serverPollTimeout configuration for HttpPollingDuplex - silverlight-4.0

I am writing card game using Silverlight and HttpPollingDuplex.
I have 4 seperate http duplex services, which can be called from my game (silverlight client)
1. ChatService
2. AuthService
3. LobbyService
4. GameService
After I host the game under IIS 7.5 I note with Fiddler that Silverlight client do polling requests sequentially, and my application become very slow, because for example for getting message from chat service client have to wait until other services polling will be finished. Than I changed serverPollTimeout for services to finish pollings faster, now my game works faster, but do continues requests to services sequentially. so the question is
Is it possible to create client proxy or configure client to do polling queries parallel in case of more than one polling service? and if not is changing serverPollTimeout good practice in my case? or what will be the best configuration for me?
Creating proxy and calling service methods in separate thread doesn't help :(
Thanks a lot!

Here is my workout if someone has the same problem
There is a limit to how many HTTP connections Silverlight can use in the browser, If all the services live on the same host://name:port, there should be only one onging polling connection to it, no matter how many services are hosted there.
I created sub domains for each service, which solves the problem

Another solutions is set created instance as a static property.


WCF performance: Having multiple instances (separate websites) in IIS of same service make sense?

In order to improve performance* of a WCF service, one of the following can be done:
Use WCF inbuilt features (throttling etc)
Install multiple instances (separate websites in IIS) of the same service in the same machine.
I understand that these things are better tested than discussed but just wanted to get an opinion if someone has already tried both these approaches.
This service uses InstanceMode.PerSession and ConcurrencyMode.Multiple
Performance: This service handles data (MTOM encoded). There should not be any timeouts since clients will make synchronous calls to this service.
No, multiple endpoints from a single service won't help, as you describe it.
Yes, you can have a running WCF in IIS with multiple endpoints, but the same service is processing the requests whether they come into endpoints 1, 2, 3 or n. And since WCF requests are processed on their own threads, there's no benefit to adding extra end points.
Think of it this way: 10 requests come into a WCF service. Each request is processed on its own thread whether there are 10 endpoints or just 1. So there's no speed advantage gained by adding endpoints.
I've spent 2 years building industrial-scale WCF services. If you're worried about performance, the WCF service is the least of your worries. I've load tested a WCF service, sending 1000 concurrent users (each uploading multiple 157kb files) at a medium size (4 core) server; the server barely breaks a sweat while uploading 160 files/second.
If you're planning to build huge web service, the way to spread out the processing load is to have 1-n WCF web services fronted by a load balancer like F5. Then you can scale up to Amazon.Com size if you like.

closing WCF proxy

I have always followed the guidance of try/Close/catch/Abort when it comes to a WCF proxy. I am facing a code base now that creates proxies in MVC controllers and just lets them go out of scope. I'm arguing the case that we need to edit the code base to use try/Close/catch/Abort but there is resistance.
Does anyone know a metric (e.g. perfmon) I can capture to illustrate the problem/benefit. Or a definitive reference that spells out the problem/benefit no one can dispute?
You can create a sample application to mimic the problem. Though I haven't tried you can try this,
Create a simple service and limit the maxConcurrentCalls and maxConcurrentSessions to 5.
Create a client application and in that, call the service method without closing the connection.
Fire up 6 or more clients
See what happens when you open a new connection from a client. Probably the client will wait for certain time and you get some exception.
If the client don't close the connection properly, the connection will still remain open in the service so what happens if 1000s of client connected to the service at a time and leave their connections open? The service has a limitation that it could server 'n' connections at a time and because of that the service can't handle any new requests from clients and that's why closing connections are very important.
I think you are aware about the using problem in WCF service. In my applications I close the WCF connections using an extension method as said in this thread.
Have you tried a simple 'netstat -N' from the command prompt both on server and client? Yoy are likely to see a lot of waiting/pending connections which might exhaust your server resources for no reason.

