Data Aggregation - Daily SQL Script vs Data Warehouse - sql

Pardon me if this has already been asked (I know very little about Data Warehouse/BI and have yet to master the keywords).
I have a table that grow by more then 100 000 rows per day, each row having a timestamp and multiple information about an item (dimensions, weight,color,etc). Individual data can be useful for roughly a month after this period we are only interested in aggregations. I have a dedicated software that allow a more detailed visualisation of individual rows and mainly use PowerPivot for my reporting needs.
I could come up with an SQL query that would fill a new table daily:
In which I would have a row for each hour/item/batch and I would summarize the information (sum/average/stddev/etc.)
Within a day my script would be up and running and I could use powerpivot against this new table. All this while staying where I'm comfortable: plain old SQL.
From the few information I gathered reading about DataWarehouse and BI, what I'm about to do sounds a lot like creating dimensions and facts. My question therefore: is it worthwhile to investigate further in that direction (BI) or since my problem is relatively simple I would do better staying in a relational database.
N.B. Reports that are being produced are usually linked against another database to produce more meaningful informations. Task that is very well accomplished by Powerpivot.

Datawarehouses are normally implemented in relational databases, so your existing skills will still be usable.
Given that you have expressed an interest in the dimension/fact table approach to datawarehousing, the canonical books on this approach are usually considered to be:
The Date Warehouse Toolkit (Kimball, Ross)
The Date Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit (Kimball, Ross, Thornthwaite, Mundy, Becker)
(The former has more of a technical focus, while the latter approaches the subject from a wider lifecycle management viewpoint.)
Implementing DWHs can be time-consuming, so it may be worth continuing with your existing approach even if you decide to build a DWH.

Good news: it sounds like you already have a data warehouse. "Data warehouse" is a very generic term, with no real formal definition - it pretty much means whatever you want it to.
Commonly accepted characteristics are:
Data warehouses do not run on the operational databases
Data warehouses schemas are optimized for querying, not for "normal form" compliance
Data warehouses are populated by "Extract, Transform, Load" proceses (ETL).
It sounds like you're already doing all of that. If there are no business requirements to change, I'd leave it as it is. If your business users are asking to create their own queries, using different levels of aggregation, filtering, or granularit, a star schema may be the way to go.

The most effective solutions are those which are simple, adequate to meet existing needsand stay within available skillsets.
I agree that this approach works well for your situation an if it provides the reports and information you need then its worth starting this way. If you need more complex functionality later then you can go for more complex BI


SQL to Key Value

I'd like to move from the SQL approach to the Key Value approach, because I deal with "big data" and would like to benefit from systems like DynamoDB, Riak or Cassandra.
It's quite easy when the data is unrelated, thus one have a document based approach (a primary key + data, but no relations).
I'd appreciate any theoretical or academic input on how to model my data.
I've been using NoSQL in the last 4 years and this is just what I think, what I learnt ... my personal golden rules.
Premise: in the SQL world any possible relation between data, any problem or situation to deal with often come with a precise answer given both from age and "uniqueness" of the product -- people coming from this "perfect world" try to look at the no-sql in the same way, but here any problem can have many solutions (or no solution) based both on the needs of the application and on the product you're using.
Think at queries before writing the model. The term "query-oriented" really fit for the context - go deep with analysis, the more you know about how you'll query your data the best will be the result
Denormalize. Don't think about "a table owns certain data" but more like "a table answers to few queries". -- so your data (or different subset of your data) might be repeated in different tables. This is the norm and a way to avoid joins and relations
It's implicitly an extension of first 2: don't think "the less tables will make the best design" -- the more are the queries and probably the more will be the tables
Study your product -- Each system offers different features -- some of these will offer you "data sorting" for free, some some others may offers collections, callbacks, triggers and so on -- so the model could be quite different from one product to another
Deal with your needs and possibilities -- sometimes you will have to choose, for instance, if creating a new table with data differently sorted or sorting your data client side. There is not a correct answer. If you have few disk space or data to be sorted are small sets you might choose a way, if you have few "computing power" you'd better choose the other
Remember that NoSQL doesn't mean "No SQL" but "Not Only SQL". You can also imagine your schema as an hybrid (I think that offers this kind of solution) or remember that you can put a layer of Hive/Shark/Pig to perform more complex "backend queries"
If you choose Cassandra, after having studied a little the product, give a look here:
Become a super modeler
Datastax data modelling example

SQL NOSQL mix possible or not?

