Caching SQL queries - sql

If I look in my profiler for SQL-server, it comes up with a lot of duplicate queries such as:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT *
FROM [dbo].[tblSpecifications] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[clientID] = #p0
ORDER BY [t0].[Title]', N'#p0 int', #p0 = 21
A lot of these queries are not needed to display real time data, that is, if someone inserted a new record that was matched in that query it wouldn't matter if it didn't display for up to an hour after insertion.
You can output cache the pages, but I was wondering if there was similar functionality on the dbms (SQL-server in particular), which saves a query results in a cache and renews that cache after a set period of time, say 1 hour, with the aim of improving retrieval speeds of records.

In SQL Server 2000 and prior, you can use DBCC PINTABLE (databaseid, tableid), but its best to allow SQL Server to manage your memory
If you have an expensive aggregate query that you would like "cached", create an indexed view to materialize the results.
Otherwise, the amount of time a database page remains in memory is determined by the least recently used policy. The header of each data page in cache stores details about the last two times it was accessed. A background process scans the cache, and decrements a usecount if the page has not been accessed since the last scan. When SQL Server needs to free cache, pages with the lowest usecount are flushed first. (Professional SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting)
sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors contains one row for each data page currently in cache

Query results are not cached, but the data pages themselves will remain in cache until they are pushed out by other read operations. They next time your query is submitted, these pages will be read from memory instead of disk.
This is a main reason to avoid table scans where possible. If the table being scanned is big enough, your cache gets flooded with potentially useless data.
A lot of people have a "who cares how long the query takes, it is running it batch mode" attitude, but they fail to see the impact on other processes, such as the one you mentioned.

No, but there are a ton of caching solutions out there such as Memcached and Ehcache.

Not to miss the obvious, you could also create a wholly separate reporting table and update it hourly. While there'd be a cost in populating and administering it, you could limit the fields to what's needed and optimize the indices for reads.


How to optimise an SQL request containing update when?

I have an SQL request that is take more than 10 seconds to load at peak hours on my server.
UPDATE "events"
SET "metas" = 732899,
"count" = "count" + 1,
"timestamp" = 1633450429
WHERE "hash" = 'my_counter_453751'
Do you see any ways I can optimize this request?
I've tried to change my server but it doesn't change anything.
Usually, this request is almost instant, but when I have lots of users connected on my server this request takes more than 10 seconds and I don't understand why.
Any advice would help!
UPDATE "events" SET ... WHERE "hash" = 'my_counter_453751'
For this to work efficiently, you need an index on hash (if at all possible, it would be somewhat better to retrieve an integer-type primary index).
You also need as few other indexes as possible, because an index on metas, for example, too would be updated if you changed that column, and that takes time.
The fact that under load the update time goes up in that way, though, is suspicious. One of the few things that could explain this is disk thrashing. With many users, the events table gets evicted from memory and requires reloading. With too many indexes, and even more if there is no index on hash at all, this can be calamitous.
So I would also review the memory assigned to the RDBMS server, and the size of the events table. You could trim it down, or benefit from sharding. Or you could split a historical table into several tables, one per month - a poor man's sharding. This complicates retrieving information from that table, but accelerates writes.
I have also reaped huge benefits from dirty tricks such as writing these updates to a different, smaller table (or even to a temporary file). So, none of my hundred simultaneous clients has ever to do anything to the huge table; they all access the tiny one. Then a periodic cron job would run every minute or so, and perform all the updates together, loading the huge table in memory only once - and not locking or interfering in any way with the other threads, then remove the processed records from the tiny table. Maybe some such strategy can be doable for you too.
For a historic log table, you could write to a daily log and then pour the daily log into the large table late every night.

