How to allow limited internet access to employees/children [closed] - webbrowser-control

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I was wondering how I could set up a computer (windwos xp) or browser to allow access to only 2 or 3 websites? I know where I currently work they have 'email stations' which are computers will access only to the company homepage and email login. Please let me know any ideas you all have.

This is accomplished by using a proxy. There are several free, open source proxies (such as squid and varnish), but it may be easier to look at some of the for-pay solutions for parental controls. I looked at net nanny before for some customers, and they were happy with it.

McAfee has some parental control software built in to its standard PC protection package.
It allows you pretty easy control over home much time can be spent online and what kind of sites can be accessed.
You can download a free trial on the website. Its worth a try.


Is there a way to view/interact with a website without entering in it? [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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So my school has blocked all websites (for now at least) and I'm wondering if there was a way to access them without entering into them. What I've thought is that this could be done with google as google search can show you certain parts of pages.
Also, the current configuration of the firewall allows you to do google search and access certain websites. I also know that they perform this using a man in the middle attack intercepting SSL connections. Is there any VPN, tool or script that can bypass this? Something to do with packets obfuscation using XOR gates? I've tried using many different VPNs but all seem to not work.
Thanks in advance.

What is better in Google Cloud? Projects or Instance of vm for every customers? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm a web developer and mobile applications. I have several clients which I manage in a hosting service with whm panel. Now I want to start using Google Cloud. My question is whether it is better to create a project for each client or to create a single project with a lot of space and there to store all the pages and databases. Please help me with this because I do not know what is the best practice
From my experience,
If your customer pays a fixed price for hosting it does not matter.
If you charge "pay as you go" then a separate project is the only way you can know how much exactly to charge.
Like Ken says, it is very difficult to predict your needs with so little information. One point to keep in mind: if you ever plan to turn over ownership of the project to the client, then having a separate project for each client will make life so much easier.

Sites/services/hacks to get competitive intelligence data by pageview rather than at the site/subdomain level? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Here's my big and dirty list of SEO/analytics sites and services. As far as I can tell, none of them can give me a table of most viewed URLs by unit time for some arbitrary domain or subdomain (or the Internet as a whole). How can I get that, or something that approximates it nicely, paid or free?
Google Analytics’ In-Page analytics
unica's netinsight
lyris HQ
crm metrix
Crazy Egg
insights for search
Longtail pro
Majestic SEO
Raven tools
seoMOZ Pro
screaming frog
searchmetrics essentials
thanks for mentioning serpIQ! I work with the company and it's always nice to be included. To answer your question, I don't think that any of the tools you listed (or any I can think of myself) can do what you're asking. The only thing that may be able to would be custom reporting for Google Analytics, or some other metrics tracking SaaS - I know we don't offer it as part of our product. Hope that helps!

How does a competing social network get permission to export data through a facebook app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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It says in the app agreement that a competing social network has to get permission to export user data to their website. I noticed that sites like Pinterest and Myspace etc. can do this, did they have to get permission? How does one do this?
Enter your question into help search and get your answer from our database of common questions. If you can’t troubleshoot your issue with our instructions, we’ll provide you with a custom form to contact us for further support.
I've contacted them for other issues that way and eventually got a reply. It might work for you too. I'm not aware of a direct email address.
There is also a fairly vague section on contacting Facebook here:

Could a mac application regulate internet usage? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm not sure how open the Mac platform is for 3rd party applications.
Would it be possible to write software that regulates internet usage?
Say I wanted to only allow internet usage between 5-6pm? Is that possible?
Any pointers on how to get started?
Yes. You can look at the Mac app Self Control:
This application disables a certain list of sites for a defined period of time. I know that the application uses the /etc/hosts file to disable access to these sites by setting all of these hosts to Obviously a savvy user could override this method, but it works well.