Fluent Nhibernate and MVC - sql

I am trying to do a MVC project where i want to use fluent nhibernate. gonna use sql. unfortunately i am confused about how to even start it. i found no tutorials in the net. i need help in organizing my project.thanks in advance

I have a series on my blog where I build a forum application using asp.net mvc and fluent nhibernate. You can check out one of the earlier posts and download the source code. Here is the link to the series: http://mattias-jakobsson.net/archive.aspx#Jakobsson-forum.

Sharp architecture can be helpful. You can base your application on it. It contains MVC and nHibernate and handles many problems that you will have during application development. It is solid base for every MVC app.

You should look at Who Can Help Me?, which is an example site put together by EMC that uses many of the big OSS projects out there today. Specifically of interest: MVC + Sharp Architecture + Fluent NHibernate.
James Broome has also written plenty of stuff about using all the technologies used in the above on his EMC blog.


Why are Fluent UI react and Fluent UI web components libraries different?

Not sure it's the right question for this forum, but I couldn't find another place for it.
Our design team built their design system based on fluent ui libraries as described here. They downloaded the design from here.
Unfortunately, our engineering team is using Angular, so we naturally reached for the option of web component but found out to our surprise that the library is completely different - different set of components, abilities, and of course - a completely different design.
I thought that all fluentui platforms are supposed to be an implementation / interface of the same design. Why is this not the case? What am I missing?
Is there a way we can use the design described in here in Angular? (Except actually using the react library inside my Angular project).
Thanks for helping and very sorry if this question is inappropriate for this forum.
fluent web components integrated with angular.
take a look at documents

Piranha CMS How To Extend

I've just started looking at Piranah as a way to jump start a personal project. It looks great, but I would like to extend some of the models. For example, have an physical address field for every bog post.
What is the best way to add that, without causing issues when upgrading later?
Given that you’re using the latest version of Piranha for .NET Core the content types are very flexible and you can extend them in many ways through the framework. You can find good documentation on this here:
If you’re using the legacy version of Piranha (2.x) you can read about it here.
The content model of the latest version of Piranha is far more flexible.
Best regards

Reusing ExtJs code for Sencha project. Actual experience?

We're currently developing big project using ExtJs 4.0 as a frontend framework. Backend is Entity Framework + SQL Server but it's not important to the matter of this question (I hope).
I'm looking to add mobile version of our application using Sencha Touch. I've read couple articles stating that somewhat 40-50% code can be reused. Does anybody have any real experience doing so?
If I'm using ExtJs MVC architecture will I reuse only models / stores classes? Or is there any way to also reuse for example some of business logic inside controllers?
What will be actually project organization and folders structure? Do I need to keep two different trees or is everything can be combined under one roof and only while building different projects I would get different app-all.js files?
There's some notes here:
Combining Sencha Touch and ExtJS in your Project
video no doubt coming soon, senchaworld.com is the place for vids.

nhibernate: simple template project

I have been using NHibernate for a few years, but whenever I have a question I find myself in the situation of "it would take me 8h to build a sample app/adapt my business-code before I can ask a question".
Is there a simple Visual Studio project out there (maybe even including something like "AbstractDomainObject") to download which one can reference?
Cheers, Patrick
Sharp Architecture is a good place to start as it "provides a solid architectural foundation for rapidly building maintainable web applications leveraging the ASP.NET MVC framework with NHibernate." The Sharp Architecture zip files can be found at GitHub.
Another possibility would be use to the .NET Reference App which is used in Headspring's Agile Boot Camp training.
Finally, the example source code provided with ASP.NET MVC in Action could also be useful.

How do I get access to Castle Windsor's Fluent Interfaces API?

I've been having tons of problems getting the non-xml configuration for Castle Windsor set up working properly. In the meantime I've seen more and more people giving advice via the Windsor Container fluent interface. I've been Gooogling about for the last day and I cannot find this API anywhere.
I am talking about the key .Register() method which seems to be an extension method to the IWindsorContainer object. It seems like it might be in the Castle.MicroKernel.Registration namespace, but I cannot find the corresponding library anywhere!
Also, is there any place where I can find documentation for this stuff?
I found that the copy of Castle.MicroKernel in the sample project here has more namespaces then the one I was using (even though this one is eight days older and v1.0.0 whereas mine is v1.0.3...), still having trouble finding the .Register() method or any samples though.
I found some fluent interface samples at Bitter Coder, no downloadable samples though so I'm still at a loss.
Edit Again: Finally got it. The most recent source code for castle windsor is available here, get the most recent successful build, inside the zip file is a bin directory. The fluent interface is inside Castle.Microkernel (you will probably need to reference Castle.Dynaproxy, Castle.Dynaproxy2 and Castle.Windsor too).
PS This post is the #1 Google result for "castle fluent interface documentation" sad guys, you need to get on that. Crickets chirp What's that? Fine. Let me figure this out then I'll get on it then.
The Fluent interfaces were introduced a while ago - but are only available on Trunk (after RC3) either grab the castles sources (from the projects subversion repository) and build the IoC projects yourself from here, or easier still grab the latest successful build on the continuous integration server and use that.
Castle.MicroKernel.Registration is the name space you'll need to use, in the MicroKernel assembly - once you have a reasonably fresh build of Castle you should be able to find Register(...) methods on both IKernel and IWindsorContainer interfaces, allowing the application of "registration components" (anything which implements IRegistration) which includes the various fluent component registration features in Castle, as well as anything custom you might develop.
The best place to ask questions regarding Castle is the google castle-project-users and castle-project-devel groups - keep an eye out for Craig Neuwirt in particular as he's the core developer working on the fluent interface features in Castle Windsor, and so is best equipped to answer questions about the various fluent interface features, as they are not widely documented yet.
Ok, so just for reference. Official, complete documentation for the API is on Castle Windsor Documentation Wiki