SQL Server Business Logic: Deleting Referenced Data - sql

I'm curious on how some other people have handled this.
Imagine a system that simply has Products, Purchase Orders, and Purchase Order Lines. Purchase Orders are the parent in a parent-child relationship to Purchase Order Lines. Purchase Order Lines, reference a single Product.
This works happily until you delete a Product that is referenced by a Purchase Order Line. Suddenly, the Line knows its selling 30 of something...but it doesn't know what.
What's a good way to anticipate the deletion of a referenced piece of data like this? I suppose you could just disallow a product to be deleted if any Purchase Order Lines reference it but that sounds...clunky. I imagine its likely that you would keep the Purchase Order in the database for years, essentially welding the product you want to delete into your database.

The parent entity should NEVER be deleted or the dependent rows cease to make sense, unless you delete them too. While it is "clunky" to display old records to users as valid selections, it is not clunky to have your database continue to make sense.
To address the clunkiness in the UI, some people create an Inactive column that is set to True when an item is no longer active, so that it can be kept out of dropdown lists in the user interface.
If the value is used in a display field (e.g. a readonly field) the inactive value can be styled in a different way (e.g. strike-through) to reflect its no-longer-active status.
I have StartDate and ExpiryDate columns in all entity tables where the entity can become inactive or where the entity will become active at some point in the future (e.g. a promotional discount).

Enforce referential integrity. This basically means creating foreign keys between the tables and making sure that nothing "disappears"
You can also use this to cause referenced items to be deleted when the parent is deleted (cascading deletes).
For example you can create a SQL Server table in such a way that if a PurchaseOrder is deleted it's child PurchaseOrderLines are also deleted.
Here is a good article that goes into that.
It doesn't seem clunky to keep this data (to me at least). If you remove it then your purchase order no longer has the meaning that it did when you created it, which is a bad thing. If you are worried about having old data in there you can always create an archive or warehouse database that contains stuff over a year old or something...

For data like this where parts of it have to be kept for an unknown amount of time while other parts will not, you need to take a different approach.
Your Purchase Order Lines (POL) table needs to have all of the columns that the product table has. When a line item is added to the purchase order, copy all of product data into the POL. This includes the name, price, etc. If the product has options, then you'll have to create a corresponding PurchaseOrderLineOptions table.
This is the only real way of insuring that you can recreate the purchase order on demand at any point. It also means that someone can change the pricing, name, description, and other information about the product at anytime without impacting previous orders.
Yes, you end up with a LOT of duplicate information in your line item table..; but that's okay.
For kicks, you might keep the product id in the POL table for referencing back, but you cannot depend on the product table to have any bearing on the paid for product...


SQL DB structure - Draft orders and consideration of Order ID as identifier

I am upgrading a system for a client which was developed by myself around 10 years ago.
It is a standard (if there can be such a thing, of course) sales / inventory / accounting system.
One of the additions they have asked me about was the ability to create draft orders. As the company has grown, so have the sizes of the orders. They want the ability to begin entering an order for a client and have the option of saving and coming back to it later.
My initial thoughts would be to have an orders table which includes drafts and a field which signified the status (draft / posted). This would prevent duplicating data across an Orders table and a DraftOrders table.
This seems correct to me but of course the OrderId field (auto-increment int) would no longer be a solid identifier for the Order (since a lot of the numbers in between orders may be missing).
The client would ideally like to keep the OrderId as an identifier so is there any solution which would enable this, rather than creating a draft order table?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards
If you are to ensure that the identifier has no gaps for taxation purposes, you can not use the PK in the first place. This is because the sequence may have gaps, too. For example, if an INSERT fails due to some constraint violation you lose the reserved sequence number.
In case you do not want to create a separate table, I may suggest adding a new column to store the tax order ID. It will remain NULL for drafts and will be filled programmatically when the order is placed. On the UI you will show this new column and will possibly allow some searching on it (hint: good candidate for an index), yet internally you will still use same FKs as before (for both orders and drafts).

Relational Database design: handling sales receipts

I am making an online market for a learning project. Pardon me for not having a diagram.
I have the tables Seller and Product,which contains data about the seller and products, respectively. A Seller can have multiple products. There is also a Receipt table that stores information regarding purchases made by a customer. This is an important record and must persist. The receipt should be able to have information on the item purchased.
However, products are dynamic, products may be added and removed. But since the Receipt should reference the Product, it means that I should not delete a Product row even if it is no longer on sale.
Is this the right way to do it? Are there any better design pattern I can use?
Yes, that is the right way to do it. If you set the referential integrity right, the system will not allow you to delete a product or seller if it has receipts. The next thing to do is to use a flag to mark the product or seller as deleted or archived. It could be either a boolean or a date that indicates when it became inactive. Using a 'From' AND a 'To' date to indicate valid time intervals, as Hellmar Becker suggests, is very powerfull, but it opens a whole new can of worms: you can have more than one 'valid' period, so you have to extend your primary key.
Modern databases like HANA (from SAP) just don't allow deletes any more, and have inbuilt 'deleted' flags.
This isn't a proper answer. I just want to give you the gift of a diagram since you didn't have one! :)
(Disclaimer: QuickDatabaseDiagrams is my project)

