Best way to store real world "events" in a DB? - sql

I'm building a system which will collect data about an industrial process, which is externally controlled. Those datas will be used to build usage statistics for various components of the system.
Simplified example: there's a heater that is turned on and off, and I get notified when it happens. I need to log this, and based on these data be able to answer questions like "How long has the heater been on last month?"
What I came up with is to create a table in which I insert a line each time a state change happens, include a timestamp.
However, it seems to me that it will require quite a lot of after-processing, eg to answer the example question above. I see no way to extract this kind of answer with just SQL.
Question: is there a better suited, more effective "storage pattern" that what I describe here?

You could store the time the heater was on, rather than the discrete on/off events. Use time_on and time_off columns to track when the heater was turned on and off respectively, and then subtract time_on from time_off to get the duration.
When the heater is turned on:
insert into heater_usage (time_on, time_off) values (now(), null);
When the heater is turned off:
update heater_usage set time_off = now() where time_off is null;
Use unique constraints to insure no two rows can have null for time_off, as a basic check to make sure you don't leave "dangling" records with no time_off if your script isn't invoked properly. You could check for those when the heater is turned on, and remove them.
To sum the total time on:
select sum(time_off - time_on) from heater_usage;

I dont think you have provided enough information to be able to propose a design.
I am sure that you are storing more than just one event type; is it a few, or is it a very large amount.
how different is the data that needs to be stored for each event type?
how often will this system need to be changed? will you have to edit or add event types regularly or rarely?
is this a system that has to be flexible to the type of data that an event produces?
that said, you effectively have two main types of design possibilities:
create a unique table for every event type that explicitly captures data for the event type OR create a limited number of tables that can store data for many event types which have a column containing xml, or serialised data of some form.
the first is less flexible, the second requires more post processing.


Limitations in using all string columns in BigQuery

I have an input table in BigQuery that has all fields stored as strings. For example, the table looks like this:
name dob age info
"tom" "11/27/2000" "45" "['one', 'two']"
And in the query, I'm currently doing the following
table AS (
"tom" AS name,
"11/27/2000" AS dob,
"45" AS age,
"['one', 'two']" AS info )
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) birth_year,
ANY_value(PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob)) bod,
ANY_VALUE(name) example_name,
EXTRACT( year from PARSE_DATE('%m/%d/%Y', dob))
Additionally, I tried doing a very basic group by operation casting an item to a string vs not, and I didn't see any performance degradation on a data set of ~1M rows (actually, in this particular case, casting to a string was faster):
Other than it being bad practice to "keep" this all-string table and not convert it into its proper type, what are some of the limitations (either functional or performance-wise) that I would encounter by keeping a table all-string instead of storing it as their proper type. I know there would be a slight increase in size due to storing strings instead of number/date/bool/etc., but what would be the major limitations or performance hits I'd run into if I kept it this way?
Off the top of my head, the only limitations I see are:
Queries would become more complex (though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder).
A bit more difficult to extract non-string items from array fields.
Inserting data becomes a bit trickier (for example, need to keep track of what the date format is).
But these all seem like very small items that can be worked around. Are there are other, "bigger" reasons why using all string fields would be a huge limitation, either in limiting query-ability or having a huge performance hit in various cases?
First of all - I don't really see any bigger show-stoppers than those you already know and enlisted
though wouldn't really matter if using a query-builder ...
based on above excerpt - I wanted to touch upon some aspect of this approach (storing all as strings)
While we usually concerned about CASTing from string to native type to apply relevant functions and so on, I realized that building complex and generic query with some sort of query builder in some cases requires opposite - cast native type to string for applying function like STRING_AGG [just] as a quick example
So, my thoughts are:
When table is designed for direct user's access with trivial or even complex queries - having native types is beneficial and performance wise and being more friendly for user to understand, etc.
Meantime, if you are developing your own query builder and you design table such that it will be available to users for querying via that query builder with some generic logic being implemented - having all fields in string can be helpful in building the query builder itself.
So it is a balance - you can lose a little in performance but you can win in being able to better implement generic query builder. And such balance depend on nature of your business - both from data prospective and what kind of query you envision to support
Note: your question is quite broad and opinion based (which is btw not much respected on SO) so, obviously my answer - is totally my opinion but based on quite an experience with BigQuery
Are you OK to store string "33/02/2000" as a date in one row and "21st of December 2012" in another row and "22ое октября 2013" in another row?
Are you OK to store string "45" as age in one row and "young" in another row?
Are you OK when age "10" is less than age "9"?
Data types provide some basic data validation mechanism at the database level.
Does BigQuery databases have a notion of indexes?
If yes, then most likely these indexes become useless as soon as you start casting your strings to proper types, such as
age > 10 and age < 30
and ANY_VALUE(SAFE_CAST(age AS INT64)) < 30
It is normal that with less columns/rows you don't feel the problems. You start to feel the problems when your data gets huge.
Major concerns:
Maintenance of the code: Think of future requirements that you may receive. Every conversion for data manipulation will add extra complexity to your code. For example, if your customer asks for retrieving teenagers in future, you'll need to convert string to date to get the age and then be able to do the manupulation.
Data size: The data size has broader impacts that can not be seen at the start. For example if you have N parallel test teams which require own test systems, you'll need to allocate more disk space.
Read Performance: When you have more bytes to read in huge tables it will cost you considerable time. For example typically telco operators have a couple of billions of rows data per month.
If your code complexity increase, you'll need to replicate conversions in multiple places.
Even single of above items should push one to distance from using strings for everything.
I would think the biggest issue with this would be if there are other users of this table/data, for instance if someone is trying to write reports with it and do calculations or charts or date ranges it could be a big headache having to always cast or convert the data with whatever tool they are using. You or someone would likely get a lot of complaints about it.
And if someone decided to build a layer between this data and the reporting tool which converted all of the data, then you may as well just do it one time to the table/data and be done with it.
From the solution below, you might face some storage and performance problems, you can find some guidance in the official documentation:
The main performance problem will come from the CAST operation, remember that the BigQuery Engine will have to deal with a CAST operation for each value per row.
In order to test the compute cost of this operations, I used the following query:
Inspecting the stages executed in the execution details we are able to see the following:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
TO __stage00_output
Only the Read, Limit and Write operations are required. However if we execute the same query adding the the CAST operator.
CAST(street_number AS int64)
We see that a compute operation is also required in order to perform the cast operation:
FROM bigquery-public-data.austin_311.311_service_requests
$10 := CAST($1 AS INT64)
TO __stage00_output
Those compute operations will consume some time, that might cause problems when escalating the operation size.
Also, remember that each time that you want to use the data type properties of each data type, you will have to cast your value, and deal with the compute operation time required.
Finally, referring to the storage performance, as you mentioned Strings do not have a fixed size, and that might cause a size increase.

