dimensions.
I've done some basic research, and it looks like what we need is some kind of OLAP (?), ETL(?), whatever.
Is that true? Are we supposed to convert to a whole package and trash our beloved developments, or is there a possibility to keep it relational, SQL-based, and get close to a dedicated solution by simply pre-calculating some optimized views with a batch process running at night? Have you got pointers to good documentation on the subject?
Thank you.

You can do ETL (Extract, transform, and load) at night, loading the (probably summarized) data into tables that can usually be queried pretty quickly. Appropriate indexes are still important.
It often makes sense to put those summary tables in a different schema, a different database, or on a different server, but you don't absolutely have to do that.
The structure of the tables is important, and it's not like designing tables for an OLTP system. The IBM Redbooks have a couple of titles that can help you design the tables.
Data Modeling Techniques for Data
Dimensional Modeling: In a Business
Intelligence Environment
Most dbms today support SQL analytic functions. See, for example, Analytic Functions by Example for Oracle, or Window Functions for PostgreSQL.

In the long term, it sounds as though a move to a data warehouse would definitely benefit you (as suggested in Catcall's answer). You can use the existing reports as a starting point for your data warehouse's requirements.
In the short term, you could build summarised tables optimised for your existing reporting requirements. This should probably be regarded as a stopgap, unless you are never going to change these reports again.
You might also benefit from looking into partitioning tables in your database by date/time, since you will probably still want to report the current day's data for realtime reporting purposes.


SQL and NoSQL which one is more suitable for this case and why?

In my project:
Data is not going to be modified (only query).
It is going to be more than 1.000.000 instances of data.
Query performance is critical.
In case of using SQL, it is going to be a single table with 7 columns. (no joints)
There are also different classification approaches used in NoSQL. Which are given below with some examples:
Column: Accumulo, Cassandra, HBase
Document: Clusterpoint, Couchdb, Couchbase, MarkLogic, MongoDB
Key-value: Dynamo, FoundationDB, MemcacheDB, Redis, Riak, FairCom c-treeACE
Graph: Allegro, Neo4J, OrientDB, Virtuoso, Stardog
First of all, does the database system really makes an observable amount of performance difference for this case?
If it makes then,can you please explain which one is more suitable for my project SQL or NoSQL, if NoSQL then which classification approach?
Thank you in advance
I am currently enrolled in a project to set up a "standard" Database with a huge amount of data. We start by implementing in SQL to see the performance of the queries. Once this is done we address the problem of performance.
There is multiple reasons for this, but to name a few:
Standard SQL is easily implemented and standard across multiple instances (as of present day)
If you know SQL, make a fast implementation. To save time and get the project going.
There are loads of information available about SQL implementations.
I cannot answer about NoSQL but hopefully someone can fill me in.
The important question you need to ask is what kind of queries you will be performing. For example ClusterPoint offers real-time aggregation, so if you need result grouping and extracting summaries, it gives you great performance.
For a regular key/value they should all perform pretty well, so pick the one you are most comfortable with.

Data Aggregation - Daily SQL Script vs Data Warehouse

Pardon me if this has already been asked (I know very little about Data Warehouse/BI and have yet to master the keywords).
I have a table that grow by more then 100 000 rows per day, each row having a timestamp and multiple information about an item (dimensions, weight,color,etc). Individual data can be useful for roughly a month after this period we are only interested in aggregations. I have a dedicated software that allow a more detailed visualisation of individual rows and mainly use PowerPivot for my reporting needs.
I could come up with an SQL query that would fill a new table daily:
In which I would have a row for each hour/item/batch and I would summarize the information (sum/average/stddev/etc.)
Within a day my script would be up and running and I could use powerpivot against this new table. All this while staying where I'm comfortable: plain old SQL.
From the few information I gathered reading about DataWarehouse and BI, what I'm about to do sounds a lot like creating dimensions and facts. My question therefore: is it worthwhile to investigate further in that direction (BI) or since my problem is relatively simple I would do better staying in a relational database.
N.B. Reports that are being produced are usually linked against another database to produce more meaningful informations. Task that is very well accomplished by Powerpivot.
Datawarehouses are normally implemented in relational databases, so your existing skills will still be usable.
Given that you have expressed an interest in the dimension/fact table approach to datawarehousing, the canonical books on this approach are usually considered to be:
The Date Warehouse Toolkit (Kimball, Ross)
The Date Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit (Kimball, Ross, Thornthwaite, Mundy, Becker)
(The former has more of a technical focus, while the latter approaches the subject from a wider lifecycle management viewpoint.)
Implementing DWHs can be time-consuming, so it may be worth continuing with your existing approach even if you decide to build a DWH.
Good news: it sounds like you already have a data warehouse. "Data warehouse" is a very generic term, with no real formal definition - it pretty much means whatever you want it to.
Commonly accepted characteristics are:
Data warehouses do not run on the operational databases
Data warehouses schemas are optimized for querying, not for "normal form" compliance
Data warehouses are populated by "Extract, Transform, Load" proceses (ETL).
It sounds like you're already doing all of that. If there are no business requirements to change, I'd leave it as it is. If your business users are asking to create their own queries, using different levels of aggregation, filtering, or granularit, a star schema may be the way to go.
The most effective solutions are those which are simple, adequate to meet existing needsand stay within available skillsets.
I agree that this approach works well for your situation an if it provides the reports and information you need then its worth starting this way. If you need more complex functionality later then you can go for more complex BI

