Share context menu in WP7 xaml - xaml

I want to add a contextmenu to items in a listbox. Typically the answer is to add the contextmenu to the root of the item template. However, I am using a template selector, so there are multiple templates in use, depending on the data of each item in the listbox. This means I need to add the same contextmenu definition to each template, which is not very appealing.
One solution is to wrap the datatemplate in a ContentControl, which would give me a single place for the context menu definition. However, I believe this would add layout overhead that isn't necessary.
Another solution I tried is adding the ContextMenu to the resource dictionary, but I believe this ends up sharing the same object instance across all the uses, and due to the way ContextMenu is implemented, this also does not work.
A third solution is using the Loaded event to call a function which populates the context menu appropriately. However, this ends up moving a lot of code that ought to be in the XAML into code, and looks quite ugly. If there's some way of defining the context menu in xaml, and then just referencing that from code, I would find it appealing, but I don't quite see how to do that.
What is the right way to share the same ContextMenu across the templates in a template selector?
This is the ContentControl method, which works, but ends up adding two content controls to each item:
<toolkit:ContextMenu Loaded="ContextMenu_Loaded">
<toolkit:MenuItem Header="Delete"/>
<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}" Content="{Binding}"/>

How about adding the ContextMenu to the TemplateSelector?
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<DataTemplate x:Key="MyTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
<local:CustomTemplateSelector Content="{Binding}">
<toolkit:MenuItem Header="Delete"
Click="MenuItem_Click" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}"
Foreground="Blue" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}"
Foreground="Red" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}"
ContentTemplate="{StaticResource MyTemplate}"
Foreground="Yellow" />
I ran this and it worked for me - give it a try and let me know if this was the effect you were looking for or not.


Apply Parallax effect into GridView
this is microsoft instruction to use the paralax they use the ListView to demo the effect
but my data is stored inside the Grid.View so can anyone show me how to implement into it ?
Microsoft said that we can use this with any element that contain the scrollviewer
ParallaxView works with GridView. The Source property of ParallaxView is for setting the element that either is or contains the ScrollViewer that controls the parallax operation. Here in your code snippet it bind the ForegroundElement to Source property but no such an element in. You need to name the GridView as ForegroundElement .
ItemsSource="{x:Bind Icons}">
Besides this, the code snippet should work well. If you still cannot see the effects it may be caused by items count is not enough. ScrollViewer inside the GridView or ListView only be shown when the host control's layout space is being constrained smaller than the expanded content size, details please see ScrollViewer in a control template. You could try to add more items to check the effects.
Additionally, edit the question to add more details and avoid to put it as an answer.
<GridView Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{x:Bind Icons}" IsItemClickEnabled="True" ItemClick="Grid_Clicked">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="data:Icon">
<Image Width="200" Height="200" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Source="{x:Bind ImageCover}"/>
<TextBlock FontSize="16" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="{x:Bind Title}"/>
<TextBlock FontSize="10" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="{x:Bind Room}"/>
this is where the data stored
and this is the parallax
<ParallaxView Source="{x:Bind ForegroundElement}" VerticalShift="50">
<!-- Background element -->
<Image x:Name="BackgroundImage" Source="Assets/turntable.png"

How do I create a two column layout using xaml RelativePanel?

I'd really like to use RelativePanel in a UWP app I'm writing, to simplify visual state.
This is what I want
I've tried to achieve this with the following XAML:
<TextBlock x:Name="Title" Height="50" Margin="15" FontSize="24"
<TextBox x:Name="Editor" Margin="15" Padding="20" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
<ListView x:Name="FileList" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="15"
This isn't working. Editor does not stretch. If I set Editor to RelativePanel.AlignRightWith="FilesList", it stretches past files list and fills the window.
Is there any way to do what I want with RelativePanel? Please don't post suggestions on how to do this in Grid, I can already do that - I want to use RelativePanel in this case
Your Editor control should have -
Note it should be LeftOf, not RightOf. You will also need AlignBottomWithPanel set to True.