Best data structure to store temperature readings over time

I used to work with SQL like MySQL, Postgres or MSSQL.
Now I want to play with Redis. I'm working on a little home project, that I think is the best choice for starting using Redis.
I have a machine that reads temperature (indoor and outdoor) and humidity. I need to store the readings into Redis. Can you help me to understand the best data structure to do so?
Other than this data I need to store the time (ex. unix timestamp) of the temperature reading for use plotting a graphic.
I installed Redis read the documentation, so I understand the commands and data types.
Since this is your first Redis project and it's a home project, I'd be careful about being to careful. Here's a couple ways to consider designing it (NOTE: I only dug deep into REDIS this past weekend so hopefully others will weigh in).
Four ordered sets
KEY for sets are "indoor_temps", "outdoor_temps", "indoor_humidity", "outdoor_humidity"
VALUES are the temperatures / humidities
SCORE is the date stored as EPOCH
Four types of keys (best shown by example)
datetime_key = /year:2014/month:07/day:12/hour:07/minute:32/second:54
type_keys = [indoor_temps, outdoor_temps, indoor_humidity, outdoor_humidity]
keys are of form type + "/" + datetime_key
values are the temp and humidity itself
You probably want to implement some initial design and then work with the data immediately - graph it, do stats, etc. Whatever you plan to do with it. That will expose flaws and if they are major, flush the database and try again. These designs should really only take ~1 hour to implement since the only thing you're really changing is a few Redis commands and some string manipulation to convert the data to keys.
I like Tony's suggestions, but I'll also throw out another possibility.
4 lists
keys are "indoor_temps", "outdoor_temps", "indoor_humidity", "outdoor_humidity"
values are of the form < timestamp >_< reading > ie.( "1403197981_27.2" )
Push items onto the front of the list using LPUSH. Get a set of readings using LRANGE. The list will always be ordered by the time of the reading. Obviously split the value on "_" to get your time and reading...
In all honesty, this will give the same properties as Tony's first example, with slightly worse lookup performance, but better memory usage. I'm guessing for this project you'll be neither memory, nor CPU constrained, so the choice is probably not an issue. That said, if you expect to be saving 100's of thousands or more readings, I would suggest the list unless you want to consume a large portion of your system's memory.
Also, it's a good idea to call EXPIRE on your entries with some reasonable TTL that encompasses the length of time you want to save the readings for. If your plan is to have them live in perpetuity then you may want to look at backing them up to a disk DB over time, and just use Redis as a quick lookup cache for recent readings.
Thank to all answer, I choose this strucure:
4 lists: tempIN, tempOut, humidIN and humidOUT
values are: [value]:[timestamp]. For example: "25.4:1403615247"
As suggested from wallacer i want to backup old entries out from Redis.
For main frontend i need only last two days of sample.
For example i can create Redis RDB file snapshot and "trim" the live lists. This solution is not convenient in the event that, in the future you want to recover old values​​.
Do you have any tips on what kind of procedure to adopt to store the data? Maybe use of SQLIte DB?

