How to search for code within a certain project in bazaar - bazaar

How to search for code within a certain project in bazaar (e.g. say under

the bzr-search plugin should be able to help

Click on the "Related projects" link, go to then click on Code link, go to and voila.

Yet another alternative is the bzr-grep plugin.
This command searches the specified files and revisions for a given pattern. The pattern is specified as a Python regular expression.


How to find the commented code in IntelliJ IDE?

Does anyone know a way to search for all (and only) the commented code across all classes in a java project?
For example, using "Find in Path" to search for "//" is not what I want because it also returns URIs (http://......). I want a specialized way to do that.
Thanks in advance.
You can use Structural Search in IntelliJ IDEA.
Below screens as for the version 2019.1.1 (Ultimate Edition) (Works for IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3 too)
Go to Edit > Find > Search Structurally...
File type should be Java and select any path wherever you like to search.
From the top right corner click on gear icon and click on Existing Templates...
Then from Java > Comments, Javadoc and Metadata select comments
Then it will add /* $CommentContent$ */ to the Structural Search window as for the first screenshot.
This will find all the commented code (including Javadoc) from the selected path.
For more info refer : Structural search and replace
About the best you could do would be the Find In Path and use a REGEX of:
That will fix your http:// problem. But it won't find comments that don't start at the beginning of a line. I suppose you could write a much more complex REGEX to find "//" but not proceeded by http: But of course comments can be in /* */ blocks too. So it all depends on how absolute you want to get.
As of intellij 2020.3, there is an inspection for commented out code in java:
Java | Code maturity | Commented out code
So if you want a list of commented out code, you can:
right+click your project, module, subfolder, directory or file where you want to search.
click analyze > inspect code
Click OK
This should open the inspection result window where all your commented out code will be grouped under Java | Code maturity | Commented out code :
If you don't want intellij to search for other issues too, you can create a new profile in File | Settings | Editor | Inspections exactly for that and select it in the analyze dialog.

JIRA: How to get search box to remember project code?

I use the search in JIRA about 50 times a day and every time it forgets what I just entered. Is there any way to tell it to remember the last search or the project code. (By project code I mean the first few letters of bug code such as "AAQT-").
That prefix is known as the project key.
(Also, what version of JIRA are you using? There are some UI differences between Cloud and most Server instances so my following advice might not make sense.)
There isn't a way to pre-define the project key in the quick search box since most JIRA instances have multiple projects, and pre-defining it for just one project doesn't make sense.
However, your browser should be able to remember previous values entered. You would have to overwrite the numerical portion that follows the key, though.
Do you mean save your search as your favourite filter? If so then you can follow these steps :
Click on "Issues" dropdown then choose "Search for issues"
Click on "New filter" button on the top-left area
Type your query
Click on "Save as" button on the above of query field
Give any search name, then it will be save under "Favourite Filters" section

IntelliJ - working with features

I have 2 simple questions that I cannot find answer to.
First is in NetBeans when I type . operator behind a variable or method or whatever, small window with documentation will show up like on the picture. On the other hand I can't achieve the same result in IntelliJ. I followed steps on official website and this is what I get in IntelliJ after I press CTRL+Q. All I want is full documentation so for a begginer like me it would be easier to use and learn stuff.
[EDIT]: I tried it once again and I saw little yellow message "download missing driver" and it is working just fine.. this one is solved.
Second question is about MySQL database driver (or connector). In NetBeans, I just press right click on project and add the library I want. But I can't find solution for this in IntelliJ.
Thanks for every advice!
For the first question, I'm thinking what you mean is the suggestions after you type a '.'. In IntelliJ, the suggestions show only if you have config a right dependency in the File > Project Structure, and the Libraries tab.
And for the second question, also you should find File > Project Structure, in the Modules tab, Add new Database support(Hibernate such as) for you project.
Hope it helps you.
Ok, so I finally found the solution.
I went to Project Structure -> SDKs -> Documentation Paths and I added in there so now when I press CTRL+Q for quick documentation it shows exactly what I needed.

Is there a way to search only in files that have been changed in IntelliJ IDEA?

Is there a way to search for a string in files that have changed? I want to search for the comments I've added before I commit them, but I only know how to search for comments in every file of my project.
Current accepted answer is outdated, this is how you currently search only in your changed files: (don't miss that you should scroll down, the scrollbar is hidden when it's still)
Searching changed files is an option in the "Find in Path" function.
In the scope of your find, select Custom, then use the dropdown to select Changed Files.
As of Intellij 2022.2.4 the option is located in the "Find in Files dialog" (at least on MacOS).

Search by text through the attached sources in IntelliJ

Is it possible to search through the attached sources in IntelliJIDEA 13?
If it is, how to enable that feature?
Thanks in advance.
Hitting the shift key twice should bring up the "search everywhere" dialog.
This reference is for version 14, but I believe it is still valid for version 13.
I found the solution for my problem:
In the search dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F) click on custom scope and click on ellipsis button.
Then use the following pattern:
All the sources will be included in your search.