Google SSL security - ssl

I need to implement some search functionalities in my app and want to use Google SSL.
Can the ISP still see what you are searching by analyzing the querystring? If so then what's the point of this service?

When using SSL (https) all traffic including the query string is encrypted. All that ISP can see is host address and TCP port number. If the page that you are viewing contains insecure content (http) you should be warned by your browser.


Where would be the best place to host my simple Flask API?

I have a Flask API which has no database but just a json file that stores the data. At the moment I have put it on an EC2 and opened a port so someone can put in the IP address and port and have access to the API that way. The problem with this is that I get a mixed content error since the site it uses is HTTPS and the API is HTTP. I want to put the API behind HTTPS on a proper platform but I'm not sure where to start.
Is there a platform that I can host the API python file and the json file behind an HTTPS?
All of them? EC2 allows HTTPS (per #tawfikboujeh's comment). I don't actually know a hosting platform that would allow HTTP but not HTTPS.
There are some options in how you accomplish this:
Use a self-signed certificate. This will give you HTTPS but all the modern browsers will give a nasty warning to all your visitors.
Purchase a signed certification for you IP address from a CA. Just hope you don't have to change your IP address.
Purchase a domain and use Let's Encrypt to generate a signed certificate for you.
Option 3 would be the most robust solution, but it does carry the cost of a domain (maybe $10/year).
Google App Engine is perfect for this. SSL cert is free, and you would be in their free tier.

How to prevent SSL Proxying for https site?

I'm serving my site through nginx. For securing it, I have added ssl certificate and made it compatible with https protocol.
Now when I do request data from the site through browser while keeping ssl proxying on, whole request body and response body are showing there, so there is some loophole in my configuration and if it's not a loophole, I want it to be like giant company's site - facebook, apple etc. Where these ssl proxy tool can not parse the request and response.
If the client doesnt explicit show itself as a proxy (aka via X-Forwarded headers), is very hard to know for a server if any connection establishes proxied, Of course, out there are sophisticated methods to find these connections, like blacklists with common proxy sites, AI traffic algorithms, etc. but you will need massive amounts of data (that giant companies have) or specialized traffic services like cloudflare.

Ant-Media-Server + SSL without Domain

Ant-Media-Server is running on an IPAdress without any domains. We just set up this server to be used for streaming in order to use it from different domains pointing to different servers.
Since all of our domains use ssl, we face the typical connection problem:
mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but attempted to connect to the insecure WebSocket endpoint 'ws://'. This request has been blocked; this endpoint must be available over WSS.
Ant-Media already offers tutorials on how to install a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate but sadly it is not available for pure IP-Addresses.
Apart from the Ant-Media Service, the server doesn't has any NGINX, NodeJS, Apache or other http Servers installed - the plan was just to use it for streaming by calling the IP-Address.
Do you have any ideas on how to solve that problem?
Unfortunately, this is not possible.
The goal of having a SSL is ensure you are requesting the right domain name besides encrypting the content between your users and your server.
Here are some alternatives:
create an endpoint in your own app that proxies data to your server.
Instead of playing the IP address, you can play:
Note that using a proxy will make all the traffic pass through your web app.
As a reference, if you are using PHP on your website, you can have some ideas from here:
Create a reverse-proxy in front of your web app that redirects the traffic to your IP address.
Both solutions does not change your Ant Media Server, just adds a new resource between your users and your streaming server - adding the SSL on it.

Is CloudFlare's free SSL actually secure?

I've just set up CloudFlare on my web app. The free version, since my app isn't generating any revenue right now.
Now all my traffic is routing through CloudFlare's servers, correct? And that connection is "secure" because it's under HTTPS -- Chrome even displays the green padlock.
But CloudFlare is still communicating with my server over HTTP (unsecure connection), are they not?
Doesn't that mean all my client's data is sent in the clear between CloudFlare and my server? And that makes it not really secure at all, despite what Chrome thinks?
The "Flexible" option of the "Crypto / SSL (with SPDY)" setting is not secure. If you read the "Help" text it says:
There is an encrypted connection between your website visitors and CloudFlare, but not from CloudFlare to your server.
You must install an SSL certificate on your own server and then select the "Full SSL (strict)" option to be secure.
You can configure the origin for the CDN (i.e. your servers that provide the original version of the content to be distributed across the CDN) to provide data using HTTPS. With the pro version (which you are not currently using) you can also use the SPDY protocol. HTTPS communication between the CDN and your servers protects that part of the communication path.
Additionally, and optionally, you can use Authenticated Origin Pulls (also available in the free version) to ensure that the CDN and origin (you) are both who you claim to be.

How to incercept IP based HTTPS connections using burp proxy?

I have setup burp proxy on the default gateway in a transparent mode. Burp suite is displaying self signed certificate to web based HTTPS clients and intercepting the traffic. However, it is not able to intercept the IP based traffic.
E.g. It can intercept but not
Is there any way to intercept such traffic? I am open to solution other than Burp as well.
In that case I'll suggest the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy :)
Its free, open source, and easy to use (I'm biased;)
You can create your own root CA cert which you can then import into your browser so that HTTPS traffic can be handled correctly.
You can also tell ZAP which IP addresses it should ignore.
Let me know if you have any questions about it.
Simon (ZAP Project Lead)