GET request with space in QueryString crashes code - wcf

Simply put my code is working fine and returning JSON from GET requests, but when there is a space in one of the value pairs of the QueryString the Service shuts down. Even when debugging in the IDE no exception is thrown, although, using Fiddler to perform the GET request I get back a "HTTP Error 400 - Bad Request" - probably because the server's just shut down (the Visual Studio development Server).

Spaces aren't a legal part of the querystring, and should be replaced with a + (plus sign)


Error vs Meteor.Error

What is the difference between throw new Error and using Meteor.Error()? Is it simply that throw new Error will not be shown to the client, only on the server (the client will get a 500 Internal server error); and Meteor.Error will be sent to the client.
Are there any more differences? E.g. Does one break out of Fibers, stops downstream code?
The main thing with Meteor.Error is like you mentioned
A full stack trace (may not be given by Error always)
Possibility to send the error down to the client, in a limited non revealing form.
Hide the error from the server in certain cases (if its thrown in a method or publish method, and from hooks such as Accounts.onLoginAttempt)
The objects inside are EJSON serialised so a variety of data can be sent down to the client
When a Meteor.Error is thrown, because of the EJSON serialisation you get a bit more information on the server side.
Meteor displays the errors better.
Often you can get [Object object] as the reason to be displayed from ordinary errors when they come from ordinary Errors, from Meteor.wrapAsync
Theres not much else that's different, Meteor.Error is a a subclass of Error with the above changes.
So they'll both stop downstream code. When it comes to Fibers, if the ordinary one is thrown out of a Fiber in any way its likely to stop your app (on the server side & not in a method, startup, Meteor.setInterval, publish, etc)
Its definition is also quite small:

Dojo informative message sent after xhrPost

Let's say that a request is sent to server via xhrPost and server finds that request needs more information to be processed (for example a variable is missing), so, a response is sent back to client informing that request may have not been completely processed and this message is shown in a dialog box.
I was doing it sending from server an HTTP 202 status code, which I believe is not correct, and treating it on load function, where this message was displayed on a dialog box. But if I respond with some HTTP error code (ex: 400) the error is displayed in console (Note: in this case the message is treated in error function), as well as in my dialog box.
What is the best and correct way to do it?
Note that it is called a load handler, not a success handler.
The load hander is for valid, well formatted responses. These can contain a verity of status codes generated by your server side app that indicates success, failure, or something in between.
The error is just that, the server blew up while trying to process the request and whatever you get back is probably not something your widget was written to expect. For this reason, I recommend using the same error handler across your whole app.
The dojo documentation states:
Sometimes xhrGet calls will fail. Often these are 404 errors or server errors such as 500. The error parameter is another callback function that is only invoked when an error occurs. This allows you to control what happens when an error occurs without having to put a lot of logic into your load function to check for error conditions. The first parameter passed to the error function is a JavaScript Error object indicating what the failure was. Dojo doc

WebAPI hangs indefinitely when receiving a POST with incorrect Content-Length in header

I have a project set up using ASP.NET WebAPI on top of Azure, and am having a problem whenever I try to make an HTTP Post where the content-length is too long in the header.
Normally I would've just ignored this problem, because you should be correctly setting the content-length on POST, but it turns out that when this happens, it causes the session to hang indefinitely, and then the Azure emulator crashes.
I have a custom JSON Formatter which extends MediaTypeFormatter, and I set a breakpoint on the first line of my implementation of OnReadFromStreamAsync(). However, the breakpoint is never hit because the hangup happens before ever hitting the JSON Deserializer.
I really have no idea where this hanging is occurring from because I receive no exception, just an indefinite hang and occasional Azure emulator crash.
Thank you in advance for any help or insight you might provide!
This sounds like a bug. The good thing is that you can get updated developer bits form codeplex.
There is a chance what your experiencing is related to one of these:
WebAPI: Stream uploading under webhost is not working
DevDiv 388456 -- WebHost should not use Transfer-Encoding chunked when
content length is known.
Zero ContentLength without content type header in body is throwing
If the updated bits don't fix your problem I suggest you try the standard media formatters to rule in/out your formatter. Failing that, then submit an issue.

How to log error 500 in wcf applications

We all are know some time we will get 500 error while trying to hit wcf url. for example if pass string value to integer parameter it will throw 500 error as request error. my question is how to log, this kind error in some file? because this will not reach our actual end point class coding right? so how to log this error in some file?
Any Help?
Assuming you want to log these on the server size, you should configure WCF tracing and use SvcTraceViewer to analyze the logs. More details on MSDN:
I may very well be wrong here - but if the client is supplying the wrong parameters to a web method, that would be a 404 as no method matches the incoming request?
I would say it's the clients job to send the right data to the right function, and to handle failures appropriately (an EndPointNotFoundException perhaps)

What does "Predicate Mismatch for View"

I am writing a iOS client for a an existing product that uses a legacy SOAP webservice. I got the proper URL to send my SOAP/XML messages too and even have some samples. However, none of them seem to work...
I always get a 404 error with the following error text "Predicate mismatch for View"
I am using an ASIFormDataRequest for the actual request and apending the data (SOAP XML in this case) via [someFormRequest appenData:myData].
I am flat out of ideas here and am wondering what, if anything I am doing wrong. Or should I ping one of the back end guys? Could this error be a result of something on the server side?
This is an error message spit out by the pyramid web framework when attempting to access a URL without supplying all of the required parameters. You definitely want to double check that the URL you are using has all of the required params (headers, query string options, request body, etc) and if you're convinced that what you are sending is correct then but your backend guys because it's definitely a miscommunication or a bug between the two of you.