How to force startup of WCF service

I have an IIS hosted WCF service, and a client Windows application which, upon the first use of the day, takes a while to respond to the first service call. I believe this to be because IIS shuts down services which are not used for a period of time (and the delay is the restart time for the service). I was wondering whether I could alleviate this by making an asynch call when my application starts up (just to, potentially, get the service to start). I therefore, upon application start, created a "fire and forget" background thread which just opens a connection to the service. The intention being that when my application has finished its own startup, and wants to use the WCF service, the thread will (probably) have finished and the service startup delay will not be encountered by the user.
Is this reasonable ? Is opening a channel to the WCF service enough, on its own, to start the service, or do I need to write some dummy method and call that ?
Check if you really want your app to handle this task and checkout the AppWarm-Up Module for IIS, maybe you can use this without adding code to your serivce.
Is this reasonable ?
It doesn't sound like a good approach to me. If you have control over how the service is hosted I would advise you to self-host it.

Issues with WCF (net.tcp) hosted in IIS 7.5

I built a application with 5 wcf services and hosted them in IIS 7.5. I used the default configuration for the net.Tcp port (808*).
I am not used to host WCF services in IIS (I always hosted in Windows Services) and I found interesting that when I call the service (using tcp binding) I got two different process on the server.
One is SMSvcHost.exe (the one that is actually using the 808 port) and the other is w3wp.exe wich I think is handling a instance of the server I am calling.
I have a lot of questions so I will enumerate them:
Should I use IIS instead of Windows Service to host WCF Services (tcp binding) ?
The fact that I have two processes to answer my request means that I may have cpu impacts ?
Sometimes my services stop answering using the tcp binding. I got a timeout error on my clients but the mex is correctly answering if I go to the http://myServer/Service1.svc. I suspect that this problem is caused by fault connections but I am throwing exceptions correctly (using fault exceptions) and catching them correctly on my clients. Besides, I am also implementing a partial class for every service to dispose corretly (either using Close or Abort methods). Is there any way to figure out what's going on when the services stop answering ?
Shouldn't the w3wp.exe processes be closed after the client ends the request ? They remain on the Task Manager even when no one is using the services. I guess this is the reason of why my Entity Library logging locks the file after my request is completed.
Ideally it would be better hosted in Windows Activation Services (WAS) which is close to what you think of as IIS, but not quite. Here's a good introductory article on MSDN magazine:

Improving performance of WCF services working with real time data

In my application I need to push notifications of real time events from server to clients. The amount of data to pass is very small, mostly and Id. The number of clients listening simultaneously can be around 100 and I may have to publish one notification every 2 - 3 seconds. Both the server and client are built using .Net and WCF.
Given these requirements I have built a set of WCF services which will be run on a load balanced server cluster. The Instance context mode is Per Call and there is no need for sessions etc.
I am currently using BasicHttpBinding. Will TCP binding be better? Does it run on IIS 5 or 6? If not why?
What configuration for serialization can work best?
What are the things I need to do to make sure I get maximum performance?
Edit - Adding more information based on some of the responses -
I host a small WCF service in the client process using manual hosting. The server just calls this service on each client to push the data to all of them.
Firstly have you considered using messaging for what you are trying to achieve?
In answer to will TCP binding work better than BasicHttpBinding- almost certainly yes. If you want to use TCP, you can't use IIS- look into WAS with Windows Server 2008. If you're stuck with Windows Server 2003, then you'll have to host in a windows service instead.
You've made a good choice by choosing per call- this is the preferred instance management mode for creating scalable WCF services.
Now you've update your question, I recommend you take a look at IDesign's Pub/Sub framework if you want to stick with WCF. I'd also look at Pub/Sub with MSMQ in WCF and also with "Vanilla" products such as Tibco RV.
If you need pushing data from service to clients you need sessions and you need duplex binding - NetTcpBinding or WSDualHttpBinding. It will not work with BasicHttpBinding because it allows only pulling data (client pools the service for changes). Push data means tha service sends data to clients when needed.
NetTcpBinding always crete session. It can't be hosted in IIS 6 or older. NetTcpBinding is allowed only in Windows Activation Service (WAS) which is extension of IIS 7.x. For older systems you need self hosting = windows service.
Based on your description you need Publish-Subscribe message exchange pattern.