Howto correctly bind RibbonGalleryCategory to a collection

I'm using Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.
I want to have a dynamic combobox with picture buttons in my ribbon.
If I do this directly in xaml, I get what I want:
<ribbon:RibbonGallery SelectedValue="0"
<ribbon:RibbonButton Label="Histo" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
Command="{Binding NewHistogrammCommand}"
LargeImageSource="/Test;component/Resourcen/Histogramm32.png" />
<ribbon:RibbonButton Label="3D" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
Command="{Binding NewDreiDCommand}"
LargeImageSource="/Test;component/Resourcen/DreiD32.png" />
But if I try to do this via binding to a collection this way:
IsEditable="True" >
<ribbon:RibbonGalleryCategory ItemsSource="{Binding LayoutContentTypeList, ElementName=mainWindow}">
<ribbon:RibbonButton Label="{Binding Header}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
Command="{Binding Command}"
CommandParameter="{Binding CommandParameter}"
SmallImageSource="{Binding ImageSource}"
LargeImageSource="{Binding ImageSource}" />
I get
System.Windows.Data Error: 40 : BindingExpression path error: 'IsDropDownOpen' property not found on 'object' ''ContentPresenter' (Name='')'. BindingExpression:Path=IsDropDownOpen; DataItem='ContentPresenter' (Name=''); target element is 'RibbonButton' (Name=''); target property is 'NoTarget' (type 'Object')
The buttons work correctly, but how can I resolve this binding error?
I'm guessing that you've found a solution for your problem, but for other people coming across this post, looking for an answer, you can find a complete solution that you can download and examine at your leisure in the How do I add Galleries to my Ribbon? post at 'The official blog of the Windows Presentation Foundation Team'. The basic idea is as follows.
Whatever object that you set as the RibbonGallery.DataContext should have a collection property to bind to the RibbonGalleryCategory.ItemsSource property. The objects in that collection should have properties containing the values that you want to appear in the gallery items. Declare a HierarchicalDataTemplate for the RibbonGallery.CategoryTemplate to bind your properties. Here is an example from the linked post:
<Ribbon:RibbonGallery DataContext="{x:Static data:WordModel.StylesParagraphGalleryData}"
ItemsSource="{Binding CategoryDataCollection}"
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding GalleryItemDataCollection}">
<Border Background="LightGray">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" FontWeight="Bold" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="Images\Paragraph_32x32.png" />
<TextBlock Margin="10,0,0,0" Text="{Binding}" />

How to specify Command binding scope in MVVM?

I'm messing around with MVVM and I've hit a bit of a roadblock with binding commands to buttons. I have a few buttons in a View ( = UserControl) that are generated based on a list of objects I have.
My code looks like this:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ViewModels}" Margin="12,57,12,12" />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding AllConnections}" Margin="0,34,0,0">
<Button Content="{Binding Password}" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="114,12,0,0" Name="button1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Command="{Binding Path=ConnectCommand}" />
But ConnectCommand isn't being called and I assume it's because XAML is looking for it in the AllConnections binding, rather than the ViewModels binding where it should. How do I specify this?
You should use Relative source to specify the ancestor. Something like this:
Command = "{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=ViewModel.CommandToBind}"
You can add your command to Resources and just use {StaticResource yourCommand}. This could significally simplify xaml.
Useful links: WPF Commands, How to declare Application level commands?Commands as XAML ResourcesMVVM Commanding inside of a datatemplate

Using different databinding sources within ListBox and ContextMenus

Here is the XAML:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Documents}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ID}" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Italic" />
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding CategoryList}">
<MenuItem Command="{Binding AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand}" Header="{Binding Category.Name}" />
Ok so the ListBox's ItemSource is bound to the Documents collection in the VM and properly renders the Titles and IDs
The Context Menu's ItemSource is bound to the CategoryList collection in the VM and properly renders the list of categories.
The problem I have is with the Command Binding:
Command="{Binding AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand}"
Since the ItemSource for the ContextMenu is already set, it tries to get the AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand from CategoryList. Obviously the command is not there, it is a member of the VM.
I do not want any references to the VMs or Models in the XAML. Everything is constructed using Unity and VM-View is associated in App.xaml:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vms:FeedViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vms:DocumentsViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vms:ManagementViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type dev:DevelopmentViewModel}">
<dev:DevelopmentView />
How can I databind to a member of the VM from within the ContextItem.
UPDATED edit #1 starts Here
Here is the updated xaml (but still not working but some insight gained):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Documents}" x:Name="Results" BorderBrush="{x:Null}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ID}" FontSize="10" FontStyle="Italic" />
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding CategoryList}">
<MenuItem Command="{Binding ElementName=Results, Path=DataContext.AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand}" Header="{Binding Category.Name}" />
I have this example working for a simple example that does not use a ContextMenu. It appears that the ContextMenu (even though attached to the ListBox) is not part of the user control visual tree. The binding always comes back null / not found. I think the ContextMenu, because it is a floating "window" is constructed in its own tree and therefore cannot find the ListBox call "Results" in order to access the ListBox's DataContext.
Any thoughts on this? Any recommendations on how deal with?
Edit #2 Starts Here
In case you are are wondering, figured out the answer to the binding question:
This binding works:
Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ContextMenu}, Path=PlacementTarget.DataContext.AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand}
Hope this helps others with the same question.
One last update for completeness.
In order for the command to know which context menu item was clicked on, I had to change the xaml slightly (silly oversight):
<ContextMenu x:Name="Context" ItemsSource="{Binding CategoryList}">
<MenuItem Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ContextMenu}, Path=PlacementTarget.DataContext.AddDocumentToCategoryContextMenuCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding Category.ID}"
Header="{Binding Category.Name}" />
Again, hope this helps others.
Use the ElementName property of the binding to specify that. You'd end up with something like this:
Command="{Binding ElementName=ViewModelObject