Best Database for Computational Problem

I'm trying to decide what database system to use for storing information that is relatively static but needs to be computed in a number of different (runtime specified) ways. The basic contours of the data are votes in the US Congress:
A bill:
has many roll calls
has a name, and other short metadata
has text, and other potentially long metadata
has a status (passed, failed, in progress)
A roll call:
has a date
has many votes
has a status (passed, failed)
A vote:
belongs to a member of Congress
has a kind (aye, nay, present, not voting)
A member of congress:
has a name (and other short metadata)
has many periods
A period:
has a start and end date
has a political party (Democrat, Republican, other)
has a position (member of Congress, committee chair, Speaker, etc.)
I would like to be able to easily build queries like:
For X, Y, and Z roll call votes, tell me the "Democratic" position and the "Republican" position. Then, rank congressmen in the congress those votes were held by their fidelity to those positions.
For X bill which failed, tell me the closest roll calls. Then, tell me which members of the majority party defected to produce those failures.
For X bill passed, but which was opposed by the majority party, tell me which members of the majority defected to produce the passage.
I will have a finite number of query types like these, but the bills, roll call votes, political parties, etc. involved will be dynamically generated.
What is the best storage mechanism for the underlying data that will allow me to issue these queries dynamically and as performantly as possible?
This looks like pretty standard relational data to me. Any RDBMS (MySQL, SqlServer, postgres, etc.) will do.
Or are you asking advice on how to make tables to store this data?
You could use just about any database, until I read:
...rank congressmen...
MySQL doesn't have any ranking functionality. I'm not clear on Postgres' ranking support, but Oracle and SQL Server have supported ranking for a while now (Oracle 9i+, SQL Server 2005+). And they both provide free versions.
Storage mechanism? Any mainstream database should be capable of dealing with the kind of scenario you are describing. Looks pretty standard stuff to me.
As others have stated - any relational database can support a simple model to solve this problem. However, a few other considerations:
This is an analytical and not transactional app and the commercial databases are currently stronger at analytics - because of the more mature optimizers, greater sql functionality, greater support for parallelism, materialized queries, automatic query rewrite against summary tables, etc.
If you just stick with the US congress and don't decide to also support state congresses and don't also decide to add a hundred years of historical data (all useful requirements), then pretty much any popular relational database could handle the performance issues. But if you do decide to get into the state level then I'd consider the commercial databases first.
Of the open source databases I'd consider the analytical functionality of postgresql to be the most mature.
Here's where I would usually chime in and say, use CouchDB or some other schema-free NOSQL database. But the way the problem is spec'd lays out nicely for a relational store. Plus, there's not a terribly large amount of data that would require distributed processing a la mapreduce.
That being said, if the question was framed a bit differently, without the initial relational bias (you're already in data design mode :) ), then a system like CouchDB could work. Depending on the analyses to be performed, a more document-centered approach might be helpful, as all the information needed for an analysis is present on each document (denormalized) and would avoid expensive joins.
Each bill might be one of these docs (json in CouchDB's case), and the rollcalls/votes/congress members with periods as sub-attribs/etc are all on the one 'bill' document. You could then mapreduce over all of the 'bill' documents performing your queries. A different document-oriented design might make sense depending on query requirements.
As the data set grows, you're not worried about size/performance, because you can always use more servers to perform mapreduce queries and distribute the load. Further, schemaless means documents can change as your app changes, without expensive rdbms table locking. But again, this data set doesn't change terribly often, and is not massive.

MySQL design question - which is better, long tables or multiple databases?

