Cannot Locate gtk-builder-convert - pygtk

I have the latest version of PyGTK and Glade 3.8.0 installed on my Windows 7 system. However, I cannot locate gtk-builder-convert ANYWHERE, either on my system or online.
Where can I download gtk-builder-convert, and if it isn't an installer, where should I put the files for it? In my Python27 folder? In my Glade program files? Does it matter?
A previous question on here on this matter got me nowhere. The provided link does not contain the download.

Glade 3.8.0 can save GtkBuilder files natively, so you don't generally need gtk-builder-convert.
But if you really need it for some reason, this appears to be what you're looking for:


WEKA not identifying .ARFF files on M1 Mac

I have downloaded the latest version of WEKA on a newer Mac with the M1 chip and am having trouble opening .ARFF files. When I go to open the file, the file is not appearing as an option to open. It is perhaps a problem with permissions? But when I look at the permissions for the app, I am able to read and write. I am not getting an error message of any sort. I can only see the directories and no files.
Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
Many thanks!
I tried uninstalling and making sure I had downloaded the latest version of WEKA and I tried moving the .ARFF file to a new location.

Where can I download mono-

For a particular script, I need to download the package mono- for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
However, I can not do it from the official mono web site.
Anyone knows where I could get the .tar.gz package since the one I have is corrupted?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
It is always recommended to run latest maintained and compatible version of packages complying with the operating system, excluding specific cases such as experimental purposes and etc.
But if you still need this specified version, you can find the "tar.bz2" format file on this page. There are certain ways to install a tar.bz2 file on Ubuntu, but if you need the tar.gz file, you can convert it by a similar way explained here.
P.S: I'm aware that this package is from a Fedora repo, but I have successfully tried and installed Fedora packages on my Ubuntu 18.04 before. I assume this might also work for you.
Ho, btw, I found another link in my archives: mono project

add chromium in Lazarus

want to add chromium web browser in Lazarus, I was doing the following steps, but couldn't run it in Lazarus. it is saying CEF version is not supported. Can you please kindly advise?
I am using Lazarus 1.6 in Win7 64bit
I just downloaded chromium framework from here: . As I can see in comments, it is based on CEF 3.2743
Installed cef3.lpk into Lazarus successfully and Chromium tab added
downloaded cef_binary_3.2743.1449.g90ba67d_windows64_minimal.tar.bz2 from and copied the files from Release folder inside my Lazarus executable file and also copied the Resource folder there.
Also, I tried the last step with cef_binary_3.2743.1449.g90ba67d_windows32_client.tar.bz2 file without any success.
Any help would be appreciated.
Nowadays, GitHub/fpCEF3 says:
update to CEF 3.3029
Keep in mind that this number may change in the future (hopely). And lower it says:
Make sure to use the correct CEF3 version (see the changelog / release tag); other versions (older or newer) may work, but are not recommended
However you are trying version 3.2743, instead of 3.3029 (or whatever it is at the time you are reading this).
Try downloading another version similar to that in GitHub.

ImageMagick standalone to package in application

I'm building an AIR application using Flex where I use the NativeProcess API to resize images through ImageMagick using the convert program. Does anyone know how I can package "convert" with my application without needing to install ImageMagick on the user's system?
I'm looking for a solution on Mac and PC. (especially on Mac).
I don't have that much experience with building/installing something like ImageMagick so I'm wondering if it can be done in one file (convert only) so that I can directly call it in my app without the user needing to install anything prior on his/her system.
You have to package your AIR application as native installer or with a captive runtime. Both methods allow you to add additional files to your package. Adding the convert executable won't be enough, though, because it depends on a number of ImageMagick shared libraries, loadable modules for different image formats, and possibly other files. To get started, you can add the whole ImageMagick directory to your package. You can find the path to the packaged convert executable using File.applicationDirectory.
I'm not an expert on Flex, but there is a documented method for packaging native extensions at Adobe. Won't this work?
I know this question is very old, but I have the same issue so I stumbled on it !
I actually found a Mac only workaround solution, that is to use sips instead of ImageMagick. Advantage being that sips is included in all Mac's (Well as far as I know, from 10.4 to 10.8).
In my case, all functionalities that I used ImageMagick for are also available in sips, so maybe it could fit you too !
I found someone who created static libs of convert and identify programs for Mac. For Windows these are available already on the ImageMagick website but for Mac you need to build these from source. Important on Mac is to not call Convert directly but use a bash script which sets the export paths first and then runs convert in order for it to work!

Is it possible that GTK or gtksharp on Windows hardcodes the loader DLLs?

I have just completed my GTK#/Mono application and am preparing to build an installer. (I'm working in .NET Framework 3.5 and the Most recent stable Mono, 2.6.7, which installs Gtk 2.10.0) I would prefer to make the install as local as possible and not force people to go installing GTK# for .NET on their own. I looked at the installer for banshee ( to guide me, and I got almost all of the way there. Unfortunately, the PNG resources I had embedded in my application were not loading.
After an hour or so of intimacy with procmon (, I find that the file libpixbufloader-png.dll isn't being loaded. It's being searched for in only one place: c:\program files\GtkSharp\2.12\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\loaders. If I create just that folder tree and stick the file there, it works.
It seems slightly insane that GTK#/GTK would only look in a single hardcoded location for this file -- not even in the folder the application is in. Can someone tell me if a) this is indeed expected behavior, and b) if there's anything I can do about it, short of having my installer make this path itself? I know I can also just spawn out the GTK# installer, but I was hoping to keep all the Mono/GTK stuff local to my installation, to avoid later confusions over versions, etc.
I think your installer needs to run this at the end:
C:\Program Files\GtkSharp\2.12\bin\gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.exe
See the Wix for the official Gtk# installer here:
You don't have to call the .exe mentioned my jpobst, because you can enter relative paths into the gdk-pixbuf.loaders config file (btw as you see the paths are not hard coded).