django objects...values() select only some fields

I'm optimizing the memory load (~2GB, offline accounting and analysis routine) of this line:
l2 = Photograph.objects.filter(**(movie.get_selectors())).values()
Is there a way to convince django to skip certain columns when fetching values()?
Specifically, the routine obtains all rows of the table matching certain criteria (db is optimized and performs it very quickly), but it is a bit too much for python to handle - there is a long string referenced in each row, storing the urls for thumbnails.
I only really need three fields from each row, but, if all the fields are included, it suddenly consumes about 5kB/row which sadly pushes the RAM to the limit.
The values(*fields) function allows you to specify which fields you want.
Check out the QuerySet method, only. When you declare that you only want certain fields to be loaded immediately, the QuerySet manager will not pull in the other fields in your object, till you try to access them.
If you have to deal with ForeignKeys, that must also be pre-fetched, then also check out select_related
The two links above to the Django documentation have good examples, that should clarify their use.
Take a look at Django Debug Toolbar it comes with a debugsqlshell management command that allows you to see the SQL queries being generated, along with the time taken, as you play around with your models on a django/python shell.

How to distinguish in master data and calculated interpolated data?

I'm getting a bunch of vectors with datapoints for a fixed set of values, in the example below you see an example of a vector with a value per time point
But alas not for all the timepoints is a value available. All vectors are stored in a database and with a trigger we calcuate the missing values by interpolation, or possibly a more advanced algorithm. Somehow I want to be able to tell which data points have been calculated and which have been original delivered to us. Of course I can add a flag column to the table with values indicating whether the value was a master value or is calculated, but I'm wondering whether there is a more sophisticated way. We probably don't need to determine on a regular basis, so cpu cycles are not an issue for determining or insertion.
The example above shows some nice looking numbers but in reality it would look more somethin like 3.1415966533.
The database for storage is called oracle 10.
Could you deactivate the trigger temporarily?