I have an application on a relational database that needs to change in order to keep more data. My problem is that just 2 of the tables will store more data(up to billions of entries) and one the tables is "linked" by fk to other tables. I could give up the relational model for these tables.
I'd like to keep the rest of the db intact and changes only these 2 tables. I'm also doing a lot of queries - from simple selects to group by and subqueries - on these tables, so more problems there.
My experience with NoSQL is limited, so I'm asking which one (if any) of its siblings suits my needs:
- huge data
- complex queries
- integration with a SQL database. This is not as important as the first two and I could migrate my entire db to an equivalent if it's worth it.
Both relational databases and NoSQL approaches can handle data having billions of data points. With the supplied information, it is hard to make a meaningful and specific recommendation. It would be helpful to know more about what you are trying to do with the data, what your options are regarding your hardware and network topology, etc.
I assume since you are currently using a relational database, you have probably already looked at partitioning or otherwise structuring your larger tables so that your query performance is satisfactory. This activity by itself can be non-trivial, but IMHO, a good database design with optimized sql can take you a very long way before there is a clear need to explore alternatives.
However, if your data usage looks like write-once, read often, the join dependencies are manageable, and you need to perform some aggregations over the data set, then you might start to look into alternative approaches like Hadoop or MongoDB - however these choices come with trade-offs in terms of their performance, capabilities, platform requirements, latency, and so forth. Your particular question about integration between a NoSQL repository and a SQL database at the query level might not be realizable without some duplication of data between the two. For example, MongoDB does not like joins (, so you must design your persistence model with that in mind, and this may involve duplication of data.
The point I am trying to make is - identifying the "right" approach will depend on your specific goal and constraints.

Advice for hand-written olap-like extractions from relational database

We've implemented over the course of the years a series of web based reports summarizing historical business data (product sales, traffic, etc). The thing relies heavily on complex SQL queries, and the boss expects the results to be real time, but they need up to a minute to execute. The reports are customizable on a several dimensions.
I've done some basic research, and it looks like what we need is some kind of OLAP (?), ETL(?), whatever.
Is that true? Are we supposed to convert to a whole package and trash our beloved developments, or is there a possibility to keep it relational, SQL-based, and get close to a dedicated solution by simply pre-calculating some optimized views with a batch process running at night? Have you got pointers to good documentation on the subject?
Thank you.
You can do ETL (Extract, transform, and load) at night, loading the (probably summarized) data into tables that can usually be queried pretty quickly. Appropriate indexes are still important.
It often makes sense to put those summary tables in a different schema, a different database, or on a different server, but you don't absolutely have to do that.
The structure of the tables is important, and it's not like designing tables for an OLTP system. The IBM Redbooks have a couple of titles that can help you design the tables.
Data Modeling Techniques for Data
Dimensional Modeling: In a Business
Intelligence Environment
Most dbms today support SQL analytic functions. See, for example, Analytic Functions by Example for Oracle, or Window Functions for PostgreSQL.
In the long term, it sounds as though a move to a data warehouse would definitely benefit you (as suggested in Catcall's answer). You can use the existing reports as a starting point for your data warehouse's requirements.
In the short term, you could build summarised tables optimised for your existing reporting requirements. This should probably be regarded as a stopgap, unless you are never going to change these reports again.
You might also benefit from looking into partitioning tables in your database by date/time, since you will probably still want to report the current day's data for realtime reporting purposes.