Connecting one foreign key to multiple tables (primary keys)

I am developing an application for making quotations. First you make cost break down (or calculation) and upon that result you add item to quotation. The problem is that i have many product, so each category of a product will have its own cost break down form with different parameters to be filled in. If I will have only one table for cost breakdown, then it will be huge (a lot of fields in table). I have a feeling that this is not the right approach. So I came up with diagram below:
Is this solution even possible, or I must have "N" (if I have N-tables) different FK for each cost break down table? Do you have any better solutions?
I have another question if my linking table "Quotation_QtnDetail" is necessary?
It would be possible to store a reference to a particular value in one of these tables by having a CalculationType column indicating which table the record is in, along with a generic reference ID column (containing the ID of the relevant record). For example, if you were storing a CalcId of 123 and a CalculationType of 2, this would point to the record with ID 123 in the Calc2 table.
The downside to doing this is you're going to lose the ability to validate your data using FK constraints, and it will also make joins to your calculation tables a bit more complicated.
Regarding the Quotation_QtnDetail table, unless a QtnDetail record could ever be linked to multiple Quotation records, there is no need for this extra linking table. Instead, just link it directly by adding a QtnId column to the QtnDetail table. Similarly, you may also be able to remove the Calc_QtnItm table if an item is only ever linked to a single calculation record.

How to handle deletion in relational databases?

If a relational database has, for example, a table Suppliers, where values of Suppliers.ID are used in columns of other tables such as Invoice.Supplier, what should happen if a user wants to "remove Supplier 15 from the system"?
If Supplier 15 has a record in the Invoice table. The rdbms will throw a referential integrity error since Supplier 15 is related and has a record in other tables.
Handling this kind of deletion would depend on your business rules. Should you delete related records first or you can prevent the user from deleting the record if it is used in other tables.
It depends on the nature of the relationship between and Invoice and Supplier :
Can an Invoice exist without a supplier? If it can, you may decide to nullify all the columns that refer to the deleted supplir. If it can't, you can either decide to delete the Invoices that belong to the deleted supplier (if you can consider the invoice to be a sub-object of the supplier object), or you can prevent the deletion of the supplier as long as there are any invoices refering to it.
To elaborate on the comment by #DanBracuk.
Add a column to your table InActive bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.
When you "delete" that supplier set this to 1 and no longer display it in your user interface, except in a master list of suppliers so that it can be turned back on
Most commercial accounting packages use something like this, in most cases if you know the name of an inactive supplier you can type it into a dropdown (and it will be accepted) but it does not appear on the dropdown list.

Should I denormalize Loans, Purchases and Sales tables into one table?

Based on the information I have provided below, can you give me your opinion on whether its a good idea to denormalize separate tables into one table which holds different types of contracts?.. What are the pro's/con's?.. Has anyone attempted this before?.. Banking systems use a CIF (Customer Information File) [master] where customers may have different types of accounts, CD's, mortgages, etc. and use transaction codes[types] but do they store them in one table?
I have separate tables for Loans, Purchases & Sales transactions. Rows from each of these tables are joined to their corresponding customer in the following manner:
customer.pk_id SERIAL = loan.fk_id INTEGER;
= purchase.fk_id INTEGER;
= sale.fk_id INTEGER;
Since there are so many common properties among these tables, which revolves around the same merchandise being: pawned, bought and sold, I experimented by consolidating them into one table called "Contracts" and added the following column:
Contracts.Type char(1) {L=Loan, P=Purchase, S=Sale}
A customer initially pawns merchandise, makes a couple of interest payments, then decides he wants to sell the merchandise to the pawnshop, who then places merchandise in Inventory and eventually sells it to another customer.
I designed a generic table where for example:
Contracts.Capital DECIMAL(7,2)
in a loan contract it holds the pawn principal amount, in a purchase holds the purchase price, in a sale holds sale price.
Is this design a good idea or should I keep them separate?
Your table second design is better, and, is "normalised".
You first design was the denormalised one!
You are basiclly following a database design/modelling pattern known as "subtype/supertype"
for dealing with things like transactions where there is a lot of common data and some data specific to each tranasaction type.
There are two accepted ways to model this. If the the variable data is minimal you hold everthing in a single table with the transaction type specfic attributes held in "nullable" columns. (Which is essentially your case and you have done the correct thing!).
The other case is where the "uncommon" data varies wildly depending on transaction type in which case you have a table which holds all the "common" attributes, and a table for each type which holds the "uncommon" attributes for that "type".
However while "LOAN", "PURCHASE" and "SALE" are valid as transactions. I think Inventory is a different entity and should have a table on its own. Essentially "LOAN" wll add to inventory transaction, "PURCHASE" wll change of inventory status to Saleable and "SALE" wll remove the item from inventory (or change status to sold). Once an item is added to inventory only its status should change (its still a widget, violin or whatever).
I would argue that it's not denormalized. I see no repeating groups; all attributes depending on a unique primary key. Sounds like a good design to me.
Is there a question here? Are you just looking for confirmation that it's acceptable?
Hypothetically, what would you do if the overwhelming consensus was that you should revert back to separate tables for each type? Would you ignore the evidence from your own experience (better performance, simpler programming) and follow the advice of Stackoverflow.com?