MS SQL Server Query caching

One of my projects has a very large database on which I can't edit indexes etc., have to work as it is.
What I saw when testing some queries that I will be running on their database via a service that I am writing in .net. Is that they are quite slow when ran the first time?
What they used to do before is - they have 2 main (large) tables that are used mostly. They showed me that they open SQL Server Management Studio and run a
FROM table1
JOIN table2
a query that takes around 5 minutes to run the first time, but then takes about 30 seconds if you run it again without closing SQL Server Management Studio. What they do is they keep open SQL Server Management Studio 24/7 so that when one of their programs executes queries that are related to these 2 tables (which seems to be almost all queries ran by their program) in order to have the 30 seconds run time instead of the 5 minutes.
This happens because I assume the 2 tables get cached and then there are no (or close to none) disk reads.
Is this a good idea to have a service which then runs a query to cache these 2 tables every now and then? Or is there a better solution to this, given the fact that I can't edit indexes or split the tables, etc.?
Sorry just I was possibly unclear, the DB hopefully has indexes already, just I am not allowed to edit them or anything.
Edit 2:
Query plan
This could be a candidate for an indexed view (if you can persuade your DBA to create it!), something like:
CREATE VIEW transhead_transdata
<columns of interest>
transhead th
JOIN transdata td
ON th.GID = td.HeadGID;
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX transjoined_uci ON transhead_transdata (<something unique>);
This will "precompute" the JOIN (and keep it in sync as transhead and transdata change).
You can't create indexes? This is your biggest problem regarding performance. A better solution would be to create the proper indexes and address any performance by checking wait stats, resource contention, etc... I'd start with Brent Ozar's blog and open source tools, and move forward from there.
Keeping SSMS open doesn't prevent the plan cache from being cleared. I would start with a few links.
Understanding the query plan cache
Check your current plan cache
Understanding why the cache would clear (memory constraint, too many plans (can't hold them all), Index Rebuild operation, etc. Brent talks about this in this answer
How to clear it manually
Aside from that... that query is suspect. I wouldn't expect your application to use those results. That is, I wouldn't expect you to load every row and column from two tables into your application every time it was called. Understand that a different query on those same tables, like selecting less columns, adding a predicate, etc could and likely would cause SQL Server to generate a new query plan that was more optimized. The current query, without predicates and selecting every column... and no indexes as you stated, would simply do two table scans. Any increase in performance going forward wouldn't be because the plan was cached, but because the data was stored in memory and subsequent reads wouldn't experience physical reads. i.e. it is reading from memory versus disk.
There's a lot more that could be said, but I'll stop here.
You might also consider putting this query into a stored procedure which can then be scheduled to run at a regular interval through SQL Agent that will keep the required pages cached.
Thanks to both #scsimon #Branko Dimitrijevic for their answers I think they were really useful and the one that guided me in the right direction.
In the end it turns out that the 2 biggest issues were hardware resources (RAM, no SSD), and Auto Close feature that was set to True.
Other fixes that I have made (writing it here for anyone else that tries to improve):
A helper service tool will rearrange(defragment) indexes once every
week and will rebuild them once a month.
Create a view which has all the columns from the 2 tables in question - to eliminate JOIN cost.
Advised that a DBA can probably help with better tables/indexes
Advised to improve server hardware...
Will accept #Branko Dimitrijevic 's answer as I can't accept both

Speed-up SQL Insert Statements

I am facing an issue with an ever slowing process which runs every hour and inserts around 3-4 million rows daily into an SQL Server 2008 Database.
The schema consists of a large table which contains all of the above data and has a clustered index on a datetime field (by day), a unique index on a combination of fields in order to exclude duplicate inserts, and a couple more indexes on 2 varchar fields.
The typical behavior as of late, is that the insert statements get suspended for a while before they complete. The overall process used to take 4-5 mins and now it's usually well over 40 mins.
The inserts are executed by a .net service which parses a series of xml files, performs some data transformations and then inserts the data to the DB. The service has not changed at all, it's just that the inserts take longer than they use to.
At this point I'm willing to try everything. Please, let me know whether you need any more info and feel free to suggest anything.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you have exhausted the buffer pools ability to cache all the pages needed for the insert process. Append-style inserts (like with your date table) have a very small working set of just a few pages. Random-style inserts have basically the entire index as their working set. If you insert a row at a random location the existing page that row is supposed to be written to must be read first.
This probably means tons of disk seeks for inserts.
Make sure to insert all rows in one statement. Use bulk insert or TVPs. This allows SQL Server to optimize the query plan by sorting the inserts by key value making IO much more efficient.
This will, however, not realize a big speedup (I have seen 5x in similar situations). To regain the original performance you must bring the working set back into memory. Add RAM, purge old data, or partition such that you only need to touch very few partitions.
drop index's before insert and set them up on completion

Is it possible to Cache the result set of a select query in the database?