Custom user-driven reports on a known schema

There's an upcoming project at work to fill a requirement that end-users be able to generate custom reports off their data in within our fixed/known-schema relational database.
The interface needs to be very user friendly and so transposing all of t-sql's language concepts into a graphical paradigm is far too complex for both the project team and the end user.
What research or products, open-source or otherwise, exist around satisfying this of business need? I'm aware of general Business Analytic tools but this is more specific and I'm trying to understand the problem domain better rather than trying to reverse engineer it from vendor marketing materials.
I assume the research would be in the form of a some encoding of the schema that specifies which joins and tables are allowed, which fields are available, then then a method for allowing the user to select one particular valid combination among the possible many, generate the query, and display the results.
Brainstorming - feature support in order of complexity: SELECT, WHERE filters, FULL JOIN, LEFT JOIN, sorting, paging, grouping, aggregation, HAVING filter.
My backup plan is to just dumb it down to pre-written SQL Views (with JOINs built-in) with the ability to display available columns with custom row-wise filtering. Paging and sorting is doable. By itself, this doesn't allow for grouping, aggregate functions, HAVING filters, or other inter-row analysis.
As a follow-up to #Dems post (comment box wasn't bit enough :) )..
Agreed on most counts.. If your data is mostly analytic, then you might want to look into a tool like PowerPivot. In this case, you can write a general query then allow the users to derive reports based on the result set in a familiar tool (Excel).
At the core of every ad hoc reporting engine, you will find a few common themes:
There will be some way of describing the schema such that the model may be easily consumed by the user. Sql Server Reporting Services (SSRS) requires you to build a metadata model in order to use the report builder. When using PowerPivot, you can alias column names to make them more readable, but in the end, you are simply providing a flat dataset and allowing the user to build the joins/relationships.
Query Builder
Once the metadata has been manipulated by the user, an intermediary system must be in place to convert the conceptual report into an actual query. Many tools are measured based on the complexity of the Sql that they produce as this can greatly affect performance. One way to get around this is to create views that the reporting engine may build queries against. One of the best open source examples of this that I have seen is the engine that backs Hibernate/NHibernate (look into how the various Dialects are used when building queries).
Rendering Engine
In my experience building a rendering engine is not a road you want to go down. There are many device-specific concerns as well as look & feel problems (i.e. how do you plan on representing cascading joins/relationships?). Every rendering engine has it's own quirks (PowerPivot uses Excel, SSRS has a service that builds the raw result and return it to the consuming application) that must be accounted for, so be careful how you choose.
Earlier I mentioned that I agreed on most counts. I would not recommend encouraging your users to learn Sql or allowing them to pass-through Sql to the underlying data-store. This opens the door to malicious code being written and can become a security nightmare. Not to mention that most business users think in terms of flat tables, not hierarchical sets.
Figure out what your users are comfortable with and try to fit your solution to that domain. I have often found that for sophisticated business users something like PowerPivot is perfect. For more day-to-day end users, having "canned" reports that might be modified by the end user via a simple user interface that allows them to modify restrictions/groupings/sorting is more useful.
There are many options out there, but the best of them cost money.
I really like QlikView as an easy to use report designed for semi-technical people. If your user base is more technically minded it may be a bit restrictive, but if your user base have no logical thought capabilities, it's too complicated. That's the biggest trap I see you falling in to...
- No, I want more than that!
- No, that's too complicated for me!
- At the same time...
If you were to build your own tool-set internally, you'd probably be best sticking with OLAP cubes. Let people slice and dice the data as they like, but with all the relationships pre-defined. Do it right and you can just point an Excel Pivot Table at the OLAP Cube and let them play...
The next up, as Bobby D says, could be SQL Server Reporting Services, or something similar.
But if your users end up wanting absolute flexibility, the tool they need is SQL itself. Unfortunately, all tools follow the same trend: The more flexible and powerful, the more time you need to spend learning/training.

MySQL design question - which is better, long tables or multiple databases?

