How do I package an Adobe Air project in Aptana for the BlackBerry Playbook - air

I have developed a mostly HTML/CSS/jquery application in Aptana. Does anyone know the steps to take to convert this project to a .BAR file for use with the Blackberry Playbook simulator?
I'm guessing I need to package the project as an .airi file first, then use the Blackberry bbwp tool to compile? Has anyone had any experience with this process?
Thanks so much for any help.

This is a bit late I suspect but you have to download RIM's WebWorks package and follow all the necessary steps on their website. Basically, once you are as far as you are, you zip what you've got with a config.xml file and run their command line tool to turn it into a .bar file. Here's a little secret - a .bar file is actually just a .zip file by another name. If you change a .bar back to a .zip file you can treat it like any other zip file.
After you've done this, run the signing tool, (results and mileage may vary) and then push it out to the device with another command line tool. In the simulator you have to set it to "Development Mode" and get the IP address. You put the IP address into the command line tool and it will put it onto the device. You may have to restart the simulator for it to show up. If you can't get the signing tool to work you should still be able to put it onto the simulator.
Download WebWorks and get started here -
You will need to sign up for a developer account to download it.


Add support command line

I developed a GUI application for macOS to record video from a computer screen. Can I add support command line? Example,
$myapp -start // Start recording video
$myapp -stop // Stop recording video
and etc.
If it's possible, then how can I implemented it?
It would probably make more sense to create a dedicated command-line tool, built by its own target, and include that as a "helper" executable in your application bundle.
You can then have your application install that as a command-line tool in /usr/local/bin/ by copying it, creating a hard link, etc. If it's a completed tool consider also installing a man page for it.

Cannot Install Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk on Mac OS X 10.9

I cannot manage to install Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk on Mac OS X 10.9.
as general a smalltalk system is composed of three elements; a VM, an image(if any changes to image then a changes file), and a sources file.
on squeak page
I have downloaded all in one linked file, but it does to include an .image or .sources. it includes a .app. on the page this is mentioned to be the VM on mac, and it is mentioned to include all files one require. anyway double clicking does not launch smalltalk.
on pharo page
similar promise but does not launch again. it says download that file it includes everything necessary and just run the executable. but it includes .image .changes and .sources files in sub directory of /
Am I doing something wrong?
for squeak I have also found the .image .change and .sources files in some sub directory of the all-in-one. Should i, both for pharo and squeak, move these files to the same directory with the .app file.
i have tried so. no change.
because it is not signed upon first launch i modify settings to launch it authorizing as admin user one time. no problem with that.
The first time you run the Squeak all-in-one, you need to right-click the app and choose "open". Then you will get a dialog that let's you run it. If you just double-click you get the same warning dialog, but without the option to run it.
This is because the Squeak app is not signed with an Apple developer key.
You also can to change the run permission in System Preferences (Security Preferences), from "Map App Store" to "Anywhere".
The problem emerged from the fact that the application I had downloaded from Squeak or Pharo websites were not executable in my computer.
Issuing a change mod add executable command from terminal solves the problem for each one.
chmod +x /path/to/smalltalk/squeak/or/pharo/apps

How to open an sshfs-project in Adobe Brackets editor

adobe-brackets is an open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Although I followed the instructions on how to open a Project ( see also How to create a new project in adobe-brackets?) this does not work for my project-directory which is mapped via sshfs.
Brackets will show the sshfs directory but without any contents. (neither files nor subdirs)
Opening other locally stored directories works like a charm.
Any hints/suggestions?
Update: This is fixed in the latest release of Brackets, Sprint 34. You should now be able to open files on SSHFS file systems with no trouble.
original answer:
What platform are you on? If Linux, you might be seeing bug #5292, which is currently under investigation.
If not, it might be best if you just file a new bug specifying your platform and any other details, and then the Brackets devs (of which I am one) can take a look. When reporting a bug, always check the console log via Debug > Show Developer Tools and paste any exceptions there into your bug report.

Is it possible to edit an IntellijIDEA project remotely via a web browser?

I am looking for something similar to RStudio-server (r-studio), but for programming in Java/Scala.
RStudio-server accessed via web is the same as the desktop version.
May be there are other equivalent solutions, given that my problem is scarce local resources to run my programs, but plenty of resources in a remote computer.
The more seamless, the better.
It would be also good if I could just run my program remotely seamlessly (outputing like if it was local and inside the IDE).
I recently starting using Chromoting to remote into a different machine that has IntelliJ. It's convenient in that it's built into chrome and I can pretty much do this anywhere because everyone has Chrome these days. It's a very good remoting tool but it still is remoting, it has its delays and minor problems (some keyboard shortcuts don't get sent through and those options haven't been added yet).
Just an idea for something to try.
It is not seamless, but I just managed to solve the problem using the right workflow:
In the local machine:
edit files in IDEA
[optional] set the output path, if any, to your favorite file hosting service (dropbox in my case)
commit with your favorite VCS (bzr in my case, it can need a push to the remote machine)
In the remote machine:
update with your favorite VCS
compile and run with your favorite build tool (sbt in my case):
sbt 'run-main experiments.AtomicBombMain'
[optional] In the local machine again:
[optional] get the generated files at the output path at the shared folder of your favorite file hosting service
Link with more details about the entire process since instalation until compiling:

XCode 4 Archive/IPA Error: "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"

I've found various proposed solutions to this problem on this internet, but none of them work for me. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
I've tried archiving with every combination of coding signing vs not using code signing, and I've tried using every combination of provisioning profiles, but I still get the same error every time.
I'm very confused as to why I'd even be getting an error like this when trying to save a file. I'm using XCode 4, my application builds for archive fine. In fact, I can even upload my application to itunesconnect (and it was accepted!). I just can't create an IPA for sharing and beta testing before submission.
Any ideas?
The error message
Right before I get the error
After much frustration, I filed a developer support request with Apple. The technician I spoke with was able to save my archive as an .ipa on her computer -- the exact same archive that I was not able to save on mine, which pointed to a possible bug in my system (and from the sounds of it, many other people's).
She recommended that I uninstall and reinstall XCode and the developer tools, and that worked!
Here were her uninstall instructions:
Make sure that your machine is running the latest Mac OS X (10.6.7) and iTunes.
Run the following command in the Terminal application to uninstall your SKD:
sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (where <Xcode> is the path to the directory that contains your SDK.)
Drag your <Xcode> to the trash and restart your machine
Re-download and install Xcode (4.0.2) from the iOS Dev Center. Make sure that the System Tools, UNIX Development, Essentials packages in the Custom Install pane are selected before installing it.
I have the same issue after my distribution certificate was expired. I add new ones (private key and certificate) and xCode "Share" command starts to produce such error.
The problem resolves as soon as I remove old private key & certificate from Keychain Access.
Hope it helps
Selecting "Don't Re-sign" at Identity solved the same issue for me.
I actually had the same problem, but a different solution (and reason). I had Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 both running at one point. I recently deleted Xcode 3 and moved my Xcode 4 from /Xcode4 to /Developer directory. This caused me to have the same issue you describe.
I moved the directory back to /Xcode4 and now my archives save out correctly.
I also had the same problem but I could resolve the problem in the below way.
My project was on the portable disk (formatted as FAT-32) and the project referred some folders on the same disk as "add folder reference for any added folder". I could build it any configurations however I couldn't just make .ipa file with above alert.
So, I copied the referenced folders on the portable disk to the desktop of the disk installed XCode (MacOS). And adding again the folders into the project. I could make .ipa file.
I installed Xcode 4.0.2 in one directory and then manually moved it to another.
When I moved Xcode back to the first directory everything worked.