I am trying to optimize the search query which is the most used in our system. So far I have added some missing indexes and that has helped slightly. But I want to further reduce the load on the db server. One option that I will use is caching the result set as a LIST in the Cache so that I don't have to hit the db often.
However, I was wondering if there is a way to Cache some portions of the select query at the db as well. e.g. for the search results we consider only users who have been active in the last 180 days and who have share-info set as true. So this is like a super set which the db processes everytime and then applies other conditions such as category specified, city etc. which are passed. Is it possible to somehow Cache the Super Set so that I can run queries against the super set rather than run the query against the whole table? Will creating a View help in this? I am a bit hesitant to create a view as I read managing views can be an overhead and takes away some flexibility to modfy the tables.
I am using Sql-Server 2005 so cannot create a filtered index on the table, which I think would have been helpful.
I agree with #Neville K. SQL Server is pretty smart at caching data in memory. You might see limited / no performance gains for your effort.
You could consider indexed views (Enterprise Edition only) for your sub-query.
It is, of course, possible to do this - but I'm not sure if it will help.
You can create a scheduled job - once a night, perhaps - which populates a table called "active_users_with_share_info" by truncating it, and then repopulating it based on a select query filtering out users active in the last 180 days with "share_info = true".
Then you can join your search query to this table.
However, I doubt this would do much good - SQL Server is pretty smart at caching. Unless you're dealing with huge volumes of data (100 of millions of records), or very limited hardware, I doubt you'd get any measurable performance improvements - but by all means try it!
Of course, the price for this would be more moving parts in your application, more interesting failure modes (what happens if the overnight batch fails silently?), and more training for any new developers you bring into the team.

SQL Server cache question

When I run a certain stored procedure for the first time it takes about 2 minutes to finish. When I run it for the second time it finished in about 15 seconds. I'm assuming that this is because everything is cached after the first run. Is it possible for me to "warm the cache" before I run this procedure for the first time? Is the cached information only used when I call the same stored procedure with the same parameters again or will it be used if I call the same stored procedure with different params?
When you peform your query, the data is read into memory in blocks. These blocks remain in memory but they get "aged". This means the blocks are tagged with the last access and when Sql Server requires another block for a new query and the memory cache is full, the least recently used block (the oldest) is kicked out of memory. (In most cases - full tables scan blocks are instantly aged to prevent full table scans overrunning memory and choking the server).
What is happening here is that the data blocks in memory from the first query haven't been kicked out of memory yet so can be used for your second query, meaning disk access is avoided and performance is improved.
So what your question is really asking is "can I get the data blocks I need into memory without reading them into memory (actually doing a query)?". The answer is no, unless you want to cache the entire tables and have them reside in memory permanently which, from the query time (and thus data size) you are describing, probably isn't a good idea.
Your best bet for performance improvement is looking at your query execution plans and seeing whether changing your indexes might give a better result. There are two major areas that can improve performance here:
creating an index where the query could use one to avoid inefficient queries and full table scans
adding more columns to an index to avoid a second disk read. For example, you have a query that returns columns A, and B with a where clause on A and C and you have an index on column A. Your query will use the index for column A requiring one disk read but then require a second disk hit to get columns B and C. If the index had all columns A, B and C in it the second disk hit to get the data can be avoided.
I don't think that generating the execution plan will cost more that 1 second.
I believe that the difference between first and second run is caused by caching the data in memory.
The data in the cache can be reused by any further query (stored procedure or simple select).
You can 'warm' the cache by reading the data through any select that reads the same data. But that will even cost about 90 seconds as well.
You can check the execution plan to find out which tables and indexes your query uses. You can then execute some SQL to get the data into the cache, depending on what you see.
If you see a clustered index seek, you can simply do SELECT * FROM my_big_table to force all the table's data pages into the cache.
If you see a non-clustered index seek, you could try SELECT first_column_in_index FROM my_big_table.
To force a load of a specific index, you can also use the WITH(INDEX(index)) table hint in your cache warmup queries.
SQL server cache data read from disc.
Consecutive reads will do less IO.
This is of great help since disk IO is usually the bottleneck.
More at:
The execution plan (the cached info for your procedure) is reused every time, even with different parameters. It is one of the benefits of using stored procs.
The very first time a stored procedure is executed, SQL Server generates an execution plan and puts it in the procedure cache.
Certain changes to the database can trigger an automatic update of the execution plan (and you can also explicitly demand a recompile).
Execution plans are dropped from the procedure cache based an their "age". (from MSDN: Objects infrequently referenced are soon eligible for deallocation, but are not actually deallocated unless memory is required for other objects.)
I don't think there is any way to "warm the cache", except to perform the stored proc once. This will guarantee that there is an execution plan in the cache and any subsequent calls will reuse it.
more detailed information is available in the MSDN documentation: