showing only the year portion of a date - sql

I want to change the date field in my sql view so that the date will show only the year.
For example, my date field is the typical '07/01/2011'. I want to be able to have the field that changes only to the year, then another one for month, etc.
Ive tried using CONVERT (VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101), but that only shows the current date plus the format (101) isn't right.

Use the YEAR function:
SELECT OrderID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS Date
FROM dbo.Orders

Use the YEAR function?
There is also MONTH however you may want DATENAME to give July not 7
This is for SQL Server but every RDBMS has these or similar

For SQL Server, you can use datepart to extract portions of a date:
SELECT datepart(yyyy, getdate())
See the MSDN link for more information.

If it's T-SQL you're talking about, you can do DATEPART(year, GETDATE())


SQL Server query to get previous month name in string from another month in string

I need to get previous month name from given month name.
For example I need to get previous month as May for the given month June.
There is no date.
I tried select CAST(Monthname-1 AS Varchar(max)) from table
Because "There is no date."
You can convert an augmented string {month name} + ' 01, 1980' to a date, and then perform the date calculation
Select datename(MONTH,dateadd(MONTH,-1,convert(date,'June'+' 01,1980')))
If 2012+ and potentially bogus data ... try_convert()
Select datename(MONTH,dateadd(MONTH,-1,try_convert(date,'June'+' 01,1980')))
Add -1 months to your starting date, then use DATENAME(month) to get its name.
DATENAME(month, DATEADD(month, -1, <yourDateField>))
You can try this:
SELECT DATENAME(MM,CAST('1 June 2018' AS datetime)-1)

Date Conversion in SQL

I have a date in following format in my DB.
10/16 - mm/yy
I need to convert it to:
Is this possible?
If it's not possible then please tell me why.
This is not a date, it's missing the day, it's a bad way to store year/month. There should be a 4 digit year to avoid confusion and the year should be listed first to enable correct sorting, e.g. '2016/10' or a numeric value 201610.
You can cast it to a DATE first and then use a FORMAT to disply only month/year:
set dateformat myd;
select format(cast(mystupidcolumn + '/1' as date), 'MMMM/yy')
Or SUBSTR the month part and use a CASE.
try this format,
SELECT DATENAME(month, DATEADD(month, #mydate-1, CAST('2008-01-01' AS datetime)))
You can display date by using this code
select datename(month, YourColumnName) + '/' + right(YEAR(YourColumnName),2)
FROM yourTableName
Simply change yourColumnName with name of your table column and yourTableName with name of table.
Yes you can, and it depend in what database you use to call date functions
If you column Datetime format
MySQL database MONTHNAME(now())
convert it will in your choice at database or you code logic
split the value and lookup at month enum or fake the date to be accepted and complete date format like 01/10/16
so do something like SELECT DATENAME(Month, datecolumn) + '/' + YEAR (datecolumn)
also you can use instead of Year function DATEPART(yy,datecolumn)
the way you do it with format will look like
but excepted to get first 3 char of month JUN

SQL automatic date range using DateSerial function

We've been using MS Access, with the following syntax for MTD Data that works for us:
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,0)
We need to transition the above logic to SQL/SSRS for automatic emailed reports, but I cannot get this DateSerial logic to work with SQL.
In the Filter field of the SQL query, I can successfully use BETWEEN '8/1/2014' AND '8/31/2014' for MTD data, but would like to have a DateSerial logic applied so that reports don't need to be created for every month, quarter, year, etc.
When trying to use the DateSerial function, we get the error "Invalid or missing Expression". I've seen a few topics on this that Parameters are required, but really believe that this is a simple syntax issue for the filter field, since actual dates work with the BETWEEN command.
There are several different ways to get this. Here is just one way.
Get todays date. In this case 8/27/2014
Declare #Today date = cast(getdate() as date)
Get the first of the month, 26 days in the past
Declare #StartDate date = dateadd(d, -1 * (day(#Today) - 1), #Today)
select #Today, #StartDate
You can use the function CONVERT:
Or the function DATEFROMPARTS if you are using SQL Server 2012:
select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()), 0); -- first day of current month
select DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE()), -1) -- last day of current month
This last one I took from:
See mine at:!3/d41d8/38333
This has been resolved. The ODBC driver does not apparently play well with SSRS. The DateSerial command would not work within the query itself. The workaround was to add the filter to the Dataset. This syntax is what works, but again only in the Dataset filter: [expression] Between [first value box] =DateSerial(Year(Now()),1,1) [second value box] =DateSerial(Year(Now()),12,31)
This gives us the YTD reporting data that we require.

How to extract the YEAR in SQL Server 2008?

The output give me the Last Date of the Previous Month of the current date.
How can I extract Year from DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())+0,0))?
Will the above Select statement extract the Year?
The answer to your question is "yes, you can use datepart(yyyy, ....). It turns out that "yyyy" is a synonym for the more commonly used "year" in this context.
However, most people would just use year(<whatever>) for this purpose.
SQL Server has a function YEAR() so to extract year from DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())+0,0))
just do SELECT YEAR(DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())+0,0)))!3/1fa93/5208

how to remove time from datetime

The field DATE in the database has the following format:
2012-11-12 00:00:00
I would like to remove the time from the date and return the date like this:
First thing's first, if your dates are in varchar format change that, store dates as dates it will save you a lot of headaches and it is something that is best done sooner rather than later. The problem will only get worse.
Secondly, once you have a date DO NOT convert the date to a varchar! Keep it in date format and use formatting on the application side to get the required date format.
There are various methods to do this depending on your DBMS:
SQL-Server 2008 and later:
SQL-Server 2005 and Earlier
If you need to use culture specific formatting in your report you can either explicitly state the format of the receiving text box (e.g. dd/MM/yyyy), or you can set the language so that it shows the relevant date format for that language.
Either way this is much better handled outside of SQL as converting to varchar within SQL will impact any sorting you may do in your report.
If you cannot/will not change the datatype to DATETIME, then still convert it to a date within SQL (e.g. CONVERT(DATETIME, yourField)) before sending to report services and handle it as described above.
just use, (in TSQL)
SELECT convert(varchar, columnName, 101)
in MySQL
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(columnName, '%m/%d/%Y')
I found this method to be quite useful. However it will convert your date/time format to just date but never the less it does the job for what I need it for. (I just needed to display the date on a report, the time was irrelevant).
CAST(start_date AS DATE)
(Bear in mind I'm a trainee ;))
I figured an easier way to do this IF YOU'RE USING SSRS.
It's easier to actually change the textbox properties where the field is located in the report. Right click field>Number>Date and select the appropriate format!
SELECT DATE('2012-11-12 00:00:00');
Personally, I'd return the full, native datetime value and format this in the client code.
That way, you can use the user's locale setting to give the correct meaning to that user.
"11/12" is ambiguous. Is it:
12th November
11th December
For more info refer this: SQL Server Date Formats
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), cast(dt_col as date), 101) from tbl
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), cast(dt_col as date), 103) from tbl
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In mysql at least, you can use DATE(theDate).
You may try the following:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),yourdate,101);
or this:
select cast(floor(cast(urdate as float)) as datetime);
Use this SQL:
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(date_column_here,'%d/%m/%Y') FROM table_name;