So I have an interesting problem that's been the fruit of lots of good discussion in my group at work.
We have some scientific software producing SQLlite files, and this software is basically a black box. We don't control its table designs, formats, etc. It's entirely conceivable that this black box's output could change, and our design needs to be able to handle that.
The SQLlite files are entire databases which our user would like to query across. There are two ways (we see) of implementing this, one, to create a single database and a backend in Python that appends tables from each database to the master database, and two, querying across separate databases' tables and unifying the results in Python.
Both methods run into trouble when the black box produces alters its table structures, say for example renaming a column, splitting up a table, etc. We have to take this into account, and we've discussed translation tables that translate queries of columns from one table format to another.
We're interested in ease of implementation, how well the design handles a change in database/table layout, and speed. Also, a last dimension is how well it would work with existing Python web frameworks (Django doesn't support cross-database queries, and neither does SQLAlchemy, so we know we are in for a lot of programming.)
If you find yourself querying across databases, you should look into consolidating. Cross-database queries are evil.
If your queries are essentially relegated to individual databases, then you may want to stick with multiple databases, as clearly their separation is necessary.
You cannot accommodate arbitrary changes in a database's schema without categorizing and anticipating that change in some way. In the very best case with nontrivial changes, you can sometimes simply ignore new data or tables, in the worst case, your interpretation of the data will entirely break down.
I've encountered similar issues where users need data pivoted out of a normalized schema. The schema does NOT change. However, their required output format requires a fixed number of hierarchical levels. Thus, although the database design accommodates all the changes they want to make, their chosen view of that data cannot be maintained in the face of their changes. Thus it is impossible to maintain the output schema in the face of data change (not even schema change). This is not to say that it's not a valid output or input schema, but that there are limits beyond which their chosen schema cannot be used. At this point, they have to revise the output contract, the pivoting program (which CAN anticipate this and generate new columns) can then have a place to put the data in the output schema.
My point being: the semantics and interpretation of new columns and new tables (or removal of columns and tables which existing logic may depend on) is nontrivial unless new columns or tables can be anticipated in some way. However, in these cases, there are usually good database designs which eliminate those strategies in the first place:
For instance, a particular database schema can contain any number of tables, all with the same structure (although there is no theoretical reason they could not be consolidated into a single table). A particular kind of table could have a set of columns all similarly named (although this "array" violates normalization principles and could be normalized into a commonkey/code/value schema).
Even in a data warehouse ETL situation, a new column is going to have to be determined whether it is a fact or a dimensional attribute, and then if it is a dimensional attribute, which dimension table it is best assigned to. This could somewhat be automated for facts (obvious candidates would be scalars like decimal/numeric) by inspecting the metadata for unmapped columns, altering the DW table (yikes) and then loading appropriately. But for dimensions, I would be very leery of automating somethings like this.
So, in summary, I would say that schema changes in a good normalized database design are the least likely to be able to be accommodated because: 1) the database design already anticipates and accommodates a good deal of change and flexibility and 2) schema changes to such a database design are unlikely to be able to be anticipated very easily. Conversely, schema changes in a poorly normalized database design are actually more easy to anticipate as shortcomings in the database design are more visible.
So, my question to you is: How well-designed is the database you are working from?
You say that you know that you are in for a lot of programming...
I'm not sure about that. I would go for a quick and dirty solution not a 'generic' solution because generic solutions like the entity attribute value model often have a bad performance. Don't do client side joining (unifying the results) inside your Python code because that is very slow. Use SQL for joining, it is designed for that purpose. Users can also make their own reports with all kind of reporting tools that generate sql statements. You don't have to do everything in your app, just start with solving 80% of the problems, not 100%.
If something breaks because something inside the black box changes you can define views for backward compatibility that keeps your app functioning.
Maybe the scientific software will add a lot of new features and maybe it will change its datamodel because of those new features..? That is possible but then you will have to change your application anyways to take profit from those new features.
It sounds to me as if your problem isn't really about MySQL or SQLlite. It's about the sharing of data, and the contract that needs to exist between the supplier of data and the user of the same data.
To the extent that databases exist so that data can be shared, that contract is fundamental to everything about databases. When databases were first being built, and database theory was first being solidified, in the 1960s and 1970s, the sharing of data was the central purpose in building databases. Today, databases are frequently used where files would have served equally well. Your situation may be a case in point.
In your situation, you have a beggar's contract with your data suppliers. They can change the format of the data, and maybe even the semantics, and all you can do is suck it up and deal wth it. This situation is by no means uncommon.
I don't know the specifics of your situation, so what follows could be way off target.
If it was up to me, I would want to build a database that was as generic, as flexible, and as stable as possible, without losing the essential features of structured and managed data. Maybe, some design like star schema would make sense, but I might adopt a very different design if I were actually in your shoes.
This leaves the problem of extracting the data from the databases you are given, transforming the data into the stable format the central database supports, and loading it into the central database. You are right in guessing that this involves a lot of programming. This process, known as "ETL" in data warehousing texts, is not the simplest of programming challenges.
At least ETL collects all the hard problems in one place. Once you have the data loaded into a database that's built for your needs, and not for the needs of your suppliers, turning the data into valuable information should be relatively easy, at least at the programming or SQL level. There are even OLAP tools that make using the data as simple as a video game. There are challenges at that level, but they aren't the same kind of challenges I'm talking about here.
Read up on data warehousing, and especially data marts. The description may seem daunting to you at first, but it can be scaled down to meet your needs.