So I have an interesting problem that's been the fruit of lots of good discussion in my group at work.
We have some scientific software producing SQLlite files, and this software is basically a black box. We don't control its table designs, formats, etc. It's entirely conceivable that this black box's output could change, and our design needs to be able to handle that.
The SQLlite files are entire databases which our user would like to query across. There are two ways (we see) of implementing this, one, to create a single database and a backend in Python that appends tables from each database to the master database, and two, querying across separate databases' tables and unifying the results in Python.
Both methods run into trouble when the black box produces alters its table structures, say for example renaming a column, splitting up a table, etc. We have to take this into account, and we've discussed translation tables that translate queries of columns from one table format to another.
We're interested in ease of implementation, how well the design handles a change in database/table layout, and speed. Also, a last dimension is how well it would work with existing Python web frameworks (Django doesn't support cross-database queries, and neither does SQLAlchemy, so we know we are in for a lot of programming.)
If you find yourself querying across databases, you should look into consolidating. Cross-database queries are evil.
If your queries are essentially relegated to individual databases, then you may want to stick with multiple databases, as clearly their separation is necessary.
You cannot accommodate arbitrary changes in a database's schema without categorizing and anticipating that change in some way. In the very best case with nontrivial changes, you can sometimes simply ignore new data or tables, in the worst case, your interpretation of the data will entirely break down.
I've encountered similar issues where users need data pivoted out of a normalized schema. The schema does NOT change. However, their required output format requires a fixed number of hierarchical levels. Thus, although the database design accommodates all the changes they want to make, their chosen view of that data cannot be maintained in the face of their changes. Thus it is impossible to maintain the output schema in the face of data change (not even schema change). This is not to say that it's not a valid output or input schema, but that there are limits beyond which their chosen schema cannot be used. At this point, they have to revise the output contract, the pivoting program (which CAN anticipate this and generate new columns) can then have a place to put the data in the output schema.
My point being: the semantics and interpretation of new columns and new tables (or removal of columns and tables which existing logic may depend on) is nontrivial unless new columns or tables can be anticipated in some way. However, in these cases, there are usually good database designs which eliminate those strategies in the first place:
For instance, a particular database schema can contain any number of tables, all with the same structure (although there is no theoretical reason they could not be consolidated into a single table). A particular kind of table could have a set of columns all similarly named (although this "array" violates normalization principles and could be normalized into a commonkey/code/value schema).
Even in a data warehouse ETL situation, a new column is going to have to be determined whether it is a fact or a dimensional attribute, and then if it is a dimensional attribute, which dimension table it is best assigned to. This could somewhat be automated for facts (obvious candidates would be scalars like decimal/numeric) by inspecting the metadata for unmapped columns, altering the DW table (yikes) and then loading appropriately. But for dimensions, I would be very leery of automating somethings like this.
So, in summary, I would say that schema changes in a good normalized database design are the least likely to be able to be accommodated because: 1) the database design already anticipates and accommodates a good deal of change and flexibility and 2) schema changes to such a database design are unlikely to be able to be anticipated very easily. Conversely, schema changes in a poorly normalized database design are actually more easy to anticipate as shortcomings in the database design are more visible.
So, my question to you is: How well-designed is the database you are working from?
You say that you know that you are in for a lot of programming...
I'm not sure about that. I would go for a quick and dirty solution not a 'generic' solution because generic solutions like the entity attribute value model often have a bad performance. Don't do client side joining (unifying the results) inside your Python code because that is very slow. Use SQL for joining, it is designed for that purpose. Users can also make their own reports with all kind of reporting tools that generate sql statements. You don't have to do everything in your app, just start with solving 80% of the problems, not 100%.
If something breaks because something inside the black box changes you can define views for backward compatibility that keeps your app functioning.
Maybe the scientific software will add a lot of new features and maybe it will change its datamodel because of those new features..? That is possible but then you will have to change your application anyways to take profit from those new features.
It sounds to me as if your problem isn't really about MySQL or SQLlite. It's about the sharing of data, and the contract that needs to exist between the supplier of data and the user of the same data.
To the extent that databases exist so that data can be shared, that contract is fundamental to everything about databases. When databases were first being built, and database theory was first being solidified, in the 1960s and 1970s, the sharing of data was the central purpose in building databases. Today, databases are frequently used where files would have served equally well. Your situation may be a case in point.
In your situation, you have a beggar's contract with your data suppliers. They can change the format of the data, and maybe even the semantics, and all you can do is suck it up and deal wth it. This situation is by no means uncommon.
I don't know the specifics of your situation, so what follows could be way off target.
If it was up to me, I would want to build a database that was as generic, as flexible, and as stable as possible, without losing the essential features of structured and managed data. Maybe, some design like star schema would make sense, but I might adopt a very different design if I were actually in your shoes.
This leaves the problem of extracting the data from the databases you are given, transforming the data into the stable format the central database supports, and loading it into the central database. You are right in guessing that this involves a lot of programming. This process, known as "ETL" in data warehousing texts, is not the simplest of programming challenges.
At least ETL collects all the hard problems in one place. Once you have the data loaded into a database that's built for your needs, and not for the needs of your suppliers, turning the data into valuable information should be relatively easy, at least at the programming or SQL level. There are even OLAP tools that make using the data as simple as a video game. There are challenges at that level, but they aren't the same kind of challenges I'm talking about here.
Read up on data warehousing, and especially data marts. The description may seem daunting to you at first, but it can be scaled down to meet your needs.

