How to create pdf file from Qt application? - pdf

In my Qt application I am conducting some network tests. I have to create a report according to the test output. So I need to create the report in pdf format.
Can anybody please let me know how I can put my test results in a pdf file? My result contains graphs using the Qwt library.

this code outputs pdf from html:
QTextDocument doc;
doc.setHtml("<h1>hello, I'm an head</h1>");
QPrinter printer;
I guess you can generate an html wrapper for your img and quickly print your image. Otherwise you might copy the image directly on the printer, since it is a paint device in a similar fashion
QPrinter printer;
QPainter painter(&printer);
painter.drawImage(QRect(0,0,100,100), <QImage loaded from your file>);


How to create a better screenshot during the selenium automation in JAVA?

I am creating automated test cases by using selenium 3 & testng. Everything looks good, except the screenshots that are generated. Here is my piece of code to create screenshots PNG files:
file = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(pngfile));
which is pretty standard way to do it, but the quality of the created PNG file is not so good.
As you can see from following PNG file. In the picture, the email value ( ""), which should be at the upper-right corner of the web-page and should be as high as the other navigation bar elements on the left side. But in the created PNG file, this item has been squeezed to the lower level, which is not what I am looking for. Any ideas ? Thanks for the help !
Make sure your window is the right size when you're opening the browser. You can do this via visual inspection or using Selenium's getSize method. I assume you're using Java, but here it is in Python as well.
Then, if the window is not of the correct size in order to guarantee that your webpage's CSS doesn't break, use setSize. Here is that method in Python as well.
Afterwards, your screenshot should look like the window does.
Please try this,
public void calltakeScreenShot(String SSName) throws Exception
File screen = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage img =;
File filetest = Paths.get(".").toAbsolutePath().normalize().toFile();
ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File(filetest + "\\Screenshots\\" + SSName + ".png"));
Additionally Here you just need to pre-created Screenshots folder in your Project directory. It will store it by getting absolute path of your project. Also you can manage screenshot name by passing argument.
After several day's research, here is my latest summary.
A). If I was executing the scripts, that is not in the "headless" mode. When the selenium test case is being executed, I will see a new browser session is being popped up and get to that URL, click some buttons, etc, ... till the execution is finished. In this execution, the screenshot page will be saved in good quality.
B). For the same selenium test script, if I am including one extra ChromeOptions setting, which is "--headless", I will not see any browser being brought up during the execution. And once execution is finished, I will get the screenshot with such squeezed web elements.
Comments ?

p:dataexporter columns with images

I want to export a datatable (with p:graphicImages in columns) in PrimeFaces but even in the new version of PrimeFaces I can only see the alt: value of image in my PDF file. Can't I export graphicImage itself?
It's also asked in this link comment #3.
No you can't, not without extending the exporter
I can give you two ideas of how I got to put in a pdf images:
1. Use a printer (), then print it to pdf and you're done. You will have your table with the pretty images.
2. Generate the PDF using iText and you can personalize it as far as you want.

Render HTML or GSP as a PDF and save it on server

I have an html template which I need to render as a .PDF and then save that pdf file on server. I'm using "rendering" plugin of grails. I'm able to render file as PDF but I don't understand how to save it on server location and not on user's system. Can anybody please help me ?
The pdfRenderingService provided by the plugin allows you to call render and get back an OutputStream. Using that output stream you can write that to a file on your server. The documentation explains the basics of using the service.
Your code may look something like this:
new File("report.pdf").withOutputStream { outputStream ->
outputStream << pdfRenderingService.render(template: '/report/report', model: [serial: 12345])
Well, actually I changed my plugin. Got Wkhtmltopdf plugin of grails more helpful. you can find it here --
Also instructions regarding using this plugin you can find on the same link or here --
Using this you can get "bytes" which you can write to file system.

How can I generate and download a pdf file in WebDynpro for ABAP?

I've got a task to create a webdynpro that given some inputs, can generate a pdf file with questions and the user should be able to download it somewhere. My question is, how can i generate a PDF in WDs and how do i prompt the download?
I do not know how to do it with Adobe Forms but I surely have seen that done using SmartForms.
When you execute the function module assigned to a smartform there is an EXPORTING parameter for it job_output_info.
With this parameter you execute then the function module CONVERT_OTF with following parameters.
format = 'PDF'
bin_file = e_file_as_xstring
otf = job_output_info-otfdata[]
lines = lt_pdf_file_lines
Then if you are using WebDynpro for ABAP use the following method to let the user download the file.
i_filename = 'Filename.pdf'
i_content = e_file_as_xstring
i_mime_type = 'pdf/application'
Not sure how it might work with Adobe Forms, but if you are able to generate the OTF content you should be able to do it as well. On the other hand maybe you are just able to get the PDF as xstring, then the OTF part will not be needed at all.
Maybe this article will help you to know how convert the Adobe Form to xstring: Getting a PDF in an xstring format in the ABAP environment

Adobe Flex 3: can I get TTF/OTF system fonts and embed at runtime?

Adobe Flex 3: can I get TTF/OTF system fonts and embed at runtime?
I'm a Stack Overflow noob so please go easy on me.
I've searched all day and found dozens of tutorial/examples on how to use [Embed] metadata or
Flash SWF files but they all tell me to either use a path in the source attrib or a text string in the systemFont attrib. What I want to do is; at runtime get all installed fonts on a given machine, determine which are TTF/OTF, embed them all and offer them in a comboBox. Something along these lines;
public function embedFonts():void{
//get all device and embedded fonts
availableFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(true);
availableFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
for each(var thisFont:Font in availableFonts)
//this bit need to create a unique variable name on each loop
var thisfont:Class;
//if cant embed it's likely not to be TTF or OTF
//so move on to the next font.
Does anyone know a way?
Many, many thanks
You can't embed fonts at runtime.
And what would be the point?
Your swf runs on my machine, enumerates fonts on my machine, then embeds them
and offer them back to me? They are installed, use them directly, no need to embed.
So not only that is it not possible, but probably nobody will ever implement such a feature.