Should we put units of measurements in attribute names? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I think most of us agree that it's a good idea to use a descriptive name for variables, object attributes, and database columns. If you want to store something's name, you may as well call the attribute Name so people know what to put in it.
Where the unit of measurement isn't immediately apparent, I think you should go a step further and include the unit of measurement in the name. Length_mm, for example, should help remind developers that they'd better convert the length to mm if the user just entered it in inches.
My database administrator, however, just told me that including units of measurement in database column names is “frowned upon”. I think that's just nuts, but perhaps there's some risk DBAs know about that I don't.
Throw me a line, here: should we embed units of measurement in our attribute names? Why? Why not?
If you have a consistent UOM for things, then your DBA's policy is OK.
For example, if timespans are ALWAYS in minutes, etc.
If the UOM could change, then you should store it in another column, alongside the qty.
That said, I tend to side with you on this. Clarity trumps most things, including this. I'd rather see DurationMinutes than Duration and have to guess what the UOM is.
Yes. You should.
The key, as #[Charles Bretana] pointed out, is legibility and that the other users of your table or developers following you know what you're using.
I would absolutely involve the units/measurement in a field name - in my business you can't guess what you'll find from the context or name: a field entitled MarketValue - is that in millions, thousands or units? US Dollars, Euros, pounds, $CURRENCY? Is that value a percentage, a ratio? Absolute or relative? Daily, monthly, calendar year, financial year? That timestamp, what time zone is it?
Your first, last and only task when providing data is to ensure that it isn't used incorrectly because the consumer wasn't able to find out enough about it. As developers, throwing "Metre", "USD", "GMT", "Percent" or whatever into a field name isn't the least bit smelly.
There are enormous smells that need resolving before the tiny whiff of field naming needs standardising.
This is why the Mars Climate Orbiter crashed into the surface at 350 meters/sec when it was planned to only handle 350 ft/sec (or something like that).
Although "Never say 'Never' or 'Always'" is, in general, a good rule of thumb, here I will bend my rule and say I think you should "always" make it clear what units a numeric value is in.
The convention of naming all my columns in the format:
helped for one project, since I was using si units it actually ended up allowing me to be able to infer the column data type and generally simplify my writing style.
there were a few exceptions that I handled either with at_time or number_of:
I think this is a good idea anywhere since there is always room for ambiguity.
For example, the with high performance timer class we use, I keep having to check if the GetElapsed() method returns seconds or milliseconds or something else. If it were called GetElapsedMilliseconds() that would save the confusion.
The only downside being if you wanted to change your mind ... but in that case any clients would need to know about the change anyway.
F# has an interesting twist on this allowing measurement units to be specified in the type system. See this blog post, and another stackoverflow question discussing Are units of measurement unique to F#?
I've done a lot of database work, and I would not frown upon that at all, nor have I heard of frowning on it.
It's better than the extended properties, which is not apparent to the casual developer. It's better than in a separate document, because many developers won't read them, and certainly not in great detail. If the units are set, then having it in the name sounds like a good idea. If that changes, then when the unit field is added, change the name of the measurement field.
Where the unit of measurement isn't immediately apparent, I think you should go a step further and include the unit of measurement in the name. Length_mm, for example, should help remind developers that they'd better convert the length to mm if the user just entered it in inches.
You could go even a step further (in your code, not in the database) and have a Length type, which takes care of the measurement unit and of possible conversions. This is the approach of the "Quantity" pattern in Martin Fowler's "Analysis Patterns" book.
Do not put units of measurement (or column type) in your database column names.
Many Databases have the ability to document/comment columns in some way (in SQL Server it is sp_addextendedproperty), I would suggest that is a more appropriate place.
For Python datetimes, consider using objects from the datetime package. Doing so will capture the unit implicity to microsecond resolution. There is then no basis for including the unit in the variable name.
If you must use an int or float instead, it is strongly recommend to suffix the unit name abbreviation to the variable name. For example, instead of the variable name diff, use diff_secs for seconds, diff_ms for milliseconds, diff_µs for microseconds, or diff_ns for nanoseconds.
We don't put units of measurement in column names in our database. We do, however, have a data dictionary document where all of the columns and relationships are described.
The ideal approach is, if possible, to use a type that leaves no ambiguity as to the measurement. For example in .NET rather than saying int periodInSeconds you'd be much better off using TimeSpan period.
The F# language actually has units of measurement as part of the type system so you can declare types in units such as 10<m/s> and 5<s> and even perform calculations on them so something like 10<m/s> * 5<s> would result in 50<m>. See here for more info.
So I'd say if possible use a type that conveys your intention, but if that isn't possible then you should probably encode the measurement into the name. It's better and more obvious than a comment.
You definitely want units of measurement somewhere. I don't know if the column names are a good place or if the schema is better. Ask your database administrator
Where is the information about units of measure stored?
How can I get access to the units programmatically?
If the answers are "it isn't" or "you can't", complain bitterly---they have no right to deny you your naming convention. Otherwise, all may be happier if you work within the system.
P.S. I really like the support for units of measure that they've put into F#.
I have to say, I hate "descriptive" variable names becoming "incredibly verbose" variable names.
My preferred alternative is to use nothing but the unit-of-measure names in short functions. Eg.
function velocity(m, s) {
return m/s;
You don't need to say "length_m" because in this context, it's obvious that only lengths are measurable in metres.
Having said that. If I was writing a system where units of measure errors were really dangerous, I'd probably use the type system and define a Length class which always converted itself into a standard unit for any calculation. Maybe even different sub-classes for Feet, Metres etc.
NO, the name of the attribute is seperate from its unit of measurement.
If you call a variable length_mm then you are tied to mm.
what if you use a 32bit int to store length_mm, eventually the length in mm may get larger then 62,000, or whatever the limit is on 32bit ints. You cant switch over to m cause you tied you length variable to length_mm.
I think putting units in your identifiers is a huge design smell. It almost surely means that you chose the wrong language: if units are so important to the project, you'd better be using a language whose type system is capable of representing them.