Using Log4Fx with Flash Builder 4 - flash-builder

Is it possible to use Log4Fx with Flash Builder 4 ? The error I get is
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Clear Data Builder 4.1 (
Missing requirement: DTO-to-Flex Annotations Processor (com.farata.dto2fx.asap requires 'bundle org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Clear Data Builder 4.1 (
To: com.farata.dto2fx.asap []


Missing user and channel fields in google-benchmark conan package

I am trying to install the google benchmark library using the C++ package manager Conan. However, the user and channel fields seem to be missing from the conan-center. I also get an error if I try to search for the library on the conan-center.
$conan search benchmark --remote=conan-center
ERROR: Value provided for user name, '_' (type str), is too short. Valid names must contain at least 2 characters.. [Remote: conan-center]
Is something off with the conan-center, or am I missing something? I noticed that other packages show the same behavior (gtest, doctest, etc.), although they also have a "regular" version provided by bincrafters.
Since Conan 1.18 the package namespace became optional. This feature was introduced together with the new Conan Center Index which has received all Conan recipes again, but without namespace.
All old and new packages, including from Conan Community and Bincrafters, will stay in Bintray Conan Center as well.
Now about your error:
ERROR: Value provided for user name, '_' (type str), is too short. Valid names must contain at least 2 characters.. [Remote: conan-center]
This error occurred because your Conan client is outdated. I believe you are running <= 1.17.
I strongly recommend you update your Conan client to the latest version (1.20.4).

Accord Framework HiddenMarkovClassifier(TDistribution, TObservation) API

When I upgrade to Accord Framework 3.2.0 and run software I get 2 'obsolete' errors:
Warning 1 'HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'MultivariateNormalDistribution'>'' is obsolete: 'Please use HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>' instead.'
Warning 14 'BaumWelchLearning'<'MultivariateNormalDistribution'>' is obsolete: 'Please use BaumWelchLearning'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>' instead.'
There is no apparent API for the BaumWelchLearning'<'TDistribution, TObservation'>'. When I go to the new API for HiddenMarkovClassifier'<'TDistribution'>' and the relatively minor changes reflected on that documentation it does not fix the 2 issues above.
Any suggestions?
The was answered in updated documentation for Accord Framework in Google Groups Support :!topic/accord-net/CdB4vsUNr_Y

MuleDevKit - Build a Transformer and access it in the palette

I'am trying to build a custom transformer with Muledevkit. I am successful in building one and I can install it in my studio. But I couldn't figure out a way how to allow the end-user to set a property (like how its shown in custom-transformer under the 'Transformer Settings' -> 'Property') to access inside my Transformer class.
Unfortunately this is a feature not covered by the DevKit transformers.
Because DevKit transformers can be implicitly called (Mule out of the box mechanism to resolve transformers), there are some constrains we have to follow.
The only work around I can think of is to create a processor that does the transformation for you.
I'll add this as a feature request on our backlog.

SQLite.Net-PCL in Metro App using VB.NET - missing classes

I have included SQLite.Net-PCL v2.3.0 in my Metro app but it seems some classes are missing.
Dim MyPlatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT()
Using connection = New SQLiteConnection(MyPlatform , _dbPath)
End Using
**SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT** class is not recognized.
Tried adding SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRTfirst but no success. IT says:
"To use this package you will need to install one of the platform packages or write your own implementation of ISQLitePlatform." (taken from
What does it mean to implement my own interface ? I know my platform is WinRT, why can't I just use that version?
Any sample code or solution for this ?
You have to download and copy the sqlite3.dll in all the projects. See the following documentation:
It will explain for each type of project

Error when creating a new view using MvcScaffoldingT4TwitterBootstrapMvc Nuget package

I installed the MvcScaffolding4TwitterBootstrapMvc package which is based on the scaffolding stuff Steve Sanderson has done. Now I'm attempting to create a new view based on it and I'm just receiving PS errors.
I'm typing this:
Scaffold View LocationType CreateOrEdit -Template _CreateOrEdit
(I've tried other view templates as well)
I receive this error message:
t4(115,64) : error CS1061: Compiling transformation: 'EnvDTE.CodeProperty' does not contain a definition for 'IsScaffoldable' and no extension method 'IsScaffoldable' accepting a first argument of type 'EnvDTE.CodeProperty' could be found
At packages\MvcScaffolding4TwitterBootstrapMvc.1.0.2\tools\RazorView\MvcScaffolding.RazorView.ps1:42 char:27
Obviously the template is causing the error because it can't find something (maybe the T4 library)? But I'm not really sure what or where I'd fix it.
It looks like the IsScaffoldable extension method doesn't exist in the version of the T4Scaffolding.DLL that is installed with the NuGet package.
If found this work item which lead me to GitHub and I see this method exists. Since I'm not really using this attribute, I decided it's probably just simpler for me to remove the .IsScaffoldable() call from the T4 template instead of pulling down the source and compiling a new version of T4Scaffolding.