How can my application benefit from temporary tables?

I've been reading a little about temporary tables in MySQL but I'm an admitted newbie when it comes to databases in general and MySQL in particular. I've looked at some examples and the MySQL documentation on how to create a temporary table, but I'm trying to determine just how temporary tables might benefit my applications and I guess secondly what sorts of issues I can run into. Granted, each situation is different, but I guess what I'm looking for is some general advice on the topic.
I did a little googling but didn't find exactly what I was looking for on the topic. If you have any experience with this, I'd love to hear about it.
Temporary tables are often valuable when you have a fairly complicated SELECT you want to perform and then perform a bunch of queries on that...
You can do something like:
SELECT customers.*,count(*) num from customers join purchases using(customerID)
join items using(itemID) GROUP BY customers.ID HAVING num > 10;
And then do a bunch of queries against myTopCustomers without having to do the joins to purchases and items on each query. Then when your application no longer needs the database handle, no cleanup needs to be done.
Almost always you'll see temporary tables used for derived tables that were expensive to create.
First a disclaimer - my job is reporting so I wind up with far more complex queries than any normal developer would. If you're writing a simple CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) application (this would be most web applications) then you really don't want to write complex queries, and you are probably doing something wrong if you need to create temporary tables.
That said, I use temporary tables in Postgres for a number of purposes, and most will translate to MySQL. I use them to break up complex queries into a series of individually understandable pieces. I use them for consistency - by generating a complex report through a series of queries, and I can then offload some of those queries into modules I use in multiple places, I can make sure that different reports are consistent with each other. (And make sure that if I need to fix something, I only need to fix it once.) And, rarely, I deliberately use them to force a specific query plan. (Don't try this unless you really understand what you are doing!)
So I think temp tables are great. But that said, it is very important for you to understand that databases generally come in two flavors. The first is optimized for pumping out lots of small transactions, and the other is optimized for pumping out a smaller number of complex reports. The two types need to be tuned differently, and a complex report run on a transactional database runs the risk of blocking transactions (and therefore making web pages not return quickly). Therefore you generally don't want to avoid using one database for both purposes.
My guess is that you're writing a web application that needs a transactional database. In that case, you shouldn't use temp tables. And if you do need complex reports generated from your transactional data, a recommended best practice is to take regular (eg daily) backups, restore them on another machine, then run reports against that machine.
The best place to use temporary tables is when you need to pull a bunch of data from multiple tables, do some work on that data, and then combine everything to one result set.
In MS SQL, Temporary tables should also be used in place of cursors whenever possible because of the speed and resource impact associated with cursors.
If you are new to databases, there are some good books by Joe Kelko that review best practices for ANSI SQL. SQL For Smarties will describe in great detail the use of temp table, impact of indexes, where clauses, etc. It's a great reference book with in depth detail.
I've used them in the past when I needed to create evaluated data. That was before the time of views and sub selects in MySQL though and I generally use those now where I would have needed a temporary table. The only time I might use them is if the evaluated data took a long time to create.
I haven't done them in MySQL, but I've done them on other databases (Oracle, SQL Server, etc).
Among other tasks, temporary tables provide a way for you to create a queryable (and returnable, say from a sproc) dataset that's purpose-built. Let's say you have several tables of figures -- you can use a temporary table to roll those figures up to nice, clean totals (or other math), then join that temp table to others in your schema for final output. (An example of this, in one of my projects, is calculating how many scheduled calls a given sales-related employee must make per week, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
I also often use them as a means of "tilting" the data -- turning columns to rows, etc. They're good for advanced data processing -- but only use them when you need to. (My golden rule, as always, applies: If you don't know why you're using x, and you don't know how x works, then you probably shouldn't use it.)
Generally, I wind up using them most in sprocs, where complex data processing is needed. I'd love to give a concrete example, but mine would be in T-SQL (as opposed to MySQL's more standard SQL), and also they're all client/production code which I can't share. I'm sure someone else here on SO will pick up and provide some genuine sample code; this was just to help you get the gist of what